Ascension Intention
Paradigm Paralysis
The Current Conundrum
Note the HUGE
distinction between
To quote Glen Greenwald: |
The 2nd
video combines truth and humor;
Brother Nathanial on the Deep State:
See also these short videos by Brother Nathanial Kapner:
- If Putin's a Killer, America's a
- Trump Fights Israel's War on Iran
The UN Teaches Israel The Law
Exposing Zionist Christians
and the latest (March 12):
America's Two Minutes of Hate
It’s amazing
how many people are unaware that we are in
a revolution of truth-telling and consciousness-raising that
agitates dimwit 'DUH' (Dense,
Unconscious &
President Donald Trump just took a major swing at former
President Barack Obama, and he did so with a little help
from Julian Assange and beloved Wikileaks researchers.
The latest release of a massive trove of apparently genuine documents originating with the Central Intelligence Agency comes as Donald Trump's grudge match with the Deep State and its Mainstream Media (MSM) allies was already reaching the boiling point. It will now get even hotter, if that's possible. |
Published March 6, 2017
Dr. Steve Pieczenik on
restoring the American Republic
The following video is the most important history lesson
I've seen on the cause and core CRISIS now facing the
U.S. and world-at-large.
So what has President Trump done since elected?
1- He has appointed top Zionist banksters to his administration.
2- He's appointed hard-core Mideast war generals to top posts.
3- He's using the Zionist media to orchestrate an agenda of war.
What could go wrong?
If this is the policy Trump wants to show the world,
he's making the U.S. an enemy of global civilization.
Enlightened United
Sovereigns of Earth want
adherence to the non-aggression principle.
Intention for Attention on 'Ascension'
(Evolution Revolution Revelations)
3- Paradigm Paralysis is 'Purging';
Disturbing the Deep State of DUH
(Dense, Unconscious & Heartless)
4- Worldwide
is 'Emerging';
Social Networking with a 'Heart'
(Heartware CyberEthics)
5- Global Net Realty is 'Urging'...
Vision, Virtue and Valor for the
Victory of 'United Sovereigns'
Culturing the
Currency of Conscience
for the next Economics of Abundance
based on the value of virtue rather than
the oxymoronic value of
scarcity (debt)
and the system of scarcity economics
that is failing due to the abundance of
social conscience in social networks.
Weaving the fabric of our
Net reality
- our five core Internet freedoms -
with the
standard for TLC"
(Tender Loving
at the heart of global cyberEthics;
the heartware model for
Web 3.0.
The new 'Currency'
for the
'Next Economy'
Universal 'Language
of the Angels'
at the Heart of "Law of the Angles"
(Geometric Ordered Divinity)
pure intention, focused attention,
retention for ascension
in a conscientious dimension of
common-unity comprehension.
Culturing Planetary Enlightenment
With the Currency of Conscience
for the Next Economy Based On
Abundant-Engaged Conscience
of United Sovereigns
of Earth.
Freedom to know better
- well informed choice -
at the heart of
opportunity to do better
Intention for our Ascension
Forward Freely!
If enough of us pass it on with a message to
pay it forward
network freely, then over
the next year there may be
sufficient intention to focus attention
retention for
ascension in an enlightened dimension of 'US'
Sovereigns of Earth
Full Spectrum Enlightenment with the
Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age
all your strength, mind, heart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.
even as you support your own holistic health
with UltraMedics Services.
'Dr. Christopher'