Note from CR:
This is an extensive history of 'scalar technology' which has been secretly weaponized for power over humanity in direct violation of the self determination of humanity. It has been kept secret for obvious reasons since it could be used for 'free energy', and healing in the way that would make 'Big Oil' and 'Big Pharma' obsolete. Instead, it has been used for devastating weather engineering, earthquakes, and other applications for population control that sustain a monopoly on power over the physical and human resources of humanity.
It is my opinion that this violation of universal law -- as effects the non-linear hyperspace fabric of the universe -- is the reason why Atlantis was 'allowed' to be destroyed, just as modern civilization will be 'allowed' to be destroyed if there is not a mass awakening to this danger as will make the dark-side powers behind this violation accountable to the universal laws of responsibility for the use and abuse of power, i.e. the 'Prime Directive' of, by and for pure intention as focuses attention on our evolutionary ascension.
--------- sources and article continuation links at bottom. Emphasis added with
this color..
Understanding Scalar Waves – Part I
1. THE
6. THE 1930s
7. THE 1940s
8. THE 1950s
9. THE 1960s
10. THE 1970s
11. THE 1980s
12. THE 1990s
It all started in the 18th century with a
Scotsman named James Clerk Maxwell.(1831-1879). He was a mathematical genius and
his work led to the development of quantum physics which later led to Einstein’s
Relativity. Maxwell’s equations linked electricity and magnetism and he
discovered other waves that were higher than the normal hertzian electromagnetic
They are positioned
at right angles coming off the electromagnetic wave and are omni-directional,
whereas normal hertzian electromagnetic waves are only measureable with normal
equipment and travel in a straight line.
They are also called gravitic waves because they belong to the gravitational
field. (Please see glossary for other names for scalar waves)
Maxwell’s electromagnetic spectrum went higher than our 3D physical
reality and into hyperspace where the fine indiscernable scalar waves exist.
(Maxwell said they flowed in the ether/hyperspace).
Scalar waves are so fine that they are only one-hundred-millionth of
a square centimeter in width hence finer than X-rays and gamma rays.
They can also be manipulated into various types of modes and frequencies. When
Maxwell died his work was interpreted by three experts (including Hertz)
who set the foundation for physics,
and they decided any wave that went beyond what could be measured with
an instrument of that time was "mystical" therefore worthless. According to Tom
Bearden, standard physics (from then on) as a discipline, contained twenty two
Telsa, (1856 or 1857-1943) a Yugoslavian genius, who became a US citizen in 1891
carried on with Maxwell’s work. Tesla worked for Thomas Edison, who invented
direct current, while Telsa himself invented alternating current, but the two
men didn’t get along well and parted ways. Tesla started up laboratories on Long
Island and in Colorado Springs and learned how to harness scalar waves from one
transmitter to another without using any wires. He received partial financial
backing from JP Morgan, who owned the new electricity projects, but
Morgan wasn’t interested in losing all his electricity business by
allowing people to tap into the vacuum of pure energy (hyperspace) to get their
own (what is now termed) ‘free-energy’ for no cost.
At that time Edison needed a plant ten stories high, taking up an entire city
block to supply electricty to one square mile of customers. Tesla indentified
what he called ‘Radiant Energy’ or ‘Teleforce’ in 1889. It was discovered during
experiments that Tesla did to duplicate what the German Heinrich Hertz had done
in 1887, proving the existence of electromagnetic waves. While copying Hertz’s
experiments, Tesla experimented with violently abrupt direct current electrical
discharges and discovered scalar energy, a new force, in the process. In 1904
Tesla announced he’d completed his work using scalar waves to transmit energy
without wires but unfortunately when he tried to get support for it, a setback
occurred. He was sued for his Colorado Springs laboratory electrical bill, and
his lab was torn down. He was also sued for non payment of a loan from his
lawyer and his financial troubles never abated. Tesla continued his work even
though he had no money and he died penniless in a NY hotel room in 1943,
although Preston Nichols in his book ‘Encounter in the Pleiades’ claims a
lookalike street vagrant was cremated in his place and there may be evidence
that he was spirited away to the UK.
Even though Tesla couldn’t interest the US govt.
in his wire-free scalar energy, the Russians and Germans asked him to work for
them, but he turned them down. All was not lost, just two weeks before he ‘died’
he gave all his research to a young American physicist. Tesla’s inventions were
dangerous and not only did he discover scalar waves and how to use it to
manufacture earthquakes but also he created a ‘Death Ray’, which has been
likened to a particle beam weapon. (Particle beam weapons can shoot a laser one
thousand miles into space.) After his death in 1943 the FBI was actively
involved in suppressing many of Tesla's documents, including plans for his
'Death-Ray' weapon capable of destroying aircraft and his earthquake-inducing
machine, deeming it ‘top-secret’ lest it fall into the enemy’s hands. But the
Germans had also invented beam weapons and used them during WW2. Captured from
them (according to William Cooper) was a weapon that was capable of shattering
4" thick armor at a range of two miles using low aimed, low frequency sound
waves. There is also evidence that the Germans had scalar wave technology and
they certainly had anti-gravity technology due to a UFO crashing in Germany in
1939. They back-engineered it and by 1940 had built themselves a fleet of UFO’s
in eight facilities all over Germany. The Russians, who took many Nazi
scientists captive in Soviet occupied Germany in 1946, forced the German
scientists to build them their own fleet of UFOs, which they called
‘COSMOSPHERES’ and eventually they had built hundreds. The Nazi scientists also
built the Russians scalar transmitters and particle beam weapons. Tesla also
told people that he talked frequently to people ‘off planet’, so perhaps this
was the source of inspiration for his inventions. Tesla used his scalar waves to
create earthquakes and vibrate target buildings to pieces, even those nearby the
target. He created the same effect with his massive Tesla coil transmitter and
claimed that he was bouncing scalar waves through the earth’s core to the
antipodes and back to his transmitter site. A quite small 10kw generator energy
supply of just a few horsepower rapidly allowed the build-up by resonance of
millions of horsepower in the coil circuits of his ‘magnifying energy
transmitter’ device. Sheets of manmade lightning would arc out of the circuit to
earth grounding points or from the spherical aerial system. He electrified
everything for miles, even people, and would produce fire and flames using
scalar ‘potentials’ (scattered, but harnessed particles from hyperpsace),
especially to the antipodes (opposing side) of the planet. Tesla claimed his
‘Death Rays’ had a range of hundreds of miles, which were useful against
aircraft and he stated that entire cities could be devastated by explosive EM
transmissions across intercontinental distances to anywhere on the planet.
According to the book ‘HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon
of the Conspiracy’ by Jerry E. Smith, Tesla claimed his transmitter could
produce 100 million volts of pressure, with currents up to 1000 amperes which is
a power level of 100 billion watts.
It could project the energy of a nuclear warhead by radio waves and
any location in the world could be vaporised at the speed of light.
