The AI-Cyborg War for Earth
Jan 22, 2022 / Heartcom Network
Excerpt from the compendium:
Break the Spell
The AI-Cyborg War for Earth Most readers of my news updates are well aware of the high tech transhumanist agenda of Big Tech in collusion with Big Banks, Big Media and Big Government controllers like the World Economic Forum. It's a Deep State mess of power elite potentates whose love of power has eclipsed the power of love. Some of the Big Tech players like Elon Musk are open advocates of transhumanism - the merge of man with the AI machine. Musk is pushing neuro-link tech which hacks the brain and links it to the AI cyborg collective. The BORG has already taken over numerous civilizations in the outer rim of the galaxy, according to the Secret Space Program's Corey Goode. So Elon has gone to the dark side as a 'tool' in the transhuman/cyborg agenda - for profit and power - whereby we're no longer human. Most of Big Tech has already sold out - sold their souls to the BORG. That's dealing with the 'd-evil' (deified evil). That's devolution - not conscientious 'Evolutionary Ascent'. Remember, this is the biggest SHOW in the galaxy right now. A whole planet is waking up in the image and likeness of conscious evolution revolution REVELATIONS... on Earth as in 5D+ Heaven-Cosmos at large. Welcome to Aquarius. This is a rEVOLUTION in higher consciousness from the
inside-out; inner sense at the heart of innocence. This
is the heart
coherent spirit of human intelligence that brings
The BORG AI Hive Mind is devolution from the brain-hack out-side in... to own and control the minds and bodies on the planet: remote control matrix management. This is war for the people and resources of Earth. This is Big Drama as Aquarius shifts the frequencies of Earth, and the Alliance of White Hats attain access to 5D via Effective Sensory Perception as can 'go there' - ascend in frequency AT WILL - via pure intention as focuses attention with love retention for conscious ascension in the 5th dimension of full spectrum comprehension.
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