2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Full Disclosure at the Threshold of Aquarius
The Cat Is Out of the Bag... and Airborne!

 Disclosure is Breaking Out on the Internet
as Crisis Catalyzes the Great Awakening:

- The corporatocracy has hijacked democracy; 

- Lamestream media is lying to us incessantly;

- “Safe and effective” (vax), has proven deadly;

   - Insane Gaza genocide mirrors the holocaust;   

- The US border invasion continues unabated; 

- Artificial intelligence replacing the real thing;  

- Deep State is ramping up Monkeypox mania.

This is the global healing crisis that requires
full disclosure of the core problem with
compelling intent for solution.

August 19, 2024 / Full Moon in Aquarius

Full Moon Update – Cosmic Weather Report

As reported in the recent newsletter on the 8-8 Lionsgate, Earth is being flooded with cosmic rays conveying light as a carrier wave for specific deep space frequencies that activate dormant DNA – sparking consciousness – much like fiber optic cables convey laser light as a carrier wave for thousands of tv and radio shows.

Even from a numerological point of view, 8 looks like a DNA strand, the spiral helix.

These energies are being concentrated
through to the Full Moon on Monday.

I’d go deep with a ‘Cosmic Weather Report’ - the current astrology/psychology portents in the quantum field - but I’ll save that for my Cosmic podcast.

Suffice to say that there is a lot of creative tension with stressful aspects in Earth’s quantum field right now. This is feeding into the election mania that has already polarized the public. Some would say that it is the cause behind 'the cause'.

Quantum 'heaven' - the Source Field - KNOWS where the election selection angst comes from. As Aquarius integrates, 3D lock-step authoritarian patriarchy disintegrates into inordinate power without Constitutional principle.

So while others lose their cool, keep your 'heart coherence' (4D harmony), for 'mind congruence' (5D VISION), above all.

How We Arrive At Real Community and Global Unity
In principle, it is simple enough.

When we consider that the Great Awakening of
many souls was ordained for this time,
it gives depth of meaning to the
Aquarian Frequency Shift.

“a vibrational shift into higher consciousness”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Initiates on this list, who are truly awake,
are aware of the price of soul soaring
with a free spirit above the fray.

“The higher we soar, the smaller we appear
to those who cannot fly.”

~ F. Nietzche 

It’s not aptitude but attitude that determines ‘altitude’;
whether we soar with eagles on thermals of grace
or scratch with turkeys on bug of begrudge.

So stay positive. The only difference between
a good day and a bad day is your attitude.

Whereas it's an Aquarian attitude that makes us kind,
the old order's "eye for an eye" makes us blind.

As we become more conscious of HOW we are conscious,
we look at the process for
culturing conscientious wisdom
- see 'Wisdom of the Crowd' -
to empower wisdom with in the process.

Initiation on the path of conscientious evolutionary ascent
begins with a Self-Mastery process of self assessment
because we can't give what we don't have,
and is for giving above all.