Some say the Tunguska massive explosion in Siberia (still unexplained, because a
meteorite would have left a crater) on June 30 1908 was due to a test of this
transmitter striking its antipodes through the earth. There is evidence that
Tesla’s weapon was tested once according to Smith. The force of the explosion at
Tunguska was estimated to have been 10-15 megatons of TNT, which Oliver
Nichelson calculated Tesla’s device could deliver. The blast flattened half a
million acres of pine forest and killed two people, along with whole herds of
reindeer and other animals. In 1907 and 1908 Tesla wrote about the destructive
effects of this machine and he wrote about it again nine years later saying
"...When unavoidable, the [transmitter] may be used to destroy property and
life". It’s thought that Tesla may have been trying to break ice at the pole,
and may have overshot the target, as Tunguska is on the same great circle line
as Shoreham, Long Island where Tesla had his transmitter. If the Tunguska
explosion was on the same day as his experiment, Tesla never admitted it
publicly. Harry Mason said that a 1938 press report statedTesla’s Death Ray
would employ 50 million volts in a new form of ray wave only
one-hundred-millionths of a centermetre in diameter and was based on an entirely
new principle of physics that could produce a great repelling force. According
to Harry Mason, an Australian, who invented another "Death Ray" was found shot
through the heart in England in 1937. Tesla claimed that the device could melt
any engine, and that if aimed at the moon, would turn a spot on the surface to
incandescence. Scalar waves can produce a great repelling force on the atomic
nucleus, bypassing the outer electron shells, directly engineering or
interferring with the components of the nucleus. Private research in USA shows
scalar waves operate in a non-linear time dimension which is hyperspace, at any
speed from zero to infinity, as they are not limited to the speed of light.
Most western universities ignore Tesla’s work due
to a conspiracy to stop free-energy and anti-gravity technology, because of the
loss of money for big business that would be generated by this, but Eastern
European and Russian universities include it in their curriculum, which is why
the U.S. didn’t realise that scalar waves were being used against them, due to
no equipment for detecting such waves, until they had been secretly attacked for
ten years by the Russians using them since about 1960 when President Kruschev
announced "the Soviets had some superweapons". After the Russians shot down all
the American space shuttles and satellites in 1977, the U.S. was completely at
their mercy, by Russia openly flying cosmospheres over the U.S., firing particle
beam and scalar beam weapons developed with the expertise of captured Nazi
scientists. Following this an enormous effort was made to develop beam weapons
in the U.S. The F.B.I. had held all Tesla’s scientific papers for several years
after he was said to have died in 1943, so much of the research was unknown to
the public when they needed it the most to fight back against the Russians
attacking U.S. military targets and doing weather-engineering over America in
the early 1960’s. U.S. started up their own scalar transmitters in out of the
way places like Australia, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Greenland and Norway using Tesla
technology. However they also made particle beam transmitters at Montauk, LI,
and Los Alamos, NM. One of the first places to house Tesla technology, and hence
scalar weapons was Exmouth U.S. navy base in Western Australia built in 1968,
and operative in 1969, where they had a free rein in the deserted Australian
outback to practise. Pine Gap, another U.S. military base in the center of
Australia was another site which became operative in 1970 and has two scalar
Even though Tom Bearden, a nuclear physicist and
scalar weapon expert, claims the U.S. was totally oblivious to the secret
Russian scalar and particle beam attacks on them, which were never made public,
secretly the U.S had their own weapons that not only used Tesla technology, but
also from alien alliances, they procured advanced technology thousands of years
ahead. However due to different factions at odds with each other in positions of
power, the different U.S government departments researched separately. (See The
Secret Shadow Goverment. A Structural Analysis by Richard Boylan Ph.D. ) One faction was
time-travelling across the universe in the 1960’s, compliments of the airforce,
fighting wars in the future through stargates, as in the series StarGate SG1.
The ‘official’ space program couldn’t even get a satellite in orbit, but lied
about that and the voyages to the moon to appear as if they were progressing.
According to conspiracy researchers, behind many of these technological
facilities were former Nazi scientists who were so clever at getting things up
in space that they’d already colonised Antactica, the Moon and Mars before the
war was over! The Nazi’s homegrown UFO engineering plans were found in Germany
after the war and there was a mad rush by the Americans, British, French and
Russians to snatch the best Nazi scientific brains for themselves. According to
the book ‘UFOs: Nazi Super Weapon?’ by Mattern and Friedrich (written in Germany
in the 1950’s, but only published in Canada in the 1960’s, because the German’s
daren’t publish it) the Americans were the cleverest capturing many ‘prize
catches’ much to the anger of the French, British and especially the Russians.
The great American brain robbery of the enemy was so mind boggling that a
special dictionary had to be made for the technical jargon of the aircraft
industry alone comprising over 75,000 separate terms. Whole German factories,
including every nut and bolt, models, drawings and prototypes were shipped to
America, and to a lesser extent, the other Allies, but what America got in
quality, the Russians got in quantity. The book claims that the Russians on 21st
and 22nd Oct 1946 (in Soviet occupied Germany) sent heavily armed troopsto haul
out of their beds 275,000 German scientific specialists as well as their wives
and all their children and took them to about forty locations in Russia. German
factories awaited them, all dismantled and crated. They were forced to sign work
agreements for five years and worked around the clock for three bowls of Borscht
soup and a slice of bread daily. There would hardly have been a scientist left
in Germany after the war, with a great exodus during the war as well to
Antarctica and South America, where they carried on their anti-gravity research
etc. in secret, underground. The Russians set them to work ,40% on aircraft and
jet engineering; 31% on aircraft design; 6.5% on radio and telephone; 4.5% on
pipelines; 2% on atomic research and 1.5% on television.
In the 1920’s Tesla created ‘Tesla Shields from
scalar waves which he claimed could defend an entire country against aircraft
and shells by creating a barrier made of energy which they could not pass. The
Soviets had access to all his work during their search for ‘superweapons’ to
match the U.S. after the atom bombs were dropped on Japan. Tesla’s papers were
shipped to communist Yugslavia after he died in 1943, where they were easily
accessed by the Soviets.
By 1914, according to Harry Mason, Tesla predicted the electrical
control of the atmospheric moisture and described how to do this with his
magnifying transmitter and even how to control the sun’s EM field and modify its
effects on the earth using scalar transmitters.
Also how to turn night into day to make sea and air navigation safer. He stated
that it’s possible to engineer EM shielding to stop decay from nuclear radiation
because the decay was caused by interaction of the nucleus with a special ray
emanating throughout the universe. Tesla said it is possible to stimulate the
nucleus into explosive or rapid general transmutation. In about 1908 Tesla
discovered that scalar energy, without energy loss, using an interferometer
becomes bottled from the intersection of two scalar wave beams.
By interferometer
(crossed beam) techniques, giant standing waves can be combined to produce a
focused beam of very great energy. This can then be used to produce earthquakes
induced at distant aiming points.
He noted that this could easily get out of control once it begins vibrating
within the Earth and could actually cause the Earth to vibrate to pieces. His
own had proved so powerful, that during its testing phase he destroyed it with a
sledgehammer to keep its vibrations from destroying his entire neighborhood.
