2024 Quantum Quickening Series

1st Quarter Equinox – Portents for 2024 Quickening

Thinning of the veil, Aquarian Transparency,
and Fall of the Cabal


Transparency brings light to dark places,
 linking the light of lightworkers for
quickening of conscience.

March 19, 2024 / Equinox

In the larger scheme of conscious evolution on Earth, “Conscience is the most sacred of all property.” ~ chief architect of the Constitution, James Madison

We are living through the greatest transformation in the history of civilization; conscientious common sense is reaching critical mass worldwide.

The Great Awakening is rapidly morphing into the Great Enlightenment. The Big Lie of artificial scarcity – that creates and manages a scarcity of health, peace and consciousness itself – is being ECLIPSED by the Whole Truth of advanced quantum technologies that will sooner or later provide unprecedented abundance of health, peace and conscientious common sense.

The Family of Mankind is now connecting in an instant-everywhere and interactive global village that compels a new identification with ‘US’ as United Sovereigns of Earth.

A new Common Sense of unity in diversity is naturally neutralizing the divisive dialectic of the Deep State Corporatocracy which has over-ruled the sovereignty of individuals and nations.

How Did American Capitalism Mutate
Into American Corporatism?

March 15, 2024 / Robert W Malone MD, MS
The de facto Deep State actors.

‘Corporatism’ – the merger of big government with big business – is synonymous with fascism and Deep State tyranny.

Readers of this newsletter are well aware that people worldwide are seeing through the authoritarian facade of power elite potentates who are ethical infants.

This is nowhere more self-evident than in the entire Covid debacle, that is brilliantly exposed in this 6 minute video:

March 15, 2024 / Reese Report
The Fallacies of Virology and the Inversion of Natural Health.
Transcript at: gregreese.substack.com

The lamestream media is not going to report that
millions of people worldwide have been killed by
the experimental mRNA injection ‘gene therapy’
 as was pushed by Big Media with incessant fear
   porn, overt deception and government mandates.

 It was the Big Lie that was so BIG and so bold,
and so often told that many people believed it;  
same playbook as Hitler but on a global scale.  

Amish Officially Declared 'World's Healthiest Children'
After Rejecting Big Pharma Vaccines
March 15, 2024 / Planet Today
A major new investigation has found that Amish children are
free from the chronic conditions that are affecting
young children across the rest of the world.

 And just as Big Banks have shown they are too
 big to fail – and get bailed out by government –
 we see a medical-industrial complex that faces
  crimes against humanity for toxic injections that
 were definitely not “safe” as claimed, and were
only “effective” in creating lifetime customers   
with a myriad of serious pathologies that profit
Big Pharma worldwide.  As RFK Jr. explained:

In recent years, hundreds of millions of people around the world have learned about the international network of so-called ‘elites’ (also called 'The Cabal'), who are responsible for most of the suffering on earth. They orchestrate pandemics, wars, terrorist attacks, food shortages, economic collapse, vaccine genocide, natural disasters aka weather warfare, media mind control, government corruption, sexual perversion, family destruction, child trafficking, extreme poverty, and so much more.

 Who is really behind endless wars that devastate humanity?
  Why are breakthrough cancer cures repeatedly suppressed?
How did much of humanity get sick and then suddenly die?
 Where do the millions of children go, that disappear yearly?
  What is the true cause of extensive government corruption?

If you haven’t seen it, watch:

Discover the Criminal Network that Terrorizes Humanity.

Full documentary continued HERE.

This world renowned docuseries exposes crimes so horrible,
no normal human can even comprehend them.  Yet they are
normal day to day practice for the superrich overlords who   
 covertly destroy the human race and the earth for their profit.
This explains the Orwellian censorship mania in Big Media.
They are complicit in these many crimes against humanity.

Government Funds AI Tools for Whole-of-Internet
Surveilance and Censorship

Feb 11, 2024 /activistpost.com
Rigging the election is the least of our problems.

See also:

Feb 16, 2024 / The Political Pulse
Tucker Carlson and Mike Benz reveals the main
driver of censorship in the United States.

There’s no healing the deep disease in the
 body politic without coming out of denial of
 pathological insanity explained well above.

So Keep the Faith – See the Good

To   with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.