Personal Empowerment Process)

~~~ Reality Report Continues ~~~

Global civilization is now facing a crisis in consciousness
that requires we come up
 higher in frequencies of
  as in frequently; web 3.0 heartware
as an interactive interface geometrized
 with 'codes' (Constitution),
Quantum Age 1st Principles.

 All our social problems are basically
communication problems; how we
 come into unity for real community
with shared Vision and Mission.

Either we unite through modern communication
capabilities for providing well-formed choice
- at the
heart of real community -
or we suffer the degeneration of divisive
media as censures any truth which
 counters the official narrative.

In practice, the solution is to finally
connect the dots to the big picture
along more enlightened ‘lines’ of
  in form and frequency.


The battle for the soul of the Republic
is heating up.

The corporatocracy has hijacked democracy;
 Lamestream media is lying to us incessantly;
 “Safe and effective” (vax), has proven deadly;
 Insane Gaza genocide mirrors the holocaust;
The US border invasion continues unabated;
Artificial intelligence replacing the real thing; 
 Deep State is ramping up Monkeypox mania.

This is the global healing crisis
  that compels holistic solutions.

Either we wake up, wise up and rise up
(healthy body, whole mind, holy spirit)
with communication tools and processes
 for real community and global unity –
   or the Power of
is not harnessed,
and civilization will reap the whirl-wind of
dystopian dis-ease and self-destruction. 

The Collective Pain of Planetary Rebirth
We’re getting squeezed through the birth canal!

Global civilization is today much like a baby in the process of being born through the birth canal – extraordinary compression and overwhelming depression from the pain of being squeezed senseless by mainstream craziness.


Where Men Were Allowed to Punch Women

August 13, 2024 / RealClearPolitics.com

Yep, we’re all being squeezed insensate by official 'woke' policies that are not just biologically incorrect, but also mentally impaired and spiritually bankrupt. The world as we have known it is changing so fast that it is ‘mind numbing’ (paradigm narrowing).

So the ‘birth canal’ is restricting around us. Common sense is uncommon – outright censored in lamestream media. Information overload is as debilitating as sensory deprivation. Cognitive dissonance confuses rather than comforts.

Meme to the rescue:)


It’s been said that there’s nothing more difficult than suffering the pain of separation from the source of light, love and joy in our lives. So keep smiling:)

Suffering goes with the 3D territory. You either grin and bear it, or it's unbearable.

This is true whether the source of suffering is the sense of separation from a loved one, or even one's connection with the Aquarian spirit of as serves light and levity well.

Consider the power of personal and planetary making that raises the standard of interactive TeLeComm at the heart of the Aquarian Quantum Age.

So ask yourself… in all honesty…
isn't it about time for more ?
Is it true
that common sense is uncommon because
the most powerful special interests in the world
have a vested interest in keeping it that way?

Are you aware that Wall Street profits are dominated
by giant industries that make a killing (literally), on
creation and management of dis-ease and war?

Would you agree that the reason Big Media lies to us
incessantly is because their owner-sponsor colludes
with the military and medical industrial complex for
the reducing of population for profit and control
  over the physical and human resources of Earth?

Based on your response…
Consider that there is nothing more valuable than
VISION for mediating this murderous madness.

Can we agree that what we have in common
- a shared vision-mission of Light and -
 is more important than that which divides us?

Either that VISION has found it’s time
- sooner rather than later -
or what is left of our ‘natural immunity’
(common sense resistance to dis-ease),
will become even more uncommon.

 Initiation of this VISION for the evolutionary ascent
  of global humanity is our enlightened destiny under
Prime Directive and the Aquarian Mandate for
 self governing sovereignty with a High Standard of
   social conscience in our ubiquitous social networks.

Common sense would say that worldwide ‘TLC
 (free online TeLeComm and TeLeCare service),
  has the power to end corporate profiteering from
 creation and management of dis-ease and war.

 But the deep state of dystopian dysfunction and
‘D.U.H.’ (Dense, Unconscious & Heartless) -
is like cancer in the body and soul of America.

Aug 17 / VigilantFox.news
   Dr. Casey Means on how sick America really is.

Watch this short video to see WHY America is
so sick both mentally and physically:


August 19, 2024 / Mark Dice
The Mainstream Media Mind Manipulation Machine
How power elite potentates program the public.

So how do we get our act together for
real community and global unity?


You don’t have to be perfect to conceive,
believe and achieve perfect ;
Full spectrum comprehension
at least occassionally

  There will always by those who diss you for
      speaking of perfection while clearly imperfect.
It's what they don't like about themselves 
 as gets triggered when seeing it in others.

Some will see the problem with any opportunity
while others see opportunity with any problem.

Either we focus on the latter, or
we've got real problems.


The SHIFT has hit the 'Aquarian Fan'
(Frequency Shift Happens)

Speaking truth to power is the perfect path
for empowering wisdom with
as optimizes our divine potential
 for conscientious ascent of
 mankind as kind men.

Keep It Super Simple’ (KISS).

G.O.D. is
(Geometry Of Divinity)

“In the beginning God geometrized.”
~ Ancient Hermetic Wisdom

“In the end, we become what we geometrize.”
~ Modern Wisdom

Look to SEE… Know to BE
Geometric Ordered Divinity.

  - Pure Intention; G.O.D. Presence - I Am;
    (spiritual quadrant of the cosmic clock).
        - Focus Attention; Conscious - I Can;
(mental quadrant of the cosmic clock).
Love Retention; G.O.D.~ - I Will;
       (emotional quadrant of the cosmic clock).
  - Conscious Ascension: Integration - I Do.
    (physical quadrant of the cosmic clock).

         (More on 'cosmic clock' coordinates HERE.)

To  with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.