Culturing Conscience In Our Global Village
The core of divine rights is spiritual
Souls of conscience have a moral
The intent of conscience is
divine direction,
and direction correction is reaching a climax.
The truth of divine reality just wants to be free
Sept 13, 2019 / Full Moon in Pisces
Note the powerful portents for a High State
ego-free connection to Source,
explained by
Kaypacha in his 9-11 video excerpt
In honor of those who died on 9-11,
let’s be honest about the father of
all recent history deceptions:
9/11 Truth: Foreknowledge of WTC 7's Collapse
Sept 11, 2019 /
Politicians and technocrats wasted no time after 9/11
to unleash the Surveillance State on Americans,
treating every person like a terrorist suspect.
18 years later, that tyranny has spread
with a totalitarian 5G agenda for
full spectrum dominance.
9/11 was both an 'Inside Job' & 'Mossad Job'
Feb 2019 /
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth,
he will cease being mistaken, or cease being honest.
Thanks to the Internet, people worldwide
are now well aware of a war in the West
between Deep State deception and the
power of the Net to expose corruption.
This is an existential crisis in the West
having lost its moral compass of ‘best’.
We can see how
inordinate love of power
has inverted the ordained power of
Scientism has replaced
spirituality with
technocracy as a new supremacist
Yet science without spirituality is
(Dense, Unconscious & Heartless)
The War Between ‘Scientism’ (Technocracy)
and ‘Authentic Freedom’ (Sovereignty).
Technology is intentionally being used to be
the new
control mechanism in our
Technocrats serve power elite plutocrats of
the Deep State
– the matrix
of ownership and control via big $ interests
that put stockholders before
the public when
profits are at stake. This is
as governs
corporatism known as fascism.
Recent video
quote by Robert F Kennedy Jr:
"What we have to understand is
that domination of business by
is called communism,
and domination of government
by business
called fascism."
RFK Jr. / Sept 10, 2019
Video excerpt
since it is the merger of state and corporate power."
~ Benito Mussolini, the archetypal WWII fascist
Sovereignty is based on Constitutional
for government of, by and for the people.
Sovereign Netizens of Earth
champion the
same divine rights of man (core
as patriots
of the 1776 American Revolution.
The more
sovereignty, the less tyranny.
Sovereignty serves the public above all;
a means of ‘co-creating with the divine’
(a meme for however you know
‘God’ as
a process of BEING –
Our freedom
to BE is
our sovereign authority,
harnessing the power of
love for inner reality;
transforming outer illusions
causing inequity,
and replacing divisions with unity
in diversity.
Technocracy is the
enemy of sovereignty
because it serves corporatism above
profiting a few at the
expense of the 99%
all things are revealed via search capacity,
informed choice will shape
global Net reality.
As goes
around comes around, sooner or later
and this cosmic law
applies for lover or hater.
Sovereignty thrives on the Power of Love;
culturing unity in diversity
for community.
Technocracy thrives on the
love of power:
creating divisions in community
for control.
Each one is the ‘shadow’ of the other.
"Where love rules, there is no will to power.
And where power predominates,
there love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."
~ Father of Modern
Psychology, Carl Jung
cooperative spirit transcends domination as
the veil thins and grins at human subjugation.
No matter what happens, may it truly be said:
Freedom-in-love is how we all move ahead.
Technology – like fire – is a good servant
but a dangerous master. The difference
is the fire of conscience or not so much.
Singular connection with
centers love within, and when we all enter in,
we find a unity state with one clear mandate:
Either we optimize unity or we’re insensate.
Sovereignty stems
from the spiritual intent
of, by and for the divine rights of all
United Sovereigns of Earth – co-creating
in the image & likeness of Higher
Greater Wisdom and Cosmic
We can upgrade the change we all want to see
by culturing Conscience with sincere humility;
Co-Creating in unison as pure hearts take flight
above as within us and from left brain to right.
Technocracy is the
heartless governing of
people as if money and
control were more
important than humans with divine
Technocracy's Final Frontier:
The Takeover Of Your Body
9-9-2019 /
Technocrats see your body as a holy grail of
data collection that
can in turn be weaponized
against you to manipulate behavior,
patterns, buying decisions and life
Our sacred freedom
is no longer hindered if
sovereignty's flame is judiciously
The 'Source' of knowing is now
taking wing
as love rules each one as
sovereign 'KING'.
"Keys to
INternalization of G.O.D."
"The issue today is the same as it has been
throughout all history, whether man
shall be allowed to govern himself
or be ruled by a small elite."
~ Thomas Jefferson
There are rules whereby Creator's intention…
is self-evident to those who focus
within and with
all via true Love's retention…
wising &
rising up; conscientious ascension…
in a 5D Unity
State; co-Creation dimension...
are from:
Evolutionary Ascent
Global TeLeCare,
Culturing social conscience with
in our ubiquitous social networks:
– Linear Logos as the
Law of
the Angles
(Universal-Divine RIGHTS);
– Nonlinear Spherical
Language of Angels
(Well-ROUNDed Spirit of the Law);
– Co-Creative synergy -
(Power-Wisdom-Love TRINITY)
(Components to the CAPstone:
Creative Ascent Process)
Divine rights supersede corporate rights
which rule in favor of technocrat tyranny
and thus sabotage Constitutional rights.
Ascension currents are surging,
systemic ignorance is purging,
and global
TLC is emerging with
in the all-connected public SPHERE
checks & balances CO-CREATION ()
in all dimensions of
So Keep the Faith, See the Good
and Make it So – Full Spectrum
Honesty as Honors
TLC vision.
with full spectrum holistic health:
Advanced holistic modalities
for personal/collective health