Spirit of Sovereign Independence
from Power Elite Tyranny
July 4th, 2022 / Heartcom Network
Congratulations for being here and witnessing
the fireworks with the Supreme Court's
Great Turn-Around this last week.
There's a lot to celebrate folks!
Keep the Faith -
See the Good
it So!
Self Portrait for the Bicentennial
(47 years ago)
Previous Solstice article
Show Podcast
July 2, 2022 / BBS Radio Network
The Spirit of the American Revolution is definitely brewing in the collective consciousness of global humanity. Just as the printing press brought humanity out of the Dark Ages, the modern day 'printing press' (Internet) has brought us out of 'Dense, Unconscious & Heartless' (DUH). THE GREAT AWAKENING
'Self' Reflection for 'Self' Correction with
Correction as 'Self Elevation' (Ascent)
for Personal and Planetary 'Salvation' (from devolution to evolution) The
Big Shift
has hit the Aquarian 'Fan'. After two years of devolution into crisis, were now seeing collective evolution that rights the wrongs of power elite potentates who are ethical infants. For example - just the other week - the 49-year old Roe vs Wade ruling was finally struck down.
The Abortion Issue Is Simple: Babies Are Also struck down by the Supremes was the 21-year old ban on prayer at High School football games. Revisionists of America's history would have you believe that our nation was founded on secular grounds with a great wall of separation between Church and State. But that's a false narrative. Founded as a Christian Nation, our country has moved from its reliance on God to its rejection of God and the right to life for the most vulnerable among us. The Great Turn-Around this week also saw the EPA enforcement mechanism of the global warming climate hoax deactivated. The Supreme Court was asked to consider whether the Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to issue broad, aggressive regulations on climate-warming pollution from power plants that would force many of those plants to close. In a 6-to-3 decision, the justices ruled that the agency has no such authority. Think about that. This is HUGE folks! The Supreme Court is initiating the Great Turn-Around. The spark of conscientious rEVOLUTION is igniting in the hearts and minds of Netizens worldwide. The Family of Mindkind is uniting in our ALL-connected global village. Of course, the dark-side Deep State Corporatocracy is trying to sabotage the Great Awakening with disease, war, famine and depopulation. Their time is short - they know it. So their fear is great. And they want everyone as fearful as they are. Mass up-wising is their judgment. A High State is superceding the Deep State. The lamestream media has been providing
A new
Currency of Conscience is
emerging 1 minute 30 seconds 'Must Watch!': As Aquarian light surges in the
'unified field' Believe it or not, behind the scenes the 'White Hats' are in control; as above, so below. A Great Drama of Truth or Consequences is playing out on the world stage. We are moving from the Piscean 'Age of the Martyr' (victim dictum), to the Aquarian 'Age of Sovereign Netizens' (victory virtues). So this is the long-prophesied time of Great Awakening REVELATIONS. If you are reading this, you are a kindred soul who is graduating from the 'University of Hard Knocks' (3D)... and graduating just in 'time' (4D now) to a 5D+ universe of eternal progression; more conscious Light and conscientious .
Universal Spirit that Matters
Look to SEE... Know to BE...
"To understand the nature of God, it is necessary
for giving, but we can't give what
Here's a
reminder you can print out;
I Am ...
Affirmation with Pure Intention;
Realize, it's not aptitude, but attitude
It is pure intention that focuses
attention with
REAL intelligence - '5D
(spherical Conscience) So claim the
victory of the global rEVOLUTION
in And while you're at it, TOSS ME A BONE! I'm a non-profit with barely enough to pay modest bills unless health devotees care enough for their own health to at least read the story of Nature's Ultimate Superfood... and order HERE if you appreciate the ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure. Common sense may be uncommon, but Nature's ability to prevent dis-ease also cures dis-ease at therapeutic levels. Always has. All ways will. To Your Holistic Health, |