Serving your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical Wholness
BioEnergetic Profile via the Cosmic Clock
* Note:
The "keys to the kingdom" are coded in the anagram for
"KING-DOM”: “Keys
to the INternalization
of God" with
the "code to the code" being the anagram for "GOD"
whereby one takes DOMinion
of their DOMain.
The three wise men were no dummies; they were “KING”
astrologers in the Mid-East kingDOM.
” They applied the same Cosmic Clock
“Language of the Angles of G.O.D.” to
become wise enough to KNOW the Christ was inbound… and discover where to
find this Great Soul in honor of the Great Spirit lighting the path for all
souls. Takes one sovereign KING
to know one; too discover the same “Cosmic Christ” (KINGdom
conscience) principles that govern all sovereign Netizens. Can you do
no less for your SELF?
$129 for this “PROCESS” of
understanding thy Self – your real Self
as a free agent according to the universe of cosmic energy coordinates that
are holographicly programmed into you DNA and psyche. Even if you are only
utilizing 1/10th your brain capacity (running on empty), you can
still discover how your life experience has compared to the natal chart
report to see if this “kingdom of heaven within” stuff is
actually true. Heaven knows it is! But until you experience this truth
fully – and become more conscious of HOW you are conscious according to the
angel of your better nature – you can’t give what you don’t have. That’s
why this “Cosmic Clock” model for framing your “cosmic connection” is
priceless. It provides accelerated learning – soul growth -- to the extent
you accelerate your application of these COSMIC
principles for expanded awareness of HOW you are conscious.
NOTE: For more order information and a more in-depth “higher
conscience” overview of this PROCESS that involves and evolves a COSMIC LOVE
frame of reference for spirit-soul-evolution…
/ Profile of Self-Mastery
For $33 dollars I’ll e-mail you 33 links with 33 chapters of “THE BOOK OF
that I’ve referenced in part on such “master links” as
The LOVE Model,
Blueprint For
A Golden Age, and
The Legacy Project.
For those who order now, I’ll include a free self-assessment profiling
toolkit that provides the same holographic decoding – for psychology – that
the Cosmic Clock provides for spirituality.
Just as the BOOK OF LOVE is a work IN PROCESS, so is your life. That’s why
I’m offering this COSMIC LOVE code book and self-assessment profiling system
as part of a “tool kit” for writing your own BOOK OF LOVE – a “life-review”
exercise that takes “journal writing” to a higher level of insightful
framing of your life experience.
This Profile of Self Mastery educates the obvious – your mental discernment
of HOW you are conscious – rather than investigate the “less logical” (more
obscure) connections to cosmic energies as with the Cosmic Clock profile.
If you favor your own higher mental discernment as a more objective path to
“self-elevation” (salvation) for your soul’s evolutionary ascent… you will
love this Profile of Self-Mastery as a tool for organizing the “Table of
Contents” (cosmic law frame of reference) for YOUR BOOK OF LOVE.
If you want to PROVE the holographic nature of cosmic law to your own mind,
this self-assessment “Profile of Self Mastery” is a priceless tool for
taking inventory of your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical
attributes and then totaling them on the “Circle of Wholeness” chart that
comes with this self-assessment “tool kit”. This is the same frame of
reference used with the Cosmic Clock for understanding bio-energetics
according to holographic-universal “archetypes”.
The difference with this unique self-psyche assessment is that you do it
yourself by answering questions that reference the core archetypes of
“wholeness” which Carl Jung pioneered at the foundation of Modern
Psychology. This is a process for organizing all information about your
spiritual, mental, emotional and physical attributes as only you know.
Indeed, no one sees YOU like you do. This is not a “test” unless you have a
block against self-knowledge for self mastery. There is no “pass” or
“fail”. Obviously you can’t give to others what you don’t already have for
yourself. And what goes around, comes around on the “Circle of Wholeness” –
your relationship with yourself as relates to your relationship with others
and “ALL THAT IS”.
The LOVE you get is equal to the LOVE you give in the cosmic scheme of
things. LOVE is the “cosmic standard” (universal law) whereby
accountability and the “ability to respond” (responsibility) is measured.
This is the measure of “equal opportunity” whereby we ultimately judge
ourselves. That’s why YOUR BOOK OF LOVE gives to your Self the mastery
tools that lead to a fully conscious “life review”.
Given your self-determination to make the most out of your life, the same
PROCESS that blesses your “review” can bless you with a “preview” – the
highest and best application of your gifts and talents.
