2024 Quantum Quickening Series

The Global Crisis is Reaching a Climax

This world is an epic test for all souls of Conscience,
and that test is reaching a climax.

It’s global rEVOLUTION now folks.
Ready or not!

Keep the harmony that resonates in
the all-connected quantum field
with the peace prevailing
 presence of .

Hold the Vision of your greatest Virtue
with fiery Valor for the Victory of
‘U.S.’ as United Sovereigns.

This is what spiritual warriors do,
 which has nothing to do with
fighting - just choosing.

The greatest power of United Sovereigns of Earth
 is in the CHOICE to BE G.O.D.- FREE.

Blessings BE to those who are Free
to make the choice and See
the true Masters' Key to
Aquarian Reality.

Oct 5, 2024

 This newsletter is a mixed composite of items
   that are timely, interesting and even profound.
 I’ll be adding to it for a few days as response
comes from readers who care to share edits
or content. This is my ‘Mastermind Alliance’
Wisdom of the Crowd).
THANKS for all your contributions. ~ CR

Let’s take it from the top folks:

"One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of 
pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance 
the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at 
the lower weakening levels." 
~ from the decade-long research with millions of tests
 utilizing behavioral kinesiology, as documented in
The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior

by Dr. David R. Hawkins , M.D., PhD in Psychology

Energy follows thought. Thought follows intention. 
When we pay attention with pure intention,
retention leads to ascension;
wising up and rising up to
counterbalance the
lower vibes.

The higher the concept of
- in
form and frequency -
then the greater the


Culturing Conscientious Common Sense
For Effective Sensory Perception

Without it, ‘representative’ government is not effective
or otherwise representative of, by and for the people.

Why So Many 'Smart People' Fell for the COVID Scam
Oct 4, 2024 / Mercola
How did so many smart people get conned by COVID
when the data was quite obvious?
It all started a century ago, when our education system
 was hijacked by these oligarchs who replaced
critical thinking and deep knowledge
with widespread compliance to
 what to think. Not how to.

Why 'Smart People' Will Take Heart With Hope

Consider the concept of as a
Universal Interface
for local and global interaction en masse
in ‘REAL time’ (instant-everywhere)
via unified field inner-action of
 the quantum field InnerNet.

Long time readers are well aware of the many
implications and the whole systems effect of
-in-action (wholistic-holy spirit), at
the interactive interface (heartware),
of global
TeLeComm, TeLeCare and

The Media-Medical-Marketing
Megatrend Model:

This is the long heralded ‘quantum shift’
(systemic personal/planetary transformation)
from 'cyberspace to inner space'
(4D Internet=> 5D TLC InnerNet).

This is a paradigm shift in how we think about
Power of 5D Interactive
as the
MasterMind Crowd Wisdom Key
to a global come-into-unity process
for harmonization and healing as
The Great 5D Enlightenment.

4-D Heartware for 5-D Conscience
as Real Time Wisdom of the Cloud

4-Directions for ‘Self Elevation’ (5D Ascent) via

 https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image012.jpg  Linking the Light of Pure Intention;
https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image003.jpgeft-brain, https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image003.jpginear https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image003.jpgetter of the https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image003.jpgaw.
https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image014.jpg  Focused Attention of Pure Intention;
    Right-brain Non-linear~ https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image005.jpg Spirit of https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image003.jpgaw.
https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image016.jpg   Love’s Retention of Pure Intention;
Co-Creation-https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image007.jpg Synergy in https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image003.jpg+https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image005.jpg+https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image007.jpg Trinity.
https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image018.jpg  Conscious Ascension of Pure Intention
Integration~ https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image009.jpg Fulfillment of https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image003.jpghttps://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image005.jpghttps://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image007.jpghttps://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image009.jpg.

https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image019.gif  5th Dimension of Pure Intention;  
  Holy Spirit via https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image003.jpghttps://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image005.jpghttps://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image007.jpghttps://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image009.jpg-in-action.


  Be aware and prepare for some Big Drama folks!

The Great Awakening is reaching critical mass.

Keep in mind that it is likely that the ‘EBS’
(Emergency Broadcasting System)
will be activated BEFORE the election
- or shortly thereafter -
depending on whatever crisis is created
to disrupt and control the outcome.

Global rEVOLUTION is reaching a climax.

Serious long-time readers have been debriefed
numerous times on the imminent turnaround
 of the global CRISIS that we see now.

That begins with FULL DISCLOSURE
and a ‘whole systems reboot’.

 According to the White Hats of the Alliance,
that reboot begins with a shut down of ALL
media except the EBS which will broadcast
24 hours with an 8 hour loop of revelations
exposing and taking down mass corruption
  that's being replaced by a Quantum System

  of global TeLeCommunications for authentic
 community on all levels from local to global.

I have maintained over the years that this drama
on the world stage is the final test and initiation
of global humanity before coming into unity
with REAL community on a global scale.