‘POTENTIALS’ are particles which are unorganised in hyperspace, pure energy not
yet released into the physical world. They can be harnessed into creating
different frequencies of scalar waves and can be manufactured artificially. This
energy emerges and stabilises only if the transmitters are at a higher reference
potential than the interference (blending) zone. If the transmitters are set at
at a lower potential, the energy bottle re-emerges back at the transmitters
where it has to be disposed of if the transmitters are not to be burnt out. If
two single frequency scalar electromagnetic (EM) waves, containing zero-vector
and artificial potentials intersect, real observable electromagnetic wave energy
results, though no EM energy has flown through the intervening space. Invisible
waves of pure potential without any force field amplitudes, using artificial
potentials seemingly do not exist according to conventional science, but this is
because they are undetectable with normal detection equipment. Yet they can be
manufactured by polarizing them or concentrating hyperspace into a river of
force, which when merged using two beams, produces real electromagnetic waves.
If the transmitter uses potential above that of the energy bottle, detectable
energy emerges in that zone and it is called EXOTHERMIC mode. To extract energy
back to the transmitter from the energy bottle, the potentials must be below
that produced in an energy bottle. This is ENDOTHERMIC mode.
If two transmitters transmit a timed pulse and
the two pulses meet, then an explosion emergence or extraction occurs at the
distant interference zone, depending on whether exothermic or endothermic mode
is used. However there is no detectable energy flow between transmitters and the
intersection of the two beams exist as locked in artificial potential in
hyperspace. This supposedly doesn’t exist. The energy flow between transmitters
and intersecting beams does not exist in the intervening space physically as an
EM force field, only as a locked-in artificial potential. If the wave
transmission is continuous, the energy appears physically between beams as
continuous. If multiple frequencies are transmitted on the beams, at the
intersection a 3 dimensional globe appears as a bullet or shell. Using pulse
transmission an impulsive or explosive emergence of this energy form appears,
but if using continuous mode a continuous glowing plasma form appears visibly.
The impulse endothermic mode energy is extracted and generates a cold explosion
or sharp cooling, and this can sound like thunder.
Extracting energy from the distant intersection
of endothermic mode has to re-emerge at the transmitters. The Soviets use a
"dump" method of temporarily capturing and storing in an accumulator the heat
building up at the transmitters. A second howitzer in exothermic mode is used to
focus energy into a distant dump site, often Bennett Island, north of Siberia in
the Arctic Sea, where exhausts are continually observed by U.S. weather
satellites. Several scalar waves sent from different transmitters may also be
engineered to combine by interferometry to produce a plasma bottle of very high
infolded or contained energy, with any desired light emission, shape, color and
intensity. This ‘bottle’may be moved around the planet at will (visible or
invisible). The bottled energy may be released by a further specific
transmission. It can be moved into the Earth, through the air, or into the sea.
If "detonated" in the earth an earthquake is the result. In a building or a city
a violent explosion, like a nuclear blast is the result. According to Bearden
the molten core of the earth itself can have enormous energy extracted directly
from it distantly and the Soviets can do this with slight variation, using
scalar EM weapons. Scalar frequency pairs -12 khz apart are transmitted into the
earth itself and they extract a gigantic electric current, which is tapped off
and transmitted into incredibly powerful scalar weapons systems. The force of
many Niagra Falls powers each weapon. Powerful transmitters trapping and
extracting energy from earth’s molten core can make very large spherical globes
and hemispherical domes of EM energy. This shell can lift Dirac matter from the
Dirac sea of the vacccum of hyperspace. Tests giving scalar howitzer signatures
(also called Tesla globes) have been seen over the N. Pacific by jet airliners
flying in and out of Japan, as well as deep within Russia by ground observers in
Afghanistan and Iranian pilots.
According to Bearden ever since July 1976,
Russian scalar transmitters have continuously sent transmissions which disturb
communication systems of the world in the 3-30 megahertz band. The noise is like
a woodpecker pecking a block of wood, so they have been nicknamed ‘Woodpeckers.’
The power of the enormous transmitters vary but he says they range as high as
several hundred megawatts, and nominally 100 megawatts. Several nations have
protested, but they still continue to this day. The Russians just spread the
spectrum to shift to other frequencies periodically. Two to three scalar over
the horizon radar beams from these Woodpeckers can intersect each other over
USA. An intersection grid over the whole of USA is formed by waveform
interference of two main Woodpecker beams. These beams follow the
earth-ionosphere waveguide and curve around the planet. This is done to detect
launched missiles and strategic bombers lifting off out of USA. However this
massive Russian grid covering large areas of U.S. has other more sinister mind
control operations according to Bearden. A phase-locked ELF modulation signal at
10 hz is often detected on multiple Woodpecker frequencies simultaneously. This
modulation if suffiently stronger than the Schumann Resonance (the frequency of
the earth’s natural magnetic field) can hypnotise brains into ‘forced
entrainment’. Human brainwaves are ‘synchronized’ to the Woodpecker signals, so
that multiple coherant frequencies phase-lock into them. Bearden writes that
multiple coherent EM frequencies are channeled into these entrained minds. He
also says that what is termed ‘Fourier expansions’ may be used to attack
specific portions of the brain geometrically. Bearden writes:
"About 1950-1952, the Soviets developed [scalar] EM machines that
could influence the brain and nervous system directly. This included the Lida
machine, which can induce a catatonic state into a mammal such as a man, a cat,
etc. U.S. scientists, obtaining one of these devices in the 1980’s, reported
that it utilized a 40 MHz carrier, and produced unusual waveforms (showing the
multiple frequency content). Since the U.S. scientists do not possess scalar EM
detectors, they have no measurements or knowledge of possible scalar components
in the Lida's output signal. According to one U.S. scientist, the device was
used by North Korean interrogators in brainwashing U.S. prisoners in North Korea
during the Korean War, and was highly effective."
It would appear that Russia did use scalar waves first in the early 1960’s, but
US soon caught up, building scalar transmitters in Australia in 1968.
6. THE 1930s
Bearden says in 1939, T.H. Moray in Salt Lake
City, after learning about Tesla’s sea of ether (in the vacuum of hyperspace)
built a specialised amplifier, which extracted energy from the vacuum. It
functioned as a macroscopic scalar interfereometer and collector and it produced
50kw of power without conventional input. The 55lb amplifier curved local
spacetime. After testing it, a Soviet agent destroyed the device, in which Moray
had expended several hundred thousands dollars. He was never financially able to
rebuild it. Moray and Tesla were the first two scientists to engineer scalar
electromagnetics, electrogravitation, local general relativity and
thermodynamics. Tesla, along with Einstein and a man named John von Neumann
worked together in the late 1930’s to discover how to make a warship ‘radar
invisible’ for the US navy for WW2.