This PROCESS -- defining, refining, combining (synergizing) and “shining”
conscious “light” on your whole mind, healthy spirit and highest service --
begins by understanding your developed and undeveloped areas of
self-mastery. There is no weaknesses – just undeveloped areas – that are
half-overcome simply by knowing how you can bring them into BALANCE. The
rest is up to you – this is a do-it-yourself process.
This research has proven how
different frequencies from the water we consume can have a profound effect
on the bionergetics and cellular memory of the entire body. It also proves
the power of prayer, music and the holy spirit of love in our lives.
Over the last 20 years with 3
holistic health centers, I’ve worked with
numerous water supplements that have different effects ranging from alkaline
PH to mineral free absorption capabilities. I’ve also had experience with
ionic mineral additives for water and natural surfactants that improve the
surface tension “solvency” factor that makes water “wetter” (for better
absorption of nutrients).
All of these factors have their place in a comprehensive holistic approach
in healing but the most astounding results I’ve seen is with “bioenergy”
water that carries those frequencies that correspond to the “violet flame”.
Anchoring that frequency in a stable state – and consuming it over a 3 month
period -- has a profound effect on the bioenergetic terrain of the body.
Modern microscopy has revealed that the biological terrain of the body has a
vast number of microorganisms of a parasitic nature that range from fungal
and bacterial to viral. We all have them and some have them more than
others. As the immune system of the body is compromised with aging or
stress factors, they naturally flourish. Pasteur admitted on his death bed
that it is not the “bugs” that are the core problem but the body terrain in
which they thrive.
The “violet flame” is a frequency that many acupuncturists and energy
healers know as 3 octaves of B Flat below C. Those with 2nd
sight see it in the auras of those filled with the holy spirit. It has
extraordinary healing properties that can be utilized with color therapy,
amethyst crystals, and water infused with this frequency.
Stabilizing that frequency in water – and drinking it steadily over a three
month period – has a unique effect on the bioenergetic terrain of the body.
This frequency causes a hibernation sleep-state in pathological parasites
whereby they don’t reproduce and die off. I call it “parasite paralysis”.
This frequency is not conducive to the growth of fungi, bacteria or viruses
in the body.
Slowly but surely, this bioenergy water cleans up a pathological biological
terrain that drains the body of healthy energy. Rather than a pathological
“energy in motion” flourishing in one’s bioenergetic terrain, this bioenergy
water reboots the crystal nature of the “water body” (emotional body” with a
holy spirit whereby healthy cells, tissues and organs can thrive.
The cleansing effect is not fast or traumatic and does not overload the
lymphatic system with dead microorganisms. I don’t make any health claims
but I actually worked for three months in the lab where this water is
created and have talked with numerous healers who have worked with many
clients using this water for many years.
My own personal experience with this water was quite dramatic. After a
stressful divorce and loss of my house and family – my emotional support
system -- I was an emotional wreck, overweight and with a lot of grey in my
aura (pre-cancerous). After two months of steady consumption of 2-3 glasses
of this water each day, I began coughing up lymphatic phlegm – microorganism
die-off -- steadily over the next month. I naturally lost about 20 pounds
and my energy levels increased with a greater sense of emotional
well-being. My life got back on track with a clearer mind and spiritual
I can’t make any health claims of course, but I know how important water is
in general and this bioenergy water in particular. It also has a silver
component (1-3 parts per million) with certain anti-microbial effects that
are well-documented. (silver water).
A five gallon jug is $149 dollars at this greatly discounted bulk price.
Shipping in the U.S. averages approximately $30 dollars for UPS ground. I
also recommend a large 500 capsule bottle of high potency enzymes for better
digesting your food during this three month period. Cost for a bottle is an
additional $49 dollars. This will help to “starve” pathological parasites;
no undigested trapped plasma proteins for them to live off of. Enzymes also
help to digest the “crap” out of your intercellular biological terrain,
including the toxic wastes that systemic microbial infestation excretes into
the body.
Chronic fatigue is a typical symptom of a parasitic biological terrain.
Clean up the bioenergetic terrain and the body naturally heals itself with
more energy of healthy immunity and more joy of a “holy spirit” nature.
For ordering, e-mail geonotes@mcn for details.
Nature’s Most Perfect Whole Food Nutrient Concentrate
Details at
*HOLISTIC HEALTH: Your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical Wholeness
that is greater than the sum of the parts.
To Your Holistic Health,
GeoNotes News
HEARTcom Press © 2007