Part One of
Global Challenge - THE
Compendium by Christopher L. Rudy
"People willing to trade freedom for security Medical Martial Law wants to be the 'new normal', but cracks in the 'dam' (tyranny) are appearing.
Most U.S. States are removing the 'mask mandate', but leave
enforcement to local health departments who claim emergency powers
to lock down social life even though the emergency is over.
CDC Changes Its Tune
On Masks, The CDC announced this week that people who have been fully vaccinated can now get their freedoms back, and even go outside without masks on. This is an egregious form of extortion - gross abuse of power that has gone too far for too long. Meanwhile the Big Pharma embedded mainstream media continues to obfuscate and propagandize over vaccine safety - never reporting that the CDC refuses to run a health outcomes study comparing vax versus unvaxed children.
There have been plenty of independent studies showing that
vaccine-free children advance mentally sooner, get sick less often,
recover quicker, have far less auto-immune disease, virtually no
autism, etc., compared to vaccinated children.
What parent would vaccinate their child if they knew this? The Big
Lie of vaccine safety is so BIG and so bold and
so often told in Big Media that many people believe the lie and end
up harming their children for life.
There's a groundswell of outrage across America and the world, and
Big Media is doubling down on deception and censorship to suppress
resentment and revenge. This does NOT end well for pharmacidal child
abuse on a scale comparible to global child trafficking.
If you finish reading this article, you'll see that the
justification for masking, lockdowns and vaccines is also
based on a plethora of lies that have destroyed half the
small businesses in America, causing extreme hardship for
millions suffering a far worse dis-ease
with increasing crime, divorce,
bankruptcy, suicide, drug and alcohol addiction, school
dropouts, spousal abuse, mental illness and more.
The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis:
Destroying Civil Society On Purpose - Engineered Economic Depression - Global Coup d'Etat and 'Great Reset' April 27 , 2021 / Prof Michel Chossudovsky Has it been worth it - the loss of freedom to congregate, sing, dance and enjoy public events? Ben Franklin once said that, "People willing to trade freedom for security deserve neither and will lose both." Looks like we're heading down that slippery slope. Every since 9-11, the Security State has been rapidly eroding core Constitutional freedoms in the name of foreign terror security - and now - domestic bioterror security. This last year has been an abject disaster for sovereignty at the most basic level of personal health. And who profits? The Big Tech / Big Pharma / Big Brother Security State. The new global security-industrial complex. The global lockdown has been very profitable for the Deep State corporatocracy. They made out like bandits - more like robber-barons - forcing people on-line with eyeballs on more of their ads, products and services - like Google and Amazon - for ordering food and other necessities. Their worldwide disaster profiteering has given them even more power and hubris to take this lockdown to the next level.
As far as Deep State technocrats are concerned,
Get my drift? Tyranny is a new profit center for the
corporatocracy. They profit from our acquiescence to
tyranny - the boiling frog syndrome - also known as the Gramsci
method of Communism through gradualism... so we never see it
How is it that US labs cannot find
even a single
Talk about WORLD-CLASS FRAUD, where is the scientific proof that
this 'China virus' or 'Covid-19' has been actually isolated
according to the four science criteria for disease causation -
Koch's postulates - established since 1884?
Meet the Medical CIA So how does the popular Covid PCR test work if the Covid-19 virus has never been isolated? It doesn't. The Nobel prize-winning creator of that test said it should NEVER be used for diagnosis. He conveniently died right before the plandemic.
The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed:
Estimates of "Positive Cases" are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis April 30, 2021 / Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Dr. Tony Fauci, in his July 16, 2020, podcast, 'This Week In
Virology', makes a point of saying the PCR COVID test is
useless and misleading when the test is run at '35 cycles or
higher' (in a centrifuge). Above that, the test is fatally
flawed, giving rise to hugely inflated and false case numbers,
which in turn leads to the unnecessary and brutal lockdowns.
But now that Trump is gone, the Big Pharma embedded FDA has
changed course, recommending the PCR test should only be run up
to 35 cycles. So now we see the 'Biden miracle' with phantom virus cases
suddenly down 77% just two months after he was elected.
Update On The Escalating Harm
Caused By Covid Vaccines April 29, 2021 / Chuck Baldwin It's gotten to a point where the only people who are not aware of the escalating harmful effects caused by the Covid vaccines are people who don't want to be aware. Yet the evidence is overwhelming that much harm is being caused. ![]()
When genetic
scientists decided to recklessly meddle with the human immune
system, the aftermath of the first round of gene therapy jabs
guaranteed only one thing: ongoing direct access to humans for an
unending series of additional gene therapy shots. For those who died
as a result, no apologies from the mad scientists will be
Technocracy's Coup d'Etat Exposed for the Net worth of Net reality that is free and open.
Forward Freely, |
"The cause of America is in a great measure
the cause of all mankind. We have it in
power to begin the world over again."
~ Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776