However when the
transmitters were turned on in 1943, the ship was wrenched into hyperspace as it
lost its grip in time in what was called ‘The Philadelpia Experiment’. It later
returned when the ship operators, the Cameron brothers, ended up at the Montauk
faculty, LI, forty years in the future with von Nuemann forty years older. They
were sent back in time by teleportation to smash the ships generators and it
rematerialised. So major discoveries were made after this on how time operated
and this has been developed in secret by the U.S. government. It has progressed to the stage where time-tunnels can be
created at specialised ‘time-travel’ facilities where people may now go all over
the universe, arriving any time in the past or future. [See ]
7. THE 1940s
When WW2 ended in 1945, Tesla’s relatives
petitioned Washington to receive seventeen trunks of papers and equipment he’d
stored in a NY garage. In 1952 these were sent to communist controlled Belgrade
and put into a museum where the Soviets got all the data. It is hoped that Tesla
didn’t leave the instructions for making his "Death Ray" in his papers because
the Japanese among others went to research them at the museum. The Soviets built
Tesla museums themselves. It is also claimed that the Russians helped the Serbs
in the Bosnian war with Tesla scalar technlogy to down U.S. helicopters. More
good scientific fortune came for the Russians after Japan had atom bombs dropped
on them in 1945. When Germany became under their control, they took Germany’s
radar scientific team to the Soviet Union. (the book ‘UFOs Nazi Secret Weapon?’
by Mattern and Friedrich said that Germans had already invented the atom bomb
before the war ended.) These Nazi scientist had already advanced the theory of
radar cross section and radar absorbing material. They were on the verge of
discovering phase conjugate time-reversed radar waves, which led to scalar wave
technology, according to Bearden. The Germans did well in developing
anti-gravity technology and if they’d suceeded in timing this six months earlier
they’d probably have won the war, according to the German book ‘UFOs, Nazi
Secret Weapon?’, which was written just after WW2 following the aquisition by
the writers all the technical drawings and plans the Nazi anti-gravity engineers
had left behind. Exactly the same UFOs they’d built in German facilities all
over the country during the war were soon seen in the skies after the war,
flying from the Antarctic base where they’d taken them before the war was over.
The engineering plans found by the allies in Germany showed what they’d made.
Mattern and Friedrich wrote of innumerable German inventions and after the war
the Americans threatened war trials if they didn’t reproduce all their
inventions and they were given small food rations as an incentive. The Nazi
scientists set to work at Area 5, Nevada to build America’s own UFOs and they
also created the U.S. space program. They brought the Soviets up to date not
only to the 20th century but to the space-age. U.S. Jewish communists spies
helped Russia produce the atomic bomb. German scientists produced the Mig
fighter planes, used to kill Americans in Korea and Vietnam, along with
submarines, torpedos, tanks, military rockets and the ‘cosmospheres’ (Russian
anti-gravity UFOs). When the Germans protested in a group, they were shown
documents in English by Churchill and Roosevelt granting the Russians the
express right to utilize any German person as they saw fit. (bearing in mind
Roosevelt also managed to cause the deaths of about 1 1/2 million Germans after
the war in German concentration camps from diseases and starvation). After the
five years were up, if theCaptured Nazis hadn’t died, many were condemned to
slave labor camps for life. They were also kept for another 2-3 years in
quarantine, so they’d forget the projects they worked on, not being allowed any
pencils or paper, wrote Mattern and Friedrich.
However all of the initial specialised German UFO
scientists could not be found after the war. According to Mattern and Friedrich
the Germans had their own UFOs in 1940 but they didn’t have enough of a rare
metal needed to make enough quantities to win the war with them. The Germans had
kept exacting records of everyone in Germany, including how many Jews they
killed. The allies, in 1945, ferreting out war criminals found 250,000 people
had disappeared taking into account casualties and deaths from all different
causes. According to Mattern and Friedich, the number unaccounted for remains
constant and they claim they moved to Antactica and South America using
submarines and their own UFOs. The Nazis had forged U.S. dollar notes and
English five pound notes so perfectly (using genius Jewish forgers), that the
banks couldn’t tell the difference. The World Monetary Fund found 15 billion
dollars which shouldn’t really exist. The British had to withdraw the five pound
note, after a wrecked German plane was found with 300,000 English five pound
notes complete with printing plates! The Nazis had secretly colonized Antarctica
in 1937/38 after carefully taking 11,000 previous photos for mapping. After the
allies found out, they sent over 4,000 US navy troops to Antarctica on Dec 2
1946. When Admiral Byrd landed there, the instruments went totally haywire and
the performance guages and altimeters behaved in a most erratic manner, forcing
Byrd to abort the invasion, however he did manage to locate the Nazi base. It
has since been said by the writer W.A. Harbinson, that the Nazis down there have
superweapons which don’t let anyone near. Other sources say a UFO greeted Byrd
with a German speaking Aryan-looking alien, who’d somehow managed to land his
plane for him, by removing gravity under the plane. He apparently spoke with the
alien, who said he was from a race called the Aryanni. Other sources say that
the Nazis are in league with renegade Pleiadians down there. Could the aliens at
Antactica be helping with the poleshift?
In the
article called ‘Fortress Australia’ (
) it is said that Americans, together with aliens are using a HAARP transmitter
to alter the magnetic field over the South Pole now and that they have already
done this with the magnetic field over the North Pole. Many psychics who
apparently ‘channel’ Pleiadians have said Earth will ‘ascend’ to 4th dimensional
frequency, that they they are ‘helping’. Billy Meier, a Swiss, who was contacted
by a woman from the Pleiades named Semjase, claims that she said the Germanic
peoples descended from Pleiadians. Other sources say the Pleiadians told Hitler
the earth was over populated. Apparently Hitler was trying to save people with
blood type A, which the Nordic type Pleiadians have. In Antactica, some say Byrd
dropped an American flag, others a bomb, but within forty-eight hours, four of
Byrd’s planes had been lost, so they went home. Maybe the Nazis developed a
secret weapons from the alien alliances they are said to have now in Antarctica
since they’d been there from 1940/41? More on the Nazi colony in Antactica can
be found in Branton’s online book ‘The Omega Files’ in which it says that
Admiral Byrd’s nephew called Dr Harley Byrd claims that Admiral Byrd was greeted
by a collaboration of Nazis, grey aliens, Draco (reptilians), and rebel
Pleiadians and even sasquatch. More can be found here by Branton on this subject
here as well: (
But safe to say that WW3 will be fought with
spaceships and beam weapons, now that many other countries also have made their
own UFOs, complete with all kinds of deadly weapons that come from Tesla’s
inventions and alien technology alliances and crashed alien saucers. Could this
be the Biblical ‘War in Heaven’? The Russians now have hundreds of cosmospheres
and it’s unknown how many Nazi UFOs down in Antactica, but apparently there are
about two million people there now according to Branton. Perhaps the Russian
cosmospheres are still at odds with the Nazis in Antactica as well as fighting
the Americans - who also had former Nazi scientists create anti-grav craft at
Area 51 after the war. The Nazis had also set up colonies in South America
during WW2. Mattern and Friedrich say that Argentina and Chile, as well as
Antarctica were places where many Nazis escaped to because of a large German
population and fascist leaders. In the (UK) UFO Magazine, Aug 2003 curious
underground signals were detected in Argentina, with unnatural radioactive
signatures, microwaves, levels of electricity and oscillations originating from
the depths of the earth. They were concluded to have come from machinery
operating many km beneath, sending oscillations with alternating electrical
waves. The area has strange swiftly moving lights, which then plunge into the
ground. Could it be Nazis or aliens? Mattern and Friedrich mentioned an American
man of German blood called Reinhold Schmidt and he claims he was taken away on
numerous occasions by a flying saucer to the pole, with the crew speaking German
and acting like German soldiers. However the crew leader claimed to be from
another planet. He’d also spoken with German speaking Saturnians. Preston
Nichols claims that Hitler was in league with Pleiadians and also a Dutchman
who’d seen Hitler in a field in Holland during the war conversing sometimes with
aliens who’d landed and got out of their ships to meet him. Others say the
Pleiadians deliberately crashed a ship in Germany in 1939 to give them a
technology boost during the war because of the Germans being the same Nordic
race as them.
