Previous Compendium:
It’s a Giant 'Experiment'
Prepare for 5D quantum surge/shift
morphing the quantum field
through to 2-22-2022
New Moon In Aquarius Update
Feb 1, 2022 / Heartcom Network
Skip to the bottom for inspirational messages on
This New Moon in Aquarius speaks to a new
cycle of not just this next month, but also
the beginning of a Great Cycle in the
millennial Aquarian Golden Age.
This graphic represents the sine wave path
of our solar system as it orbits the Great Central Sun while cycling
above and below the galactic plane in the
25,920 year Precession of the Equinox.
The Galactic Plane is also known as the Photon Belt of approximately 240
billion stars in our Milky Way Galaxy.
In the larger scheme of things, we’ve just entered Aquarius and we’re
now experiencing the ordained confrontation between ‘breakthrough
conscience’ - the Great Awakening - versus the
victim dictum of 'paradigm paralysis’ (stinking thinking) as faithless
fear and mass psychosis goes ‘viral’.
Mass awakening has always been the greatest fear of the perpetrators of medical tyranny and their planned demolition of the world economy. Now it's happening in the 'net roots' (grassroots) of the still open Internet,
Global netizens worldwide are well aware that the effete elite intended
to provide global ‘salvation’- from the disaster capitalism they
perpetrated - by providing a new digital currency
and social credit passports for total population control. This New Moon in Aquarius is a good time to consider the win/win nature of cooperative Aquarian virtues as will someday make win/lose paradigm paralysis obsolete along with the corrupt economics of scarcity - the oxymoronic ‘value of scarcity’ - that creates and monopolizes scarcity for profit and power OVER people rather than “of, by and for the people”. The rigging of medicine, markets, media, management and mindfulness is how billionaires and trillionaires ‘win’ at creating prosperity for themselves and austerity for the rest of us. But the Aquarian veil is thinning.
divisive dialectic is wearing thin.
Aquarian Spring
rEVOLUTION is matriculating the matrix with a new Common Sense
of Unity in Diversity;
A personal/public win/win revolution in higher consciousness will
happen sooner than thought possible when enough good people do
enough to MAKE IT SO!
Keep in mind that the kind man of
That is the true capability of Global
TeLeCare - an Aquarian model of universal self care - and the
Aquarian model of Global TeLeComm
for culturing local and global communities of the holy spirit of
That VISION alone - how G.O.D.-
Unmasking Massive Medical & Financial Fraud
Dealing with Vaxx Death, Denial & Chaos
America's Ruling Regime Doesn't Fear
Disinformation, It Fears Truth. Feb 18,2022 / Casting critics as terrorists and threatening to sic the most powerful, pervasive and sophisticated security state in all history on them is NOT about defending democracy OR protecting the truth. IT'S QUITE THE OPPOSITE!
"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the
Big Tech has become the biggrst enemy of
When you faint on stage after you
Bombshell from Dr. Malone:
Truckers Are the Turning Point.
The Great 2022
Turn-Around has commenced with the 'Freedom Convoy' of truckers
across Canada. In less than one week, Israel has repealed
restrictions. The UK too. Same in Denmark, Ireland, and Norway.
Switzerland has joined in, and Sweden has rolled back its plans
for a vaccine passport. We are seeing local governments and
universities in the US gradually stepping back. OSHA
inauspiciously backed off its demand that all companies force
Too Bad
American Pastors Don't Have Canadian truckers are now doing what U.S. pastors should have done almost two years ago. Courage was replaced with complacency, compromise and cowardice.
FDA ready to OK the vaxx for babies; As the murderous Fauci/NIH protocols are exposed worldwide, backlash against medical tyranny is manifesting via numerous forms of 'TLC activism'. For example, telemedicine - over a smart phone or zoom - has become a huge thing in just two years, and global TeLeCare is increasingly looking like an idea that has found it's time - the end of 'pharmacidal medical monopoly' (chemistry of disease paradigm), as we have known it for 100+ years. The 'quantum healing' (energies of health) paradigm of the Aquarian Age is increasingly providing non-invasive, non-toxic modalities for building health and preventing disease. It had to get this bad - blatant disease profiteering - for people to realize that pathological pharmacidal paradigm paralysis is killing us. Time to wise up, rise up and otherwise ascend with personnal and planetary paradigm shift of an Aquarian nature:
Final Note: So Keep the Faith, See the Good,
Optimize your body-mind-spirit health Please care to share with others who can |