2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Deep State Promoting WWIII with Russia


Counter the War Propaganda with Truth
and a Higher Standard of .

5 minute video lesson on psychological warfare HERE

Let's get REAL folks!

The Media-Monetary-Military Industrial Complex
wants war for emergency powers and profit.

And either the Great Awakening gains
 momentum to wise up the dimwits
and put fire to the feet of the
power elite potentates,
or we sleep fitfully,
 wondering why.

Keep your head
- heart coherence -
while others are
losing theirs.

Sept 15, 2024 / Heartcom Network
Skip to the bottom for:
High State intent naturally neutralizes
Deep State War Intent

Global Crisis Now Compells Compassion
Yet Contempt for Abject Injustice:

Urgent Alert Level: 'RUBY RED'
Deep State Psychopaths Push U.S. Towards WWIII
'MUST WATCH' for all prayer warriors

Sept 13, 2024 / Reese Report

Threat of WWIII is NOT Fear Porn
Sept 14, 2024 / Steve Quayle

Please pay attention with pure intention.
Only love retention - at a high level
can neutralize negativity at the
"lower weakening levels".

"One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of    
      pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance 
   the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the
lower weakening levels." 
~ from the decade-long research with millions of tests
 utilizing behavioral kinesiology, as documented in
The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior

by Dr. David R. Hawkins , M.D., PhD in Psychology

"Where love rules, there is no will to power.
And where power predominates,
there love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."

~ Father of Modern Psychology,
Carl Gustav Jung

Has the inordinate love of power of the power elite
- to own and control all the resources of Earth -
eclipsed the ordained power of love of, by and for
ALL living Creation on Earth?

The "Russia did it' hoax persists because
because few people resist the Big Lie
which is so BIG and so
BOLD and
so often told that they believe it.

Is this history analogous to what
NATO and the US want to do
to Russia with AI guided
missles launched via
 empire satellites?

Does the US-NATO Empire Alliance
have the same malintent as this:

Where is the Conscience of United Sovereigns of Earth
while the Ukraine debacle and Gaza holocaust rages?

The human condition – incarnated into 3D,
was designed to be both ‘individualistic’
(left-brain dominant and competitive),
and also ‘collectivist' or 'communal’  
(right brain dominant & cooperative).

In the holographic scheme of things,
the two hemispheres of one’s brain
- left and right brain -
like the two hemispheres of Earth
- West and East -

Freedom & Opportunity cannot fly if both
 ‘wings’ are crippled by corruption as when
giant corporations usurp individual rights
Supreme Court ‘Citizen United’ Decision -
  and public ‘service’ is privatized for profit.

Law & Order in the Holographic Universe
 is coded holistically in our inward parts,   
and the emerging blueprint for Aquarius:

 - inear ogical eft-brain; ogos
   (right-dynamic energy fields)

- Nonlinear-intuitive Spirit of the Law
energy fields)

- Synergy in the Trinity of + +   
(radiant energy fields)

- Wholness via integration
(cosmic cube holodeck)

High State intent naturally neutralizes
Deep State War Intent

Aquarian Principles for a High State of :

Creating REAL Community and Global UNITY
Sept-Oct 2024 / Natural Life News

Loving kindness is the keynote frequency of the day
- the quantum field astrology psychology -
with a Grand Earth Trine and a Grand Air Trine
- Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter,Uranus and Pluto -

'anchoring' (Saturn), and 'inspiring' (Neptune)
 in the very high etheric frequency of Pisces.

This is a great time to make right your
relationship with Self and others.

Imagine what 'loving kindness' will look like
heart coherence and mind congruence -
when mankind claims the victory of

So Seize the Vision, Embrace the Virtue,
Make the Vow, and Claim the Victory for
All of 'US' - United Sovereigns of Earth.

One Earth - One Spirit...
Uniting all peoples of Earth with
Universal Light Language and 
Geometrized Codes
for Conscious rEVOLUTION
The Optimal Path Forward
with a High State of
 Common Sense.

To with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.