Easter Brings Global Resurrection
The Internet has united 'US'
- the Family of Mankind -
in a global village of
‘all-connected’ Net reality.
"Global Spring" is upon us, at least in the Northern Hemisphere.
Dormant life is
stirring to burst out of the ground for a season of growth. And a new
global civilization is stirring to burst out of the dirt of public
insurrection over fake news, a
bankrupt economy, a sick health care system, and disingenuous Fed government that
talks on behalf of the public but too often acts on behalf of a corrupt
media agenda
for control OVER the public rather than
"of, by and for the people".
It's true that MSNBC is owned by Bill
Gates; the 'MS' in MSNBC is MicroSoft. Likewise is Amazon's owner, Jeff
Bezos, the owner of the Washington Post, a major source of fake news.
Both have a 'population control' agenda through public media control of
what we think. Bill Gates has gone further with population control through
'philanthropy' that funds 'free vaccines' in 3rd world countries as
in Africa where it is well documented that
Hepatitis B vaccines with live AIDS virus decimated the population
by millions.
Of course you'll never hear about that on MSNBC or CNN or even CBS. As
with the New York Times, they're all involved with the cover-up (fake
news), just as the
9-11 cover-up
[video] of the controlled demolition of THREE
World Trade Center buildings on the same day. The propagation of fake news for mind
control and population reduction is a systemic problem.
Fluoridated water
is poisoning public drinking water nationwide, causing docility as well
as cancer. GMOs are
tearing up the guts of Americans (leaky-bowl syndrome) causing toxemia,
immune failure and all kinds of disease.
Chemtrails are
lacing the air we breath with no media coverage. And the fake news
media tells us that vaccines are safe while the Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund has
paid out $3 billion dollars for
vaccine injuries.
Resurrection Means Disclosure and Reconciliation Truth and
reconciliation this Easter season is going global. Billions of global
Netizens are now networking for the Net worth of Net reality that
exposes the 'Big Lie' (fakery propaganda) and the 'Whole Truth'... that
social conscience is being resurrected in social networks for the
judgment of power elite polices that are morally bankrupt. Disruption of
corruption is surging and there is a purging of fake news as the light
of social conscience challenges the 'stinking thinking' (paradigm
paralysis) that is 'Stuck In Negativity'.
In numerous
articles, I've explained how the progression of the
computer/Internet revolution has naturally evolved with conscientious
common sense as fulfills the pure intent of Thomas Paine's COMMON SENSE
that sparked the American Revolution.
"The cause of
America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.
We have it in our
power to begin the world over again." ~ Thomas
Paine, Common Sense, 1776
The emerging 'unity consciousness'
(common sense) in the Global Mind is the resurrection of social
conscience that leads to ascension of systemic civility for the Family
of Mankind.
The Second
Coming of Christ-like Conscience
in the Global Mind is the nature of Ascension.
You'll never hear about this on the CNN
"Crap News Network' or any of the other faux news channels that still
act like they can program us with half-truths and lies that are
so BIG and so bold and so often told that fewer and fewer people believe them.
The jig is up and their time is short
because their deception is self-evident to enlightened Netizens
I'm optimistic
because I know
how good things could be,
and how to make it so!
Mark my words, Easter Resurrection this
April will be the initiation of a global revolution in higher
consciousness. We will see power struggles and the struggle of
enlightened wisdom to assert worldwide
of an unprecedented nature. But fake news sites won’t report it.
The Alpha and
Omega of
Global Holistic Healing
In my previous article, 'State
of the Union Versus Divisiveness', I explained how Global TeLeComm with Global TeLeCare will reboot, reinvent or otherwise
'resurrect' global holistic healing... and could do so very quickly.
"Whatever you
can do,
or dream you can,
begin it!
Boldness has genius, power,
and magic
in it."
~ Goethe
Long-established psychology research has
found that the greatest fear of most people is self-disclosure - as in
public speaking or otherwise being 'naked' in a crowd of people. So in the name of liberating myself from that fear, I've made a long
career of public speaking and publishing in newspapers, magazines,
newsgroups and hundreds of websites - the
Heartcom Network. I've been unabashedly bold to champion a
vision - On the Path of God
and Country - that led me to speaking to 10 agencies of government
on Capital Hill back in
1974. Over the last 43 years I've been back to the drawing board thousands of
times developing what is now "Web
3.0 cyberEthics" (Global TeLeComm) - the Alpha thrust
for a golden age purpose. Meanwhile I raised a family of 4 children
while developing 4
holistic health centers and pioneering
quantum medicine in
1991 - the genesis of Global TeLeCare. The 'Alpha thrust' is the spirit that matters - pure
intention to come up higher with a 'TLC upgrade' of our
Five Core
Internet Freedoms. All our problems are indeed communication
problems - how we come-into-unity for REAL community as unity in
diversity with divisive disconnect neutralized by heart coherence standards for
Net reality. The 'Omega return' is the true test of TLC spirituality which is holistic healing practicality - the 'TLC' of Global
that provides empirical holistic healing standards for the analysis,
management and treatment of all disease. Of course, neither of these
Alpha-to-Omega initiatives for global
wholEness have caught on or we would already be in a golden age.
Systemic change takes time. But time is of the essence, and I'm pulling
out all the stops, still trying to overcome my fear of FULL DISCLOSURE.
You might say I had an 'identity crisis'
back then - my Easter 1976 'selfie' with my egg head in my egg chair. I was 'aHEAD' of my time, acting out with body art long
before it was fashionable. Fear of FULL DISCLOSURE - the path to a golden age - is the major block
to manifesting it. But the whole truth only wants the freedom to find
expression with death of paradigm paralysis and resurrection through
paradigm shift. This is bigger than me.
Universal rights
are going global in the public sphere - the Internet commons - and a new
Common Sense is emerging with TLC-
capabilities. I'm just the messenger, and with very limited capabilities. My own full
disclosure story has rarely been told - how I was brain damaged with a
severe skull fracture and concussion as a teenager. At least I have an
excuse! Thanks to the neural-plasticity of the brain and
Pollen Extract consumed for decades, I may not learn fast but I learn well - reinventing
myself many times with new ways of publishing the 'Good
News'... the resurrection and ascension of planetary civilization on
Earth as in Cosmos-at-large. This has been my intention for almost 10 years of radio shows on Cosmic
BBS Radio. Saturday's show
sums it up. This is a very important time for cultural creatives whose
sphere of influence is the 20% who do 80% of the networking. My hope is that
my bold efforts to raise the standard of general enlightenment will give
inspiration to those who are a lot smarter than me for mainstreaming 'TLC' in our ubiquitous social networks.
One in G.O.D.~TLC is a majority.
For the vision of virtue and
valor for the victory of