2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Global Power Shift Is Ordained for This Time

Quantum Quickening, Ascension Dynamics,
And Global Transformation
Ready or Not

Folks, I’ve been saying all year that
a whole system shift is coming.
Now it’s coming into focus.


Message to new subscribers:

Welcome to the Heartcom Network.
Owning our own lives, plus serving
holistic enlightenment with Great 
Awakening ~ Quantum .

Just as the worldwide web of the Internet  
 gave birth to a global omni-present village,
so is the worldwide web of the ‘InnerNet'  
- inner sense at the heart of innocense -   
 giving birth to a
Unified Common Sense    
 beyond the veil and sense of separation.   


Just as the Internet evolved from an emphasis on  
 hardware (IBM), software (Microsoft) and 'netware'
 (the computer became the network of computers),
so will the InnerNet now mature with heartware as
 each individual’s interactive interface for navigating
 from cyberspace to 
inner space - the ‘InnerNet’ at  
the heart of the worldwide web of consciousness. 


Culturing 'ESP'
(Effective Sensory Perception)


The universe has rules re:
'The Quantum InnerNet'
(Wisdom of the Crowd-Cloud).


Pure intention as empowers
wisdom in

'defines and refines'
(reflects and perfects)
Conscience in
 global social networks.


Conscience is the most sacred of all property.”
~ Chief Architect of the Constitution and
4th U.S. President


 that global humanity is now awakening with a
 New Common Sense of Quantum Reality
and this
quantum shift in conscience
defining, refining and shining
 The Aquarian Quantum Age.

Trump created the 'Space Force'
after more than half a century of
 secret space force development.

Advanced quantum tech has been suppressed and denied
but will soon be disclosed and made available.

Get ready Freddie for the evolution revolution!


Reality Report from David Wilcock, Sept 4, 2024

Emergency Broadcast Systems Update Re:
Launch of the Quantum Financial System


Financial System's Collapse is Imminent
by David Wilcock ~ Sept 3, 2024

 Preface note from CR: We have heard phrases like
“EBS, QFS, and NESARA Are Set to Launch”
a thousand times over the last two decades.
But what is nice about this message is the
naming of names - well known people in
high positions saying it - and we know
this adds to credibility re: the timing.

The storm is upon us, and the truth is breaking through faster than they can cover it up. High-level insiders are confirming that the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), and NESARA are not just rumors -- THEY'RE READY TO ROLL OUT!

Politicians in the know are leaking critical details, whether by accident or design, preparing us for the seismic shifts ahead. This is a coordinated effort, folks; those who want to be on the right side of history when the hammer drops are making their moves now.

Here’s some examples:

- Congressman Jim Jordan was overheard in a Capitol Hill hallway with Marjorie Taylor Greene, discussing the "imminent unveiling of the new financial system," which will pull the rug out from under the corrupt Federal Reserve and debt-based incentives of scarcity economics. This wasn’t some vague chat - it was a direct reference to the QFS and credit-based incentives of abundance economics.

- Greene confirmed, saying the EBS is "ready to go live any day now," urging everyone to prepare for a global lockdown. This is a warning straight from the insiders.

- At a closed-door MAGA event in Phoenix, Kari Lake revealed to a select group that the QFS is already testing, and we’re on the brink of a total financial and political overhaul. She warned that the deep state bankers are cornered, desperately trying to negotiate deals to save their own skins before the EBS exposes their shady dealings.

- Mike Pompeo, at a Texas fundraiser, dropped a bombshell: "The financial system as we know it is on its last legs," hinting at a transparency shift that will shake this country and beyond. One attendee, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed Pompeo was talking about NESARA and the QFS - suggesting a financial reset that will expose decades of corruption.

- In Florida, Matt Gaetz didn’t hold back. At a private gathering, he declared, "The days of the Federal Reserve and their secret manipulations are over." The QFS, he says, is a divine tool to restore balance, and the EBS is set to "broadcast the truth to the masses."

- But it’s not just in the U.S. - this is a global shift. During a private meeting in Mar-a-Lago with Trump and key international allies, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán confirmed that European leaders have been briefed on the QFS rollout, and those who resist will be left exposed and powerless.

- General Michael Flynn, in an August 2024 interview, confirmed the military is prepared for this complete global restructuring. The EBS will soon be activated to reveal the truth, shattering the lies and deceit that have enslaved humanity for too long.

- At a recent roundtable hosted by Sidney Powell, she declared that central banks have had their run, but it’s over. The new financial system is ready to expose every dirty secret. The EBS is set to be triggered, finally bringing to light what we’ve been fighting for.

The signals are clear, the signs are everywhere. These leaks aren’t just chatter - they’re warnings. The QFS is on its way, the EBS is about to be activated, and NESARA is set to transform our world. The old corrupt system is crumbling, and the new one is rising from the ashes.

After EBS - and the 8 hours long 24/7 movies - everything will change. The life support attached to the old and evil systems will be pulled. Humanity and planet Earth all simultaneously move to a quantum reality consciousness system (Peace and Prosperity). End of financial and human consciousness enslavement.