Also in time travel experiments at Montauk
facility, LI, run by aliens and Nazis, they were said (in the ‘Montauk ‘series
of books by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon) to have sent technology back in
time. Andy Pero claims in Vol One of this series THE UNIVERSAL SEDUCTION in the
interview by Eve Lorgen, that he was sent back in time by Nazis working at
Montauk, to both England and Germany to deliver drawings and communication
devices and weapons made of 1940’s parts to enable America to win the war. This
could be a complex puzzle to solve with different timelines, in operation
regarding who really won WW2 (in our present reality) because an American man
named ‘Professor Phate’ claims he comes from another timeline running twenty
five years behind this one, in which Germany won the war or called a truce and
he claims that his U.S. government handlers switch him, using his soul, from one
timeline to another as they wish. He says there is another whole new reality,
running concurrently with this one, where there was no hippy revival and things
are much different. The people at Montauk and their alien cohorts are
manipulating different timelines from there, where apparently many converge due
to the location of the world’s gridlines which meet at Montauk. Each
timeline/gridline contains a different ‘reality’ which can apparently be
manipulated by technology. Our present ‘reality’ operates at 435 MHz according
to Preston Nichols, and the window frequency to the human consciousness operates
at 400-450 MHz. A new ‘reality’ is being churned out with a series of ‘thought
forms’ (emanations from the mind) transmitted from technology tuned to 400-450
Mhz. Nichols claimed that one day when he went to visit the outside Montauk
grounds where all the transmitters were, things he saw were there one minute and
gone the next, popping in and out of reality. Parallel realities were switched
at random there with computers. He even found that on another timeline he’d
worked at the place as an electronics engineer for years, even though he hadn’t
visited there to his knowledge before. Time was looped and twisted and bent
beyond recognition using alien computers and magic processes which were powered
by manipulations of ‘kundali spirit fire’ syphoned from the spines of victims
taken off the street. They used a ‘Zero Time Generator’ constructed by Tesla in
the 1920’s, from which to reference their timeline manipulation. A person would
be sent anytime to thousands of years in the past or future, along to any point
across the universe through time tunnels. The time co-ordinates were calculated
by the computer and referenced to Zero Time to enable the person to return to
the right time line, otherwise they may get lost in a different ‘reality’.
‘Multiple realities’ where different timelines operate concurrently (using
technology thousands of years in the future) is said to exist at U.S. military
underground installations at Montauk, LI, Dulce, NM, and Pine Gap, in central
Australia according to the writer Branton.
According to Al Bielek, Tesla invented a Zero
Time Reference generator which was used on the ship ‘Eldridge’ for the
Philadelphia Experiment, as a system which locks onto the earth’s magnetic
structure and its mass resonance, finding out a zero like or still time as a
reference point in which to universally date something by taking into
consideration all the revolutions of earth, the sun, our galaxy and so on
ultimately until according to Preston Nichols ‘our reality’ is found to lodge
into. Tesla developed this in the 1920’s as part of the FAA Fed Aviation, and
the Eldridge (warship used in the Philadelphia Experiment to become radar
invisible) had to have this to lock all systems together to have a reference
point to return to. Tesla was initially the director of what later became know
as the Philadelpia Experment, originally created to make ships invisible using
powerful magnets outside the ship. Unfortunately magnets giving off scalar waves
distort the hyperspace by warping the fabric of it. Tesla dropped out in 1942,
before the final experiment was done in 1943, which made a forty year rift in
time. However, the ship was sent into hyperspace by accident once the generators
were switched on and Al Bielek was suddenly transported through time to forty
years in the future.(He was then known as Edward Cameron.) He met with Dr John
von Neumann who was forty years older, living in 1983 and he was working on the
Phoenix Project and was himself working with scientists from that future, who
taught him to manipulate time and timelines. Al was shown technology by a much
older von Neumann (who was also there still in 1943) during his trip to 1983 and
working with him on the Philadelphia Experiment as he was transported to the
future. Dr Edward Teller and Stan Tennen both knew about seven parallel
realities, which interlock. Much became known about how time operates from the
effects of the Philadelphia Experiment. Aliens also had a hand in teaching
Americans this secret technology starting with Tesla, who’d made a press
announcement that he’d been in touch with ‘people off planet’. He still insisted
it was true two decades later. After it was found that time could be travelled
through physically, much research was done on multiple realities amd the
manipulating of them, especially how to manipulate the ‘timeline’ (present
reality expressed ) we live on which was found to operate at 435 Mhz.
8. THE 1950s
According to the book ‘Excalibur Briefing’ by Tom
Bearden at the end of WW2 the Soviet Union obtained the best radar scientists
and infrared scientists of Germany and these lead the world in the theory and
technology of radar absorbing materials (RAM) and radar cross section. Some
leading western radar experts believe that these men already had advanced radar
cross section technology beyond western levels today. RAM technology is needed
to develop and design phase conjugate mirrors, which are capable of producing a
time reversed (TR) wave in direct response to a received ordinary wave. The
mirror is pumped with energy to largely amplify a time reversed wave. By 1950
the Soviets, probably using German radar scientists discovered phase conjuction
and the time reversed wave in their radar programs. The Soviets, having lead the
world in non-linear science and mathematics would have by the mid 1950’s had an
intensive development program on these radar time reversed weapons. (radar waves
are one step lower than scalar waves) These Russian weapons are now in the 5th
generation development from the equivalent of 7-8 back to back Manhattan
Projects (the U.S. program to develop the atom bomb). A time reversed wave does
not diverge and spread its energy (unlike a normal wave) it continually
converges upon its invisible ‘back-tracking’ path. Extremely large
amplifications of TR waves can be done cheaply and readily in response to
received signals from a distant target. This is a powerful weapon when turned
directly to that target, because almost all of the transmitted TR signal energy
will arrive at and into the distant target, with hardly any waves lost enroute,
even if the target is fast moving. Geometric forms of energy can be created
using crossed beam techniques and these time reversed wave carriers don’t
disperse with distance, so can be sent to great distances even hundreds and
thousands of miles, limited only by the amount of amplification transmitted at
the beginning. Bearden says that before 1960 the Soviets radiated the US embassy
in Moscow with scalar EM waves and phase conjugate energy, modulated upon weak
microwave carrier beams. These created illness and blood changes in the staff.
