2025 Global rEVOLUTION Series

Open Letter to Netizens Worldwide:

Jan 13, 2025 / Full Moon

Published Jan 14th on Substack:

With Trump's Presidential Inauguration
 on the 20th - plus RFK Jr. on board -
now is a time of great expectation
for justice, truth, and hopefully,
reconciliation on all levels.

Thanks to the Internet’s Great Awakening of
Netizens worldwide, local communities
everywhere are getting a grip on a
truth and reconciliation process
regarding mass pharmacide
and local complicity by
 our health officials.

Pharmacidal Fauci may get a pardon
from obtuse Biden, but real harm
has been done worldwide.

Justice and reconciliation begins with
the Truth, the WHOLE Truth, and

By God’s Grace, It’s About Time!
Shift Happens:)


Open Letter to Park County Commissioners

Meeting: Tuesday Jan 14th, 5:30 at the Courthouse

via Dr. Desnick, Park County Health Officer

Note from CR: Apparently she felt threatened
- as if she were the victim, not us -
and called upon the County Sheriff after the
following email was sent to many interested
participants or just observers of this critical 
issue of
authorizing quarantine powers to
our Health Department... as was also done
right before the last plandemic.

The email's content is graphically formatted below:

Order of Isolation and Quarantine - Do Not Consent

To Park County Commissioners (Karrie Kahle, Melissa Nootz,
Quentin Schwarz, Torrey Lyons, James Willich, Mike Story,
Bryan Wells, Jennifer Vermillion), and others on my list.

Do Not Consent to Health Tyranny
Host of Cosmic podcast, 16th year,
Publisher of Heartcom Network, 21st year,
Co-Founder, Natural Life News, 25th year.

I don't know about you, but I got really excited when RFK Jr. joined forces with Trump to "Make America Healthy Again" (MAHA).

Yes, I'm biased because as a naturopath, I've developed four holistic health centers over 46 years. And I've been very outspoken about public health issues in Livingston.

Some of you know me as the guy always dancing at the new Shane Center music pavilion and Farmer's Market last summer. Commissioner Bryan Wells can verify that I love to dance:)

But others may remember me as the guy who in 2021 wrote 6 letters to the editor of the Livingston Enterprise at the beginning of Covid - exposing how the experimental mRNA 'vaccines' were NOT safe nor effective... resulting in the Livingston Enterprise censoring all letters to the editor on Covid and vaccines.

The horror following that global mass psychosis psy-op is now self-evident to all who have recovered from the great deception of invasive injections for a trumped-up virus - excuse the pun:)


Over the last four years, the world has seen just how "safe and effective" the toxic vax side-effects actually are.

Global COVID 'Vaccine' Death & Damage Estimates
Dec 29, 2024 / Edward Dowd
"Killed: 7.5-15 million people, Disabled: 29-60 million,
Injured: 500-900 million... Arrests made: ZERO".

Our medical authorities lied and millions died - an on-going tragedy far beyond the LA fires. History will validate that more Americans died than WWI, WWII and the Vietnam War combined.

This is a global meltdown of civility by Deep State machinations that are inhumane... resulting in Gaza genocide and vax pharmacide - the same 'democide' (look it up).

It's a "killer" Vaccine Worldwide:
Japanese Researchers Say Side Effects of COVID
Vaccines Linked to 201 Types of Diseases
Dec 20, 2024 / GlobalResearch.ca

Fortunately, many people in America got harmless placebo versions of this experimental mRNA 'vaccine' (concoction) of numerous toxins.

In RFK Jr.'s book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, Kennedy explains how the same pharmaceutical companies - who paid billions in criminal fines for corruption, false claims and bribing doctors - are now working hand-in-hand with globalist billionaires who think the world is overpopulated.

Wrap your head around this quote from RFK Jr. folks:


That’s right. Doctors get those pesky vaccine manufacturer inserts that they never show you or you might have ‘vaccine hesitancy’. That is NOT well-informed choice. But then again, for pushing lots of vaccines on patients, doctors got big bonuses from the 2.2 trillion $ 'CARES Act', rammed through Congress under 'Covid Emergency' (fear porn extortion), by pharmacidal Fauci. Your tax dollars at work!

Thanks to the Internet , there's a Great Awakening worldwide with the stirring of a new conscientious common sense that is refreshing. Communities around the world are having meetings like here in Livingston.

This decentralized 'net roots' alliance is pro-life for our lives. We claim sovereignty - to own our own lives; we prefer well-informed consent to ill-informed mandates. And no personal or public wealth can compensate for severe loss of personal and public health freedom.

And so it is with our core Constitutional freedoms. Suspending Freedom of Speech is not a solution to tyranny. It's the CAUSE of it. When well-informed choice is censored under authoritarian mandates, tyranny raises its ugly head. And to sin by silence - when they should protest - makes cowards of men.


In good conscience, we need to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. The original medical Hippocratic Oath - "Do No Harm" - is either honored or we're all hypocrites.

Mark Twain said, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."

There are many ways we were all fooled by the Covid psy-op. From top to bottom, there were public officials who valued their professional careers more than real health science. There were Big Pharma billionaires who valued personal profit more than public health. There were hospitals that profited from government subsidized protocols for Covid - like Remdesivir and ventilators - that harmed more people than they helped. And due to hyped up hysteria, voices of reason concerned with genuine health security were drowned out by all the ‘experts’ pushing vaccines 24/7 in mainstream media.

Many of us ‘fools’ thus sacrificed core Constitutional freedoms for disingenuous "health security" until we were quarantined without freedom and vaxed without health. See: NotSafeAndNotEffective.com

Are we open and transparent as to the 'pay-off' of nationwide School Boards and Health Departments that executed extreme public health policies financed by huge local 'grants' (bribery?) from the 2.2 trillion $ 'CARES Act'? Or is local government closed and deceptive, admitting no harm or wrong?

This is all very difficult to adjudicate, and to restore confidence in Livingston's health services, it would be a gracious act of good will if those responsible for local harm would 'fess up and make up... or retire before they are compassionately replaced. How else can the Board of Health restore our trust at this point?

People are hungry for justice and reconciliation that begins with “Truth and Love” as that ‘Great Soul’ (Mahatma) Gandhi said.

Reconciliation and redemption is a process that requires humility with honor of the first principle for good government. It’s not kind to be blind to the WHOLE truth.

Let's support our elected officials who DO NOT CONSENT to isolation and quarantine no matter how much bird flu fear porn the Deep State is ramping up. To do what we did before - and expect different results - is neither prudent nor sane.

Fool me once - the fool is me. Fool me twice? NO THANKS - NO CONSENT!

Thanks for considering this appeal for some common sense that is pro-life for OUR life.

Let's Be Wise and Thrive in 2025!

~ Christopher Lee Rudy
Box 1081, Emigrant MT, 59027