2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Aquarian Quantum Age - New Testament Fulfilled

The vision ALONE – How we’re ALL ONE – can be
the catalyst for a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Update on the Emerging Blueprint for the
'New World Game'

(Aquarian Whole Systems Reboot)
 The 'dark night of the soul' of humanity
(Dimwit, Unconscious and Heartless)
 YIELDS to the LIGHT of .
May 23, 2024 / Full Moon


Author of:
On the Path of God and Country,
(54 years ago), and

 50 Years Pioneering an Aquarian Vision
Skip to the bottom for a Pentacost message from

The Holy Spirit.
Those who have been following my 'reality reports'

(2024 Quantum Quickening Series)
are well aware that we are about to witness some
Big Drama with a 'Global Currency Reset' (GCR),
with not only a global 'gold standard' (as includes
  commodities), but also secure blockchain systems
  to upgrade social network communities worldwide:
    QFS - Quantum Financial System
QVS - Quantum Voting System
Quantum Health System


 Indeed, a wholly new Quantum Order of the Ages
will initiate a new 'Economics of Abundance' with
the abundant quantum energy provided from the
    quantum field as pioneered by Tesla a century ago.


Many netizens on this eclectic newsletter list are
  wondering how the Great Awakening will play out.

There is one rather shocking scenario that some
 of you are familiar with, and some of you are not.

For those who are familiar with 'Juan O Savin',   
this is an interesting update on what's coming,   
probably before the election.

If this is all new to you, be open to some good
takeaways amidst any offense to your
 'normalcy bias' (comfort zone).

Food for Thought for the Truly Thoughtful:

May 18, 2024 /
Juan O Savin SITREP
Ten Days of Darkness > Shutdown * Multiple Critical Infrastructure Systems Are Too Compromised [Hackable] For Incremental Fixes > Emergency Broadcast System re: Shutdown, Fix & Reboot > 5G Cell Towers + Electrical Grid + Fuel Pipelines + Internet Backbone +++ * Before The November Election? > Trump: America's Enemies Must Never Know Our Plans.

 There was never a more important time for
true patriot lightworkers and lightservers
to hold the vision of optimal scenarios
 and the first principles for up-wising.

"It is at all times necessary, and more particularly so
during the progress of a revolution, and until
right ideas confirm themselves by habit,
that we frequently refresh patriotism
by reference to First Principles”.

~ Tom Paine, citizen journalist,
   who wrote Common Sense
   that sparked the Revolution

True patriots are the global netizens
who network - link the light - of our
pure intention as focuses attention  
with retention for ascension
in the full spectrum 5th dimension.  

  When the 'gold standard' for global commerce,
communication and our collective health care
 transitions from the golden rule of materialism
- that he who has the gold makes the rules -
to a 'universal interface for global interaction'
(one in GOD-
is a majority)...
then the conscious evolution revolution

"Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides,
 but when he can harness the
 power of love,
 then for the second time in the history of the world,
 man will have discovered fire."
~ Teihard de Chardin

Imagine that... quantum fire, morphing the matrix.

The Power of -in-action

(when others are losing it)

Keep in Mind the Spirit that Matters:
the higher your concept of interactive
via heartware 'Inner Tech',

Affirm ‘IT’, Confirm ‘IT’, Determine IT
Inner Tech):
I Am, I Can, I Will

what the poor in spirit are not
able or willing to do...
by the Grace of the Holy Spirit
of Cosmic -in-action.
~ Christos Quips

 As Global Civility Integrates,
Old Empire Disintegrates
May 20, 2024 / Jeff Thomas
Get wise to the repeating pattern and invest
your intention and attention on opportunities

for optimal personal and planetary win/win.  
Freedom and opportunity still exist
and indeed flourish.

All that changed is the locations
where they are found:

Five Global Megatrend Models
Shaping Our 'TLC' Future

Global TeLeCare - The Medical Model:
Taking telemedicine to the next level of
free, online, Universal Self Care.
(QHS - Quantum Health System)

Global TeLeComm - The Media Model
Universal interface for global interaction
mediating mass media's mass mind.
(QVS - Quantum Voting System) 

Global TeLeCommerce - The Market Model
Economics of abundance via secure blockchain
for Global TeLeCare and TeLeComm valuation;
  the heart of abundant Freedom and Opportunity.

(QFS - Quantum Financial System)

The synergy in this trinity of the TLC-centric
 medical-media-marketing megatrend model
   is the heart of our collective TeLeConscience
  for culturing enlightened TeLeCommUNITY  
   in local & global social network communities.

The '' in  codes:

Global TeLeCommunity
 Building local and global community by
upgrading five core Internet freedoms 
to better navigate inner space as the  
 'InnerNet' (Effective Sense Perception).

(QCS - Quantum Community System)

Global TeLeConscience
Involving and evolving social conscience
as a unified field of 'Effective Perception'
(heart coherent mind congruence),
heartware empowered TLC wisdom.

(QIS - Quantum Inspiration System) 


IN SUMMARY - A New Identity for 'US':

  It was Tom Paine who set the matrix for America's 
 Revolution with his 'COMMON SENSE' - the most
successful political writings in America's history.  

Just as Thomas Paine sparked a revolution in the
American colonies with a new identity for 'US' as 
   the 'United States of America' (he coined the term),
 we are now witnessing the same process globally
as the Currency of Conscience sparks
United Sovereigns of Earth.

Quantum conneion of, by and for
Global Netizens of Earth as
'United Sovereigns'.

'Full Spectrum Enlightenment'
(many colors - one light)

"E Pluribus Unum"
(Out of Many, One) 

   with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.


May 21, 2024 / HeartsCenter.org
 The Holy Spirit's May 19th Pentecost message: the Holy Spirit comes
to impart a flame of God beingness to reinvigorate us. We are self- 
   realizing ourselves in the crystal chamber of the heart as we ascend to
 God daily. The Holy Spirit encourages us to practice conscious, solar,
pranic breathing, and allow the Spirit to refresh and raise us in light.