The Future of Global Net Reality
"Uncle Sam" (The Alliance) Wants You!
Calling all prayer
warriors, lightworkers, LOVEmakers and
‘cultural creatives’ – the 1% of @4
billion global Netizens
whose sphere of influence is
the 20% who do about 80%
of global social
networking. It’s time to
sound the alarm!
You are the
Paul Reveres of today, networking the urgency
all of ‘US’
global Netizens –
of Earth.
The enemy is within the gates
– the Deep State – and
either we wake up, wise up & rise up
to seize the vision,
embrace virtue and
network with valor to claim the victory
or we’ll suffer the victim dictum
that prolongs the chaos.
Published March 21, 2017
The War Against the Deep State ‘Swamp’,
Trump Complicity with War Profiteers,
and the Crisis Now in the Republic.
Definition of the American ‘Deep State’:
Covert forces of the ‘shadow government’
constituting an unelected, unaccountable
and undercover system of political
Excellent short explanatory article
“Deep State,” is a concept Professor Scott identified
as a covert political system of private
contractors for US
intelligence agencies, media
conglomerates, Wall Street
interests and Big Oil
funding, which together manufacture
“Deep Events”, such as 9/11, the JFK
assassination and
subsequent cover-ups, for motives of profit and control.
Video interview with the author
Published March 24, 2017
Is the American ‘Deep State' calling the shots
on everything from our foreign policy to
who occupies the White House?
The dark-side globalist agenda of the ‘Deep State’ is dying.
The ‘patriarch’ of the NWO Deep State is dead at age 101.
(Compendium on the demise of David Rockefeller
Their time is short and fear is great, wanting everyone to be
as fearful, angry and miserable as they are. So be strong.
Shattered Illusions. Video (15 min) with excerpt that follows.
“The incredible array of propaganda leveled at the public, the constant
war gaming and mind gaming against the citizenry, the endless hailstorm
of legal maneuvering designed to erase our sense of connection with our
natural rights and liberties, the tidal wave of fearmongering, and all
the manipulations and scapegoats and elaborate theatrical displays, all
reek of fear. For if the globalists were truly as omnipotent as they
pretend to be — if they really were all-knowing philosopher kings born
to rule — then they would already have their New World Order. They would
not need lies. They would not need the threat of force. The undeniable
power of their ideology would be enough if their ideology actually had
any validity. Lies are designed to hide lack of validity and lack of
strength. The globalists are, at bottom, a hollow shell desperately
clamoring for substance." |
to seize the vision of compelling
victory for all.
The Future of Global Net Reality
Global dynamics with the computer/Internet revolution has succeeded to
the point where a general enlightenment of about 4 billion global
Netizens has resulted in awareness of devolutionary forces that would
profit from the creation and management of war, disease and death of our
life support systems for Earth. That devolutionary force is the fruit of
highly organized corporate policies (Corp
that puts the
before the public when profits are at stake.
“Treason never prospers: What's the reason?
All conflict is caused by miss-matched expectations, and you can see the
world crisis today as a classic conflict between new paradigms of
communication, community and come-into-unity processes that have
hit the “walls in the mind” (paradigm paralysis), commonly called “D.U.H.”
(Dense, Unconscious
& Heartless)
that is propagated by the mainstream media matrix of 6 giant media
conglomerates which control about 93% of print, radio and TV ‘news’.
The Media is the Message
The message of the one-way, centralized and ‘top-down’ media matrix is
‘We’re the authorities – trust us. There is no ability to respond to
our one-way message – just accept it. You’re not responsible - we
are. We’ll broadcast what to think – believe us. You don’t have
anything to say, and can’t say it anyway, so get along by going along
with our ideological group think. If you question, disobey or challenge
the authoritarian reality show we program as ‘news’, you are extremists,
conspiracy theorists and potential terrorists guilty of thought crimes’.
That may be somewhat exaggerated, but you get the point. Matrix media is
a narrow-minded command-and-control hierarchy of power and influence
that has neither regard for public feedback nor option for it.
Conversely, the message and intent of Internet media is interactive,
decentralized and ‘bottom up’ in the grass roots (Net roots) of Net
reality in our social networks. This is to say, ‘Truth wants only
to be free – liberate it. You have response ability – use it. We are
the majority who want representation – own it. We are the media –
mediate it. Co-Creation IS what mediation DOES’.
Social conscience in a social media network only evolves or otherwise
matures if it is free and open to do so. That’s a different “world view”
(paradigm) than the mainstream media mind control matrix that is
disintegrating due to independent Internet media that is maturing with
social conscience in our ubiquitous social networks.
These are two conflicting paradigms that have created mismatched
expectations that are the primary cause of all global conflict. The new
interactive decentralized Internet media wants non-interference from the
old Deep State “aristocracy” (oligarchy) of the corporatocracy. But the
old paradigm of MSM-CIA media mind control wants top-down one-way
centralized domination for profit and power.
The status quo of corrupt corporatocracy
This is classic power struggle for the future of Earth that U.S.
Founders would definitively have something to say about.
U.S. Founders had a moral compass that challenged the aristocracy of
European powers with revolution, but now the core issue facing the
Family of Mankind in a global village is conscious
evolution without the
constraints of a corrupt Deep State corporatocracy.
Global humanity now has a defining choice between old and new paradigms
of power, perception and persuasion. The old paradigm of authoritarian
power programs us with WHAT to think about everything, whereas the new
paradigm of interactive Net reality promotes proactive possibilities
empowering HOW to think about everything.
Or more accurately, global Net reality is maturing with checks and
balances on the inordinate love
of power with
the ordained power
of love,
upgrading our
core Internet freedoms to
define, refine and ‘shine’ social conscience with
3.0 TeLeComm
of, by and for ALL of US – United Sovereigns of Earth
So please network this message freely.
Pay it forward – Sound the alarm!
May the zeal of
For the Emerging
Cosmic Shift Dynamics Now:
“Many individual entities have manifested themselves on this planet in
order to illustrate the possibilities in unity consciousness. After the
introduction of writing, a model was needed in order to inject an
example into the Akashic/ morphic field and into the memory of man that
unity consciousness was an option. Jesus, who had been through a great
number of dimensional levels, was the entity who accomplished that
purpose. Because of his efforts, the IDEA of man-unity consciousness is
within the MEMORY of man to act as a model. It is also within the grid
around the planet.
“First, you have Akhenaten as one of the Pharaohs, illustrating unity
consciousness – “that which we would become”. He walked around for a few
years and put that into the grid. He created the seed from which the
Essene Brotherhood grew. From them eventually came Mary and Joseph, who
made it possible for the introduction again of unity consciousness
through Yeshua Ben Joseph, referred to as Jesus. When Jesus started
telling people “love each other, love your enemies”, no one wanted to
hear it – people were in duality consciousness and it didn’t make any
sense. Knowing now about 4th dimensional consciousness – it should make
sense. The words he spoke are powerful and true, and we need to take the
knowledge and make it part of our lives.”
Note from CR:
The pure intent of prayer warriors, lightworkers,
Conceive it, believe it and network it to achieve it. |
The 2017 Ascension
(E-book with 15 chapters)
all your strength, mind, heart and soul,
and Netizen neighbors in our global village as thyself.
UltraMedics Services.