U.S. studies took a long time to understand what was happening and so by not
taking counter measures the Soviets knew that US had no defenses against
time-reverse wave technology and scalar electromagnetics accompanying these
beams directed towards the U.S. embassy staff.
9. THE 1960s
In January 1960, Nikita Khrushchev the Soviet
premier announced the development of a new fantastic weapon and on April 10 1963
(according to Tom Bearden)
the Soviets used it
to destroy the U.S.S. Thresher atomic submarine underwater, off the east coast
of the U.S. The next day, they
used it in a different mode to produce a giant underwater explosion in the ocean
over the Puerto Rican Trench, 100 miles north of Puerto Rico. Since then the
Russians have downed or interfered with various aircraft as tests of their
scalar beam weapons. F-111s were downed mysteriously in the Vietnam conflict and
one was found to have had all the electrical systems broken. Special Soviet
teams were thought to have converted some North Vietnamese SA-2 missile system
radars to the scalar EM mode, which is easily done, to destroy the plane’s
Bearden writes that Tesla used his endothermic mode scalar interferometer to be
a remote viewing radar. This
can be accomplished by crossing two beams and only extracting a small amount of
energy, which can be displayed and read on an appropriate screen. With new
techniques this can be quite good, and Bearden says that with development this
may become as good as side-looking aquisition radars. Since scalar beams can
penetrate the earth or ocean, one can use them as an X-ray form and see inside
buildings and underground faculties. Targets under jungles may also be visible.
Underwater submarines can be detected and tracked. To destroy a submarine, two
beams in exothermic mode can be fired with powerful scalar pulses intersecting
at the submarine in a violent electromagnetic pulse, which destroys everything
When the Soviets destroyed the USS Thresher
submarine in 1963, it left a scalar interference on the nearby USS Skylark,
which was in the "splatter zone". The Skylark’s electrical systems were actually
disabled, which went on for an hour and a half and this stopped it transmitting
an emergency message about USS Thresher. The Skylark’s electrical system later
resumed operation inexplicably, which is a direct signature of an exothermic
scalar interferometer used undersea. Americans must have found out about the
Russian scalar weapons and set to work to build their own facilities to develop
the same, only away from prying eyes in Australia where the deserted outback was
a good testing ground. According to Harry Mason, (in his ‘Bright Skies’
articles) after the US navy Exmouth faculty in NW Cape, Western Australia was
built in 1968, when the main contractors left, Tesla scalar technology was built
in, with a duplicate of his energy transmitters which he’d built in Long Island
and Colorado. It had a wooden construction to handle very high voltages and
frequencies, possibly as high as microwaves, which contain the induced coil
electrostatic wave from discharge. This is NOT needed to handle VLF and ELF.
(Harold Holt, Prime Minister of Australia 1966-1967 disappeared while swimming,
after telling close friends and family that the next day he would raise in
parliament something that deeply offended him about American activities in
Australia. He was never seen again.) Exmouth became active in 1969 in time to
conduct the tests just before 1970 in the Great Sandy Desert, WA, where
earthquakes were induced in grid rows 10km apart. In 1965 the Great Sandy Desert
was mapped with high altitude aerial photography by the US govt. In 1966 the
French oil company Aquitane, that had a permit for oil exploration there,
carried out aero-magnetic, ground gravity, seismic traverse and ground VLF/ELF
EM studies, which was odd for oil exploration but the Aust govt, paid half the
exploration costs. The public was told it was off limits for testing British
Blue Streak missiles, and European 4 stage rocket satellites. They got one into
orbit in 1970/71, and then the project closed down.
10. THE 1970s
In 1970, Aquitane did no field work, but in March
1970 a series of concentrated magnitude 3.0-3.5 earthquakes commenced in the
Great Sandy Desert, though no earthquakes had happened there before. These
happened along a 10 sq km area of two lines forming a central ‘aiming point’
cross. Two young cattle hands died mysteriously a few years ago on the seismic
gridlines, in the Great Sandy Desert ‘earthquake test range’. Other Australian
areas have also shown clusters of earthquakes around central points. According
to Mason the Great Sandy Desert quakes are distributed exactly due east of the
Exmouth US navy transmitter (Tx) site, and move sinisterly located upon a
magnetic north pole circle route, from Exmouth’s sister site at Cutler, Maine
near the Canadian border. (Could this be part of the U.S./alien program which is
moving the magnetic north pole along to another spot, which is described in full
in Bruce Cathie’s book Harmonic 33? This sinister scientific alliance are
apparently relocating the world’s natural gridlines about 10-12 deg away from
their present spot in which to change the way time is expressed through our
present reality. The magnetic field of the earth was lining up to match the new
magnetic poles. Cathie claims this field work in relocating the gridlines was
started about 1945 by the aliens. Other ‘channeled’ alien information on this
claims they will be finished this new gridline re-activation work in 2012) Mason
says that several fireballs have been seen emanating from Exmouth during
1973-1994, towards the Great Sandy Desert, which appears to have been utilised
to test and deploy EM weapons of prodigious power. He says that slugs of crossed
scalar beam energy could have been fired from Exmouth and steered or explosively
initiated from Cutler Tx base and other US global transmitters into the area. A
great circular geographic polar route north from Exmouth passes through these US
military faculties: Hong Kong; Cutler, Maine (known VLF Tx); Arecibo, Puerto
Rico (known VLF Tx); Tucuman, Argentina (known VLF Tx); Palmer and Amunsden-Scott
US Antarctic bases and back to Exmouth Tx. In 1908 Tesla claimed that he could
hit any antipodean spot on the globe with an enormous EM energy pulse in
microseconds, creating an equivalant to the Navy’s Dreadnought battleship
broadsides, what we’d term now a nuclear explosion. Puerto Rico is a near exact
antipodes of Exmouth and both sites have common UFO sightings, especially
Arecibo, but Mason says they also may be Tesla globes from testing at both
sites. In 1970 Pine Gap U.S. military base in central Australia became
operative. According to the book Anti-Gravity and the World Grid, the facility
has two scalar wave transmitters installed there.
In exothermic mode, a visible flash will occur if
EM energy in the visible spectrum is produced for example if the emerging energy
is in the infrared spectral band this will appear. One of these was detected in
1979 by Vela satellites as a "nuclear flash" over the south Atlantic off the
southern coast of Africa. A second nuclear flash in infrared was detected in
1980 by Vela satellites. Bearden thinks this may have been Russians, but it is
also known that Israel was testing secret weapons in South Africa at some point
and they too have scalar weapons, particle beam weapons, red mercury weapons and
quantum potential weapons. South Africa also has scalar weapons according to
Bearden. It is unknown how Israel got scalar weapons but many Russians have
emigrated to Israel. France, who also has scalar weapons originally gave Israel
nuclear weapons technology. American Jews also gave Russia the atomic bomb
technology according to the book UFOs Nazi Secret Weapon?