You can’t expect people to be responsible for their lives without response ability – the ability to respond in a way that is consistent with instant-everywhere telecomm capabilities. That was my core message to 10 agencies of Fed-Gov - 50 years ago -  and the same core message today with Web 3.0 CyberEthics and the Heartware Project).


Gordon Peterson on Sacrifice as the Alternative
to the Corruption of Power

Sept 29, 2024 / RFK Jr.
“Community is founded on sacrifice - the basis of community.
… fighting against the forces of tyranny and slavery
in the most positive effective manner.”

We are witnessing the Rebirth of Earth,
 and the birth pangs are severe right now.

This could be a relatively easy rebirthing - or not.
That depends on how we get our act together
with some serious ‘shadow work’ exposing
and neutralizing the cabal of power elite
psychopaths who profit from creation
and management of war, disease,
and population reduction policy.

See: Julian Assange on Trump
"His 'Mistakes' Are Secret Codes"


There is a Big Shift – in fact a Quantum Shift – in the East/West relationship game with a global POWERSHIFT from Western left-brain dominant PATRIARCHAL values; the ending of a 6500-year period of relationships based on dominance, power and control, and now entering a new relationship paradigm based on equality, equanimity, and peace.

This is a systemic paradigm shift to right brain dominant Aquarian virtues of co-Operative co-Creation and co-Ordination with a higher concept of 'Ordained' (cosmic law compliant), as the cosmic 'gold standard' for every golden age in cosmic history.

Cosmic at the Heart of the
Great Enlightenment

  In the Aquarian Age, the spirit of freedom and love
  is such that everyone will be free to love selflessly
without the 3D egoic sense of separation that is  
conflicted over differences of sex, race, religion,  
politics, physical age or socio-economic class.    

The Big Shift is about to hit the 'fan' as the winds of Aquarius surge in the quantum source field.

There's a tremor in the force as nonlinear time – 5D Aquarian Frequencies – transcends 3D linear time as we've known it - the lock-step 'linear' letter of the law that killeth the 'non-linear' Great Spirit of the Great Law.

Call it the 'Tribulations' - the last stage of chaos
before coming into unity of and for
authentic community.     

"Community is an adventure.  We can never predict what will happen exactly when a group becomes authentic and open to the Spirit.  It's full of surprises.  Thank God, because while the outcomes are usually quite different from what we imagined, they are often far better than we could have dreamed." ~ Dr. Scott Peck, M.D., from his book, A WORLD WAITING TO BE BORN - Civility Rediscovered

Note from CR: This book by Dr. Peck is
the classic on 'Community Building'.

3 stages of the Great Awakening
are now leading to the
Great Enlightenment.

The dark force of 'strong delusion' denies its end by
willful ignorance of any paradigm shift or part of it.   

   The illusion and self-delusion of willful ignorance goes
    virtually crazy trying to rationalize and justify the same
old '
D.U.H.' (Dumb, Unconscious and Heartless).    

 The self-evident light of truth goes mainstream,
 reaching 'critical mass', resonating with 'Source' as
 quantum REALITY qualifying unity-in-diversity, and
conscientious common sense while 
intensifying the impulse to Freedom-in- for
outpicturing the
emerging blueprint for a millennial
golden age with global rEVOLUTION via Aquarian 

Light Language and codes.

Where you invest your pure intention, for good,
is where your GOD- Conscience thrives.

Affiliate Model for the Heartcom Network
Mediating the Initiation of Aquarius

The Four Accumulative Levels of Affiliation:



Terms of Affiliation and Service Opportunity:
Priceless relationships that are 'FREE'
(contribute as you're able and willing)

        https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image003.jpg  – Free affiliation to check out our 're-Source';
          Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age.

   https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image005.jpg Initiation Round the Circle of Community;
           Stepping into the Circle of Wholness.

 https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image007.jpg Communicating with Enlightened ;
       Global TeLeComm, TeLeCare and

 https://www.heartcom.org/GOD-LOVE-Conscience_files/image009.jpg ‘A.D.E.P.T.’ at TeLeCommunity Building;
                    (Affirming Definite Effective Participation in Time)
                     'Cosmic Clock CPM' (Critical Path Method);
               'Planned, Timed & Coordinated' (PTC) via
                  codes for Co-Creation with 'GOD'
          (Geometric Ordered Divinity).

   This is the PLATFORM (foundation),
 for y'our' ELECTION made sure.

Keep the Faith:
Claim the Victory of Great Awakening for
Great Enlightenment.

See the Good:
The Alpha and Omega of Global Healing
(TeLeComm and TeLeCare)

Make it So!
To  with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.


Your body is the temple of the living Spirit.
Support your full spectrum health:

 Advanced holistic modalities
for optimal health

Please care to share with others
who can subscribe for free at:

And check out the new chapters from
The Aquarian Book of Cosmic  .