2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Worldwide or Global War at the 888 Lions Gate

Humanity at the ‘Free or Slave’ Cross-Roads

Click on the image above for at least a one minute
‘meditation’ (resonance) with the 888 Hz frequency.

August (8th month), 8th day, ‘2024’ (2+2+4 = 8)

But it’s more than the numerology folks.
As explained in the previous newsletter,
  there’s a unique combination of energies
  providing high vibratory frequency which
     we can readily tune into and connect with.

The 2020’s Aquarian Frequency Shift

This is the time ordained for Revelations
- personal and planetary - with profound
conscious rEVOLUTION implications.

The cosmic 888 ‘interval’ (quantum frequency portal),
is creating a vibratory environment in which the
infinite~eternal virtues of G.O.D.~
‘matriculates the matrix’ (mothering),
 of Spirit that matters above all.

This 5D Lions Gate ‘Window of Opportunity’
is a time when many souls will awaken
 from 3D density… just in ‘time’ (4D).

These ‘initiates’ will BE the frequency
that they want to SEE,

Restoration, regeneration and renewal
are optimized during the current
Mercury retrograde cycle.

Skip to the bottom for an inspired 8-8-8 message
from Era of Peace via Patricia Cota-Robles

During this 8-8-8 window of cosmic opportunity,
pay attention with pure intention because this
is when attention pays – a REAL goldmine
if only you mind it.

As thus, what’s REAL is mind over matter.
If there’s no mind – not paying attention –
  nothing matters. But in matters of
- of a personal and planetary nature -
  the denial of in both principle and
practice is virtually a death-wish because
  the holistic-holy spirit of -in-action
   is an uplifting ‘ascension spiral’ (High State)
that naturally neutralizes the dysfunctional
   Deep State of egoic 3D complexes and self-
 serving corporatocracy that makes a killing
 on war, disease and depopulation of Earth.

To be pro-life for your life is to be
Light and .

Those who betray this 1st
- the original ‘Right to Life’ -
betray their Real Self;
their higher Self;
Christic Self.

Without as the gold standard for the
Aquarian Golden Age of Light and ,
people get along by going along with insane
 genocidal policies of the US-Israel holocaust
in Gaza that is hell-bent on regional warfare.

Congress critters - subsidized by Israeli kickbacks for allegiance – gave the murderous maniac Netanyahu a standing ovation this last week.


There's something seriously wrong with that picture. It's unconscionable!  Treasonous! And as with the 9-11 false-flag, Israel has once again committed US resources for war in the Middle East.


August 6, 2024 / Reese Report
Target this with your 'ruby ray guns'
(intense invocations),
and have a blast!

Worldwide or Global War - At the Crossroads
The 8-8 Lionsgate - Time to ROAR - Sovereignty or Die!

How bad does it have to get before
"We the people" (worldwide),

  Heaven knows that all it takes for self control
- of individuals or governments -
is a moral compass with pure intention that
 focuses attention with retention for
  conscious ascension in the 5th dimension of
   'higher' (Christic) Self control comprehension.

  Give it some time: the 2nd Coming as global
   revolution of revelations that empower
  wisdom of a 'REAL' (universal),

Hold fast to the VISION of Global
Freedom and Opportunity!

ConceiveIT and Believe IT to Achieve IT
(Innernet Technology)
for ‘5D Perception Correction
(Effective Sensory
via Universal Light Language
and Cosmic Law.

Abundant Light and will define the
Next Economics of Abundance that
makes scarcity consciousness

New Aquarian standards will create
New Aquarian Industries.


A Wholly New Health Assurance Industry
- Global Holistic Healing
TeLeCare -
will provide ‘Universal Self Care’ with
free, online database analytics for
highly personalized prevention
or management of disease.

A Wholly New TeLeCommUNITY Industry
- Global CyberEthics TeLeComm -
will provide a universal interface for
a local and global upgrade of our
core Constitutional Freedoms

How soon that happens is up to 'US'
(United Sovereigns of Earth).

In the meme time - here and now...
Economic Collapse and War? Is it a Set Up?

Dow drops 1,000 points, Nasdaq craters 4%
in global market rout: Live updates
08-05-2024 / CNBC
U.S. stocks fell sharply on Monday as part of a
 global market sell-off. Japan's market plunged
 12% in its worst day since 1987 Black Monday.

The Plan for War with Persia
August 5, 2024
The Neocons have been planning this war

US Civil Defense News - Update Alert
August 5, 2024 / at 17:28 minutes
 A massive Regional War is set up to begin!
   Israel has the full support of the US, and the
  US has committed to defending Israel at all
cost! Russia in now supporting Iran and is
helping Tehran prepare for the defense of
  the nation! The battle is about to begin...

Col Doug Macgregor:
US Deploys 12 Warships in Middle East
08-05-2024 / LewRockwell.com
"This could go sideways quick... we're living in a
 post-Constitutional environment... and what
the American
people think is irrelevant."


August 7, 2024 / Forbidden.News
Dr Jane Ruby tweeted this video yesterday with the comment:   
  "Everyone's finally figuring out that you're in a mass genocide
operation run by the United States Department of Defense
At the end, she tells you how to defeat it. (Hint: ACT LOCAL).     
Katherine Watt's paralegal mind is like a laser beam as she     
 methodically breaks down exactly how the Globalists pulled off 
the COVID Hoax, through incremental legislation, beginning    
way back, in the early 20th century.
(Full transcript HERE)       

  For a deep dive into the backstory on Katherine's brilliant
  documentation of the DoD's genocidal plan & intent, see:


Dec 25, 2022 / Sasha Latypova
Scroll down for transcript of Latypova's conversation
with Katherine Watt on November 4, 2022.


The Big Lie of mass murder "for your health" was
so BIG and so bold and so often told
that the masses believed it.

Either enough good people rise up in the frequency of
-in-action (holy spirit), and soon enough,
or the degenerate corruption we all can see
will not be discontinued - it will persist.

So Keep the Faith - is the Rule;

See the Good - the Golden Rule;

Make it So!  Rules!

 Pure geometry thoughtforms as
 Aquarian First Principles 
Geometric Ordered Divinity'
G.O.D.~ Constitution);
Five Core Net Freedoms
with universal 'Light Language'
Effective Sensory Perception
  via interactive TeLeCommunion:
 TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscienceTeLeCare and


Inspirational video via Patricia Cota-Robles:
The Triple-Infinity of the 888 Lion's Gate
August 2, 2024 / Era of Peace