In 1976 a British European Airway crew, over
Lithuania watched an intensely glowing, stationary ball of light above the
clouds, under the plane, giving the signature of a Tesla (scalar) Globe. The
pilots were told by the Russians to ignore it and exit the area. In U.S., in
1978, an anomalous straight, not jagged, beam of ‘1ightning’ came down from the
sky at a 45 degree angle to the ground and struck Bell Island, Newfoundland,
causing a loud explosion and house damage etc. Two cup-shaped holes about two
feet deep and three feet wide marked the major impact. Wires leading to
buildings nearby were vaporized. All the wiring on the property was blown out.
TV sets nearby, also exploded. Atmospheric conditions were not conductive to
lightning. U.S. Vela satellites picked up the event. The incident was
investigated promptly by two representatives from a U.S. weapons laboratory at
Los Alamos. On Nov 21 1977 Bearden claims cloud indications of a huge standing
wave were observed off the US Pacific coast, reaching from Alaska to Chile.
Cloud banks over this stretch of the ocean reached the whole of the distance.
There a straight black line, as through drawn by a ruler, appeared in the cloud
mass. It was an opening in the clouds, one mile wide and 200 miles long. There
was no known explanation, but Tesla scalar globes and fireballs have had a
straight black line down the center. In 1977/78, high altitude booms occurred
off the East coast of the U.S, with some associated flashes. According to
Bearden, these explosions represented adjustment of an interference grid that
had been established over the U.S. by crossed Woodpecker scalar beams, and
artillery-type high burst registration of scalar EM howitzers. Numerous other
adjustments of the grid and registration of howitzers have occurred over the
U.S. The grid can detect anything passing through it into space. To create a
scalar interference grid waves are sent one way with another set crossing it
from another transmitter and this shows up as a grid on their computer screens.
This enables, one to see if anything is fired into the air and from where, also
it can target an object on one of the gridsquares, by sending a scalar wave one
way, and another another way, to meet at the target. The explosion shows up on
the screen. In 1984, significant adjustments of the interference grid over US
occurred. Over Los Angeles and San Diego anomalous aerial phenomena such as
explosions, rumblings, airquakes, and buildings and windows shaking without
seismic disturbances occurred. A sharp and unexpected weather front appeared,
racking the area with high winds on the night of Dec. 12, producing wide-spread
damage and power outages. The newly-formed front, steered by the dynamic
Woodpeckers, moved on to produce significant snowstorms in other areas, even
Tucson received a snow ‘dump’ of 20 inches. (America also now has interference
grids over other countries from multiple scalar transmitters placed in various
countries to do the same.) Other loud booms, all over the U.S. were claimed by
another insider to be Russians in their cosmospheres, firing particle beam
weapons. More on that later.
According to Bearden, the ‘nuclear flashes’ seen
by the Vela satellites in 1979/80 could be tests of crossed scalar beams in the
pulsed exothermic mode, which produces a sharp electromagnetic explosion, hence
the ‘flash’, very similar to the initial electromagnetic flash of a nuclear
explosion. He says: "Even in the vacuum of space, such an explosive eruption of
energy from within the local spacetime vacuum itself may be expected to lift
matter from the ‘Dirac sea’ [hyperspace energy, producing a plasma. Prompt
absorption and re-radiation of energy from this sudden plasma may be expected to
present nearly the same ‘double peak’ profile as does a nuclear explosion. This
was the profile presented by the flashes. Note that the second flash detected
was apparently of an ‘explosion’ primarily in the infrared, almost certainly
ruling out a conventional nuclear event. It does not rule out, however, pulsed
distant holography using pumped EM giant time-reversed wave transmitters." In
Afghanistan 1979, Nick Downie watched a gigantic, expanding sphere of light deep
within the Soviet Union, toward the direction of Saryshagan missile test range,
which contains at least one directed energy, or particle beam installation which
could function as a scalar interferometer. Downie says that multiple events at
this place occured during the month. Bearden claims also, that on the other
hand, there also exists tenuous evidence that these Vela satellite seen events
may have been associated with weaponry of another nation, not hostile to the
On a more esoteric note, it seems that Tesla’s
hyperdimensional physics has been used to go into the realms of the unknown.
Richard Hoagland in a 1995 radio interview told of a friend, who was part of
security, in the U.S. armed services in the 1970’s in Central America. He was in
a large battalion of military engineer personnel, flown into a location. They
hauled in large portable generators, each of which was capable of lighting a
city. There was a large amount of copper cable and this equipment was placed on
an ancient Meso-American site in the jungle in the middle of nowhere close to
19.5 lat. The generators were positioned separately in a geometrical hexagonal
pattern with energized coils. Hoagland claims that from what we know, it must
have been to probe the efficacy of the terrestrial hyperdimensional grid. At
hyperdimensional nodes on the grid one can change the resonance, with the object
of creating geological earth changes. As our physical reality vibrates at a
certain frequency, various physicists are using transmitters to change the way
time flows and therefore how our time-frame vibrates. Hoagland says in his
opinion, we are being manipulated into a belief system, which is reaching a
critical point. Someone wants us to think a certain way, and things are being
sent to follow this perception, however, he claims this does not follow the
truth. (Americans and Russians are both using scalar waves to engineer a
particular kind of level of reality vibrating at a different frequency to the
one we have at present and changing the expression of our brainwaves, which
operate in scalar waves. Various frequencies are equal to the way we perceive
life, depending on what parts of the brain are activated by that frequency)
Hoagland says in hyperspacial physics constants change, and this seems to be
happening. Nuclear constants are changing and nuclear plants sited on the grid
or not are getting ‘hotter’ than they should be, which means there might be more
accidents. According to Bruce Cathie as well, this may be something to do with
powering up gridnodes or vortexes, at intersection points on the world
gridlines, in which he proved in his numerous books that hyperdimensional
physicists are in a covert operation with alien help to create a new set of
world gridlines, alongside the present ones connected to the North and South
Poles. Various strange phenomena occurs, along with UFO sightings along grid
lines with the main lattice lines operating at 30 nautical miles apart. There
seems to be a way in and out of hyperspace to other places in the universe when
certain planetary configurations affect gravity using regular cycles and world
biorhythms, and natural time tunnels open up. One needs to use very fine
electromagnetic waves which operate in hyperspace for this. It’s unknown if a
wave more fine than scalar is being used for this, but ever since the 1950’s
brainwave emanations have been able to be controlled using scalar waves, so what
is being used here for the last few decades is what is called ‘synthetic
telepathy’, which is artificial thought produced in the same kind of subtle wave
that real thought has. The Russians developed this first.
