Christopher Rudy
The Internet has given the world a
holistic healing opportunity as world-changing as the printing press
that brought
vision of
-- free online personalized health care for
loved ones -- has awakened global Netizens to the opportunity for
systemic global healing with
Universal Self
So please read the
following article, forwarding it to all who truly care about optimal
health in their family, their nation and the world-at-large. 'Dr. Christopher'
Integrated Holistic-Health Services Over the last 40 years, I've been in the trenches discovering the full meaning of integrated holistic health services. That experience includes developing four holistic health centers, and pioneering quantum medicine in 1991.
For the last eight years, I've hosted BBS Radio's
Cosmic LOVE,
interviewing guests who have accomplished far more in holistic healing
than myself...
publishing their accomplishments on my
Heartcom Network
blog with 2015 emphasis on the
systemic paradigm shift to
global holistic
We live
in a time of epic change in all our social, political and economic
institutions, and no institution has more to do with our well-being than
freedom is the core of all other freedoms because if you don’t own your
own health choices, you’ve lost your core right to life itself. If you
are pro-life for your own life, the greatest power you have is to
optimize holistic health for preventing or curing disease. In 1900, 1 in 33 Americans had cancer. In 1926, cancer had become the 10th most common cause of death in children. Today cancer is the first cause of death in children – before accidents. And if you know why, you see how economics and politics became far more complex than the science of prevention and cure. For the public good? Or for the power-expanding collusion of big government with big business to profit from big public disease because there’s no big money in public health? Holistic integrated public health wants to be free, or at least a non-profit service. 35 years ago, hospitals were mostly non-profit organizations, but since then, almost all have been privatized for profit, a conflict of interest with incentives for treating disease versus preventing it.
is by far the biggest money-maker for the medical-industrial complex,
and that industry is thriving in the
sense may be uncommon but Wall Street’s profiting at the expense of
there are powerful people in business
World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on
This two-year
independent French study showed that
study came out in 2012, and since then, many European countries as well
as You don’t get cancer with a strong immune system, and the genetic toxins in vaccines and in GMO’s both weaken the immune system as do toxic chemical drugs in general.
Conventional therapies for cancer are notorious for wiping out the
immune system, but they are more than a half trillion dollar industry
for Big Pharma, so don’t expect a change overnight. Same as Big
Agriculture with GMO’s and glyphosate. There’s no money in permaculture
for Big Ag, just as there’s no money in disease prevention for Big
It’s a
racket, and those who “pay the piper” call the tune. Big Media’s biggest
accounts are Big Pharma, Big Ag and chemical-laced junk food companies.
That’s why their link to cancer is never exposed in the mainstream
‘bought off’ media.
However, change to integrated holistic-health services may come sooner
than you think. The Internet has opened the floodgates of knowledge
power with holistic healing self-help support groups for virtually all
diseases. Free online ‘Universal
Self Care’ capabilities are going global.
modern “printing press” (Internet)
worldwide are going online to discover holistic healing alternatives
that far surpass conventional medicine’s drug-based approach.
than 3 million people saw the recent online documentary series on the
cause and cure for cancer called
The Truth About
an 11-day
goes after people using natural cures, yet openly admit on their website
that their approved drugs kill over 100,000 people a year.
is nothing more appalling than having our government stand in the way of
natural cures that can save your life. They stand in the way of
alternatives even though we have a system in which 86% of oncologists
would not give their drugs to themselves or their families if they got
cancer, yet they are giving them to their patients. Or as one MD
admitted, “Criminal,” because, “we are pushing
profits every day.”
treat tumors by surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. The tumor was never
the cause of cancer in the first place, but only a symptom of a sick
body. It’s like treating a cold by cutting the nose off.
causes cancer to spread—proven. These drugs are listed on label as
‘carcinogenic’! 5 years after the finish of chemo treatment, the
survival rate is only 2% in
will be
alive in five years. ‘This is horrific.’ Chemo drugs hasten death. (
no one in
Chemotherapy damages the brain, liver and kidneys. Chemotherapy causes
systemic damage, which then doesn’t allow the body to heal.
Mammograms can cause cancer, not just with the radiation, but by
squeezing of the breast that can spread cancer. Thermography and
ultrasound are the way to go.
don’t get sick because they get cancer; they are already sick and then
cancer appears, so poisoning the body with radiation gets little if any
results. The cancer is not the problem; it is a symptom of a sick body. Tumors in the body are like garbage in your kitchen. To stop having garbage you must change what you are doing to produce it.
By 2020
the medical profession will be responsible for 50% of cancers – from
X-ray and drugs. ‘Staggering. (
(i.e. MDs): ‘We have a license to kill.’ – ‘Our system is designed to
create chronic disease, Medicare subsidies for Big Pharma, etc.’
Recently on my
March 21st Cosmic LOVE talk show, I
interviewed a naturopathic doctor that has worked with 30,000+ cancer
patients and is now getting a 97% cure rate, even with people in
hospice. But you won’t hear about that on CBS News or the other
mainstream media drug pushers that make a killing, literally, on their
fraction of the action promoting drugs for whatever ails you.
Yes, I
confess, I’m a medical heretic.
I know
too much to go along with pervasive food and drug conventions that are
destroying public health in the name of caring for public health.
who have the privilege to know
genetic material for future generations is rapidly degenerating under
the onslaught of toxic genetic poisons, mutating offspring for
There is no future for The VISION of Global TeLeCare sets the course for Global TeLeComm in general - a TLC rEVOLUTION at the heart of all our social, political and economic institutions.So, for your well-being and that of generations to come, hold the VISION of an optimal future while conscientious with your diet and self-care disciplines!
Optimal Health Be ![]() |
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Disclaimer: I'm not making medical claims for healing cancer or other serious ills that mainstream medicine has claimed their exclusive right to heal. What I'm saying is that the body naturally heals itself when you create a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual environment for healing to thrive. ~CR |