Old systems of government, education, finance, health, trade and commerce, etc., will all be dismantled and replaced. [See: Aquarian Quantum Age ~CR]

Get ready, patriots, The revolution is here. Stay vigilant. Stay prepared. The time for a new common sense is now.

Keep updated at my channel HERE

Historian Howard Zinn once remarked:

"To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness.

What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something.

If we remember those times and places—and there are so many—where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction.

And if we do act, in however small a way, we don't have to wait for some grand utopian future. 

"The future is an infinite succession of presents,
and to live now as we think human beings
should live...
in defiance of all that is bad around us -
is itself a marvelous victory."

Global Power Shift Is Ordained for This Time

PowerShift Chart Explained HERE

There is definitely a POWERSHIFT from West to East.
Witness the rise of Russia and China, and
the demise of Europe and the US.

I've explained in numerous newsletters how the imbalance in the hemispheres of Earth - like one's own left and right hemispheres - comes into balance once pure intention for wholeness is restored with focused attention on retention for conscious ascension in a higher dimension of 'full spectrum' (5D) comprehension.

That's the 'Self Mastery Process' individually,
and the 'Heartware Process' collectively.
Heartware is the universal interface
for global interaction to finish
what U.S. Founders
 began locally.

Internet Upgrade of Five Core Constitutional Freedoms

Global TeLeComm and TeLeCare will together
liberate our conscientious Common Sense
for an Economics of Abundance that will
create and manage abundant caring
conscience for REAL community.

The Currency of Conscience
 for the NEXT Economy.

"It is at all times necessary,
and more particularly so
during the progress of a revolution,
and until right ideas confirm themselves by habit,
that we frequently refresh our patriotism
by reference to First Principles".
~ Tom Paine, citizen journalist who wrote
  that sparked the American Revolution

"The cause of America is in a great measure
 the cause of all mankind. We have it in our
 power to begin the world over again."
~ Thomas Paine, U.S. Reset 1.0

The Golden Rule of Human Rights:
"Give to every other human being every right that
you claim for yourself - that is my doctrine."
~ Thomas Paine, "The Rights of Man", 1791

As for U.S. Reset 2.0 for United Sovereigns of Earth...
"The cause of 'AMERICA' (I AM RACE anagram),
 is the cause of all mankind. We have it in our
 power to begin the world over again."

"The Power of begins the world over again."
~ C. Lightweaver, U.S. Reset 2.0
(United Sovereigns of Earth).

We can go from Great Awakening
to a global Great Enlightenment
 the Kind Way Or the Hard Way.

The Crisis Now Is Systemic Global Transformation

As when a fertilized egg morphs into a human,
or a caterpillar into a butterfly.

Global civilization is at a pivotal point of 
 transitioning from thousands of years of
‘PATRIARCHY’ (Authoritarian Sexism),
to a new Aquarian Age of universal
(One for All and All for One)

   It’s the Aquarian Hero’s Journey…
Coming Home to the Realization
of All-Connected Relationships
- Ultimate
Relevance -
 and Whol
-Holy Reverence.

This is the Big Shift that has been
fore-ordained for this time:

The SHIFT from a global culture of domination
- the powerful dominating the powerless -
to a global civilization of cooperation
 - the
United Sovereigns of Earth -
of, by and for ALL Netizens.

The SHIFT from a global culture of divisiveness
- race, color, class, sex, religion, politics, etc. -
to a global civilization of communication
- unity-in-diversity
TeLeCommUnity -
Web 3.0 CyberEthics.

The SHIFT from the Age of Pisces & Christianity
- transcending doubt and fear with faith & love -
to the Age of Aquarian Light &

- Effective Sensory Perception -
with 5D Conscience.

Aquarian 'Light' is a metaphor for ‘consciousness
and the universal ‘
Language of Light’ is an
 exquisite metaphor for the ‘brain field’
(holodeck of consciousness).

The Aquarian Age is also known as the Age of
‘Conscience’ (with science), from the Latin
‘scire’ (to know) - advanced high tech
empowering high touch wisdom
'TLC' (heart coherence).

The Age of Conscience is an Age of Objectivity
when it is better to believe nothing and either
know or NOT know; no ‘BS’ (Belief System).

The Global Crisis we face is a Great Transition
- a systemic paradigm shift - with approximately
 1-3% of the population as enlightened Netizens
whose sphere of influence is 20% of Netizens
who do 80% of the networking.  

Be at Peace with the ‘Presence Process’
for Culturing Conscience Above All

Being ‘Fully Present’ in the infinite-eternal
is like
full spectrum enlightenment.

Moving into ‘Cosmic Consciousness’;
the ‘
5D Mind of G.O.D.~
(Geometric Ordered Divinity).

This is the ‘Cosmic Transformer’
at the core archetypal level
of pure geometry form
and corresponding
5D frequency.

Pure geometry thoughtforms as
 Aquarian First Principles 
Geometric Ordered Divinity'
G.O.D.~ Constitution);
Five Core Net Freedoms
with universal 'Light Language'
Effective Sensory Perception
  via interactive TeLeCommunion:
 TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscienceTeLeCare and

To  with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.