2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Earth is Going Through a Near Death Experience

Take Heart with Dannion Brinkley’s True Story

"This is an exciting time to be alive."

July 2, 2024 / Dannion Brinkley
Skip to
10:37 minutes for at least a 3 minute synopsis
of this phenomenal near-death experience, and
 how we'll see reality in our final life review.

Skip to 14:10 minutes for his brilliant explanation of
prayer as "willful conscious intent", and

Dannion's life story has always been my
favorite inspiration on this subject of life
after death - what we can expect with
"dignity, direction and purpose".

July 30, 2024 / Heartcom Network

Skip to the bottom for the 1995 movie about
Dannion's life called 'Saved by the Light'.

I interviewed the author of FUTURE MEMORY, P.M.H. Atwater,
one of the foremost investigators into near-death experiences,
about 10 years ago on my Cosmic Show/Podcast.   

I’ve also had several near-death experiences since age 13
- including brain surgery a few years ago -
and truly appreciate how one’s conscientious evolutionary
ascent with Light Language and Source Code
(recovery from 3D '
Stuck In Negativity').

In the cosmic scheme of Earth’s
current crisis in consciousness,
the disruption of corruption and
  our correction of ‘US’ perception
- United Sovereigns of Earth -
  begins and wins with direction of
  pure intention, focused attention,
  retention and conscious
ascension in the 5th dimension
 of full-spectrum comprehension

(Just in 'TIME' - 4D).

For individuals, families and social network
communities of the holistic-holy spirit
of Aquarian -in-action...
this is very liberating!

The Chalice of Enlightenment

The Currency of Conscience is very
to status quo paradigm paralysis
and intransigence that does not
self-correct in the most REAL
 pro-life way for our own lives.

The Chalice
World crisis has already accomplished
some high stakes drama, providing

wake up Revelations for minds
and hearts from being the

sleepwalking 'woke',
mistaking that
for truly
on the path to

You can't steer a car until you get it in motion.
You can't steer a family, an organization,
until you get the ‘Energy in motion
ideally with sufficient drama for
an individual and collective
paradigm shift to more
Light and .

Welcome the global rEVOLUTION in higher
consciousness of the High State that will
naturally neutralize the Deep State.

So Keep the Faith, See the Good
and Make it So!

To  with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.


Dec 28, 2011 / 264,935 views