2012 Keynote Concepts Decoded
Preface article at: Memorial Day
2012 Keynote Concepts:
1- Earth changes are increasing because
the 'Source
Field' is surging.
2- Human consciousness on the 'holodeck'
is 'morphing' with 'Source
Once you understand
Source Field of
all-connected torus fields within fields,
you’ll appreciate how we can thrive.
(see: ‘The
Thrive Movie’)
Note that
this violet depiction of the 'torus field'
is a unifying thought form in the Thrive Movie.
veil is thinning with the quantum reality of
with Source':
are creating your reality, but as well,
reality is creating you."
~ Nassim
as we have perceived it is coming to an end
as the rate of change accelerates with our
instant-everywhere and interactive
Internet connection and our
with the light of
acceleration of absolutely everything
(synergy/synchronicity in the unified torus field)
has been called the ‘thinning of the veil’.
This is
the ‘thinning’ of the sense of separation
from the all-connected intelligence of
and to a new sense of 'cultural co-creation' via
known as
first gift of the Holy Spirit
whereby all other
gifts and talents follow.
Pure intention
-- to see with discernment --
focuses attention -- opens 'the
door' -- with
conscious ascension
(moment-to-moment) in
unity's dimension
of creative common sense...
...to culture
full-spectrum Conscience rather
than the
caused by mercury amalgams,
mercury in vaccines, fluoridated water, chemtrails in
the air, prescription drug side-effects and the toxic
genetic poisons in GMO foods and food additives
like aspartame, sodium nitrate, BHA, BHT & MSG.
As the veil thins at an accelerate rate in 2012...
more and more of
CREATION (with awareness of the
‘Creator’), is becoming self-evident in every moment.
Co-Creation with ‘Universe’ or ‘Source’ is
reaching ‘critical mass’ as a momentum…
moment-to-moment in the Source Field.
The Mayan Calendar is a timeline for the ‘surge’
in the “worldwide evolution of consciousness”.
(awakening or ‘ascension’ as
dimensional shift)
There are two Mayan
Calendar interpretation of
‘the end of time as we have known it’.
Dr. Calleman’s is the most comprehensive,
but refers to
the ‘beginning of the end’.
(October 2011 onward)
whereas the Gregorian ‘end time’ in Dec. 2012
refers to the culmination of this process at
‘the end of time as we have known it’.
This concept can
be more fully comprehended by
those who have experienced the wholEness
2012 DECODED whereby
rules at
the heart of prophetic revelations at this time.
This experience has
been the realm of
seers, shaman, intuitives, visionaries
and clairvoyants throughout history,
and going mainstream in 2012.
"The human
adventure has become the cutting edge of cosmic destiny...
“Our minds will unite like the fragments of a
~ Terence McKenna at: 'Timewave
Zero' (2nd video down from the top)
For a good overview of this
2012 'Revelation'
with many of the 'timeline codes' to the
'end of time as we have known it',
watch this YouTube video:
(almost 3 hours)
Civilizations rise and fall according to inexorable universal laws
that will not budge. When social
Conscience is
strong with conscientious
common sense,
civility thrives.
This common law is also known as natural law or universal law, and is at the heart of common sense 'Unity Conscience': Universal Co-Creation with G.O.D.~.
This golden rule/law language for every golden age is not rocket
science. Or as the Piscean Master might say in contemporary Aquarian
Dispensation terms:
with all your heart and
all your mind and
all your strength,
and your Netizen neighbor in our global village as thyself.
This first principle of, by and for Aquarian-collective
'enlightened self interest' is the
heart of pure intention as will focus
attention and sustain retention of
as the first principles for our
evolutionary ascension into the 5th dimension -- the unified field
which connects the holodeck between our ears and the holodeck we
call 'universe'. Or as Einstein put it: "A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security." (color emphasis added)
Albert Einstein, Letter of 1950, as quoted in The New York Times (29
March 1972) As above so below; unity is what Unity Conscience does. The self-evident truth of this PROCESS is that self-governing self-correction is the natural path to a self-fulfilling prophecy of a self-elevation or 'salvation' nature.
Either civilization is busy being reborn in the
atonement-as-atONEment has
always been the pure intention of social relationships of
relevance and ultimate reverence for the holy whole of sacred
"Conscience is
the most sacred of all property."
Such conscientious common sense understands how the current 'debt
crisis' is due to the inversion, subversion and perversion of the currency
of Conscience.
holistic reboot -- between our ears -- is
a process of alignment with the
natural order of the universe as cosmic law and common language... those
archetypal first
principles of, by
and for conscious evolution via Universal
with the 'Source
Code' for rebooting the personal and planetary 'holodeck' in a systemic,
synergistic and synchronicity way... as the power of infinite and
eternal Source surges here and now.
is at all times necessary, and more particularly so during the
progress of a revolution,
the Spirit of Universal
Co-Creation with Truth and Love,
our sacred gift of ~ Christopher |
the beginning, God geometrized."
~ Ancient Hermetic Wisdom re: "G.O.D."
(Geometrically Ordered Divinity)
the end, we become what we geometrize."
Modern G.O.D.~ Wisdom
CopyRound 2012 ∞ wwwFoundation
All “Rights” ()
Well “Rounded” ()
& “Synergized” ()
the cross-referenced circle of
wholEness centering
connecting , & in
the ‘CAPstone’
of wholEness:
Network Freely: Honor Source
Link the Light: Glory to G.O.D.
love with all your mind ~ , eft-brain ogic
of a inear
all your heart ~ , right-brain
intuition of a nonlinear nature,
all your strength ~ , balanced
brain of a synergistic nature,
your Netizen neighbor ~ local/global
"wholEness" (whole
thyself ~ , interdependent 'TLC' Co-Creation.