with all your heart, mind and strength,
and our global Netizen 'neighbors' as thy Self.

Networking for the Net worth of a more enlightened Net reality

"The Cosmic Cowboy"

Things are moving so fast in 2016, that I decided to reinvent myself to upgrade my Cosmic Love message
in solidarity with country folk with whom I truly love country swing dancing here in Montana, hat included:)

I live near Chico Hot Springs which is just North of Yellowstone Park, and my favorite thing to do after a week of work is to go dancing at Chico Saloon. I’m talking ‘swing dancing’, country style. It get’s pretty wild sometimes, but I always soak in the hot springs so I don’t pull any muscles.

This is my weekend ‘cardio’ and I work all my muscle groups doing water yoga and dancing. Back in Ohio as a teenager, I used to be a competition figure skater, performed in ice shows - dance teams and comedy acts - and even danced with Olympic Gold Medalist figure skater Peggy Fleming at a private party. I was "fire on ice" (cardinal fire dominant astrology).

When I moved to Montana, I eventually discovered that country swing dancing was an athletic event not unlike pairs skating on ice. I was hooked. It took me years of watching and lessons before getting it, but now it’s outrageous fun with far more spontaneous free-form dancing than you see on the ice.

People come from all over the world to visit the Big Park and nearby Chico Hot Springs, so at Chico Saloon I often find myself dancing with women I’ve never met and will likely never see again. But many women worldwide speak the language of swing dancing, spinning like twirling dervishes in the hands of a partner who can pace and lead her abilities.

My favorite ice skating ability was spinning. Before contact lenses, I had to get bands on my glasses to keep them from flying off while spinning. The thing about spinning very fast is that you have to be centered and connected; an intuitive sense of balance and grace that can apply to everything you do. The ice can be unforgiving with hard lessons in that regard.

Swing dancing has its own lessons. Some ‘alpha females’ can follow a good lead, or they’ll be quick to assert their own control of the dance. And so it is with relationships in general. A lot of strong women love to dance, but require a coordinated partner who knows how to lead and follow her at the same time.

As for the Cosmic Cowboy, the hat I’m wearing was given to me by a local lady after doing more than a decade of ranch work for her. Another friend photo-shopped the stars under the hat.

The ‘cosmic' message I would ground as common sense for all country folk is that the ‘dance’ of each soul at this time is with the ‘Great Spirit of Joy and Jubilee’ that celebrates wholEness and holistic healing now going mainstream in our global instant-everywhere & interactive social networks – our collective Conscience as enlightened Net reality.

So dance like no one is watching,
Love like you've never been hurt,
 And spin off the old paradigm with
holy spirit of -in-action.