Nuclear and electricty power stations are being
build deliberately on the sensitive gridline points, using harmonics, (hyperdimensional
physics) so ‘manipulate our reality’ as held by the timelines, which flow
through the gridlines, positioned there by gravity. Bruce Cathie has claimed by
using the formula covert scientists use to calculate the angle of the sun and
planets, which time to best day to detonate a nuclear bomb in order to affect
hyperspace, that when the Chernobyl accident happened everything was in the
correct position astronomically as for the other nuclear explosions. There is
covert tweaking of a new set of gridline nodes. The Russians bought the patent
for Buckminster Fuller’s world gridline system. It is known that the Russians
have had an alien alliance since the 1950’s. Whether they work in conjunction
with Americans to manipulate hyperspace grid node points is unknown, but
information found online says that the Russians had a large natural timeportal
in Afghanistan in use, that the U.K./U.S. alliance intended on taking from them,
hence the war in Afghanistan.
Research shows that one faction is trying to
operate an old Atlantean gridline, which is creating an old ‘reality’ associated
with Montauk, Atlantis and Cydonia. It appears that various alien factions
including the Pleiadians are trying to activate certain timelines running
through Montauk, where it is said that many timelines cross. So this major
reality engineering work has been done for a very long time, behind the scenes
with govt. and military people entering hyperspace and going into alternate
universes. Bruce Cathie said that a UK intelligence agent told him
that they could get into fifteen dimensions. It’s unknown if Tesla worked with
the British physicists, if (or after) he faked his death and went to the U.K.
but having more money to continue his work, after having been involved in the
Philadelphia Experiment where it was found that time could be manipulated, we
can only wonder. Harry Ossoff in the book Anti-Gravity and the World Grid wrote
that the warship the Eldridge was on a gridline at
Philadelphia and while the ship had vanished for four hours for the duration of
its suction into hyperspace it materialised temporarily on another gridline at
Norfolk, Virginia. The gridlines were determined by Bruce Cathie. Ossoff asks:
"Could it be that the energy that makes all this possible is a magnetic field
transmitted at the correct frequency by the powerful field generators aboard the
ship?" Much has been learned
about how hyperspace functions since the Philadelphia Experiment took place in
1943. Is it possible that the Russians have learned how to navigate the
gridlines with their cosmospheres by being able to materialise and dematerialise
on the gridlines like the aliens do? Three Russians ‘discovered’ the grid in the
1960’s. However in the 1950’s both Aime Michel in France and Bruce Cathie in New
Zealand both noticed that UFO’s appeared in the same places or on the same
latudes or longitudes. They both mapped out a set of gridlines at about the same
which matched. When this went public Cathie was immediately visited by the CIA
and MI-6. They tailed him everywhere wanting to know where he got his
information and the CIA offered him millions of dollars to be quiet, which he
turned down. The N.Z. govt protects him however and more than likely told
everyone to back off and leave him alone, as he gives the data to them as he
privately researches what is happening. Using his special harmonic equations to
understand gridline tweaking and the opening of hyperspace portals carried on by
There appears to be a covert plan worldwide by top hyper-dimensional physicists
to open up the gridlines at top universities and for this certain grid node
areas have nuclear bombs dropped on them and one wonders why the French
conducted 1,112 undergroud nuclear tests at Muroroa Atoll in the South Pacific
between 1975 to 1988 alone. They have dropped more since.
Richard Hoagland claims the French are really doing hyperdimensional physics.
Did they create their own time-portal too? It would be a little attention
getting to have dropped so many on France for this quest! A general idea is
given here: with Cathie’s work
summarized here:
11. THE 1980s
The 1980s was a danger for the planet’s safety,
because the Russians got really dangerous in their experiments and especially
with testing their new weapons on US, one with multiple scalar transmitters
turned on at once,
endangering the
survival of the entire planet.
According to Bearden, on May Day (May 1) 1985, the Soviets conducted a massive,
‘full up’ strategy exercise of the scalar EM weapon systems and communications
strategic exercise for Gorbachev, the recently selected leader. During this
sudden exercise Frank Golden discovered the Soviets activated 27 gigantic ‘power
taps’, established by resonating the earth electrogravitationally on 54 powerful
scalar EM frequencies (27 pairs where the two are separated from each other by
12 kHz.) transmitted into the earth and they utilized this to stimulate the
earth into forced electrogravitational resonance on all 54 frequencies. Each of
the 27 power taps extracted enormous energy from the molten core of the earth
itself, and turning it into ordinary electrical power. Each giant tap is capable
of powering 4 to 6 of the largest scalar EM howitzers possessed by the Soviet
Union. Bearden says: "Apparently over 100 giant scalar EM weapons were activated
and a large number of command and control transmissions and it lasted several
days. By alternating the potentials and loads of each of the two paired
transmitters, electrical energ in enormous amounts can be extracted from the
earth itself, fed by the ‘giant cathode’ that is the earth's molten core. Scalar
EM command and control systems, including high data rate communications with
underwater submarines, were also activated on a massive scale. The exercise went
on for several days, as power taps were switched in and out, and command and
control systems went up and down. Bearden says that not a single US intelligence
lab, or scientist detected this because they didn’t have a detector for scalar
EM radiation, and not one officially believes that the exercise ever happened."
Luckily it was monitored on an advanced, proprietary detection system by Frank
Golden for several days and by Bearden for several hours. This exersize
represented the achievement of Brezhnev’s 1972 statement that by 1985 the
Soviets would be prepared to do s they wish, anywhere in the world. Bearden
claims the NASA shuttle launches were a test of these superweapons in a launch
phase ABM mode, where a launched missile can be detected and destroyed shortly
after liftoff. At first, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bursts on the early shuttle
trajectory were deliberately delayed in time to avoid detection.
However the ‘Fire From The Sky" author claims
that the Russians used their cosmospheres high up in space for these shuttle
shootdowns, and that the initial shuttle launches were all shot down by them,
with particle beam weapons, with a faked landing of another spare shuttle. This
will be covered later. Tom Bearden believes that during the shuttle launch of
Nov 26, 1985 a very loud ‘sonic boom’ or explosion occurred over the launch site
twelve minutes after shuttle liftoff, when the shuttle was already away and
downrange. At least two previous shuttle launches had also been used as
pseudotargets, with delayed booms occurring over the launch site well behind the
vehicles. However ‘Fire In The Sky’ is the only insider to claim Russian
cosmospheres shot down the shuttles, so Bearden may not have known about them
when he wrote about this topic, he only knew the type of weapons used because of
their signatures. So there are two slightly different versions of how the
Russians shot at the shuttles, with Bearden saying they didn’t destroy the
earlier shuttles, but he does have 100% proof that the Russians shot down
Challenger in 1986, by photos of the Russian signature weather engineering in
the clouds in the vicinity.
Other scalar weapons were being tested during the
mid 1980’s also by America and Japan using the Western Australian outback.
According to Harry Mason, in his ‘Bright Skies’ articles, between 1980-1985 and
after 1993 bizarre massive non-fireball light phenomena has been described in
Western Australia. A common sight is massive 5-10 second bursts of blue-white
light seen in the night-time skies of the upper atmosphere. Normally no solid
object is seen with these energy emissions, but they are similar to those
explosions seen after fireballs flew by during scalar weapons tests in the 1990s
in Western Australia. There are about 100 documented events of these until 1997,
in WA. The only other similar emissions are those circa 1900 high-frequency,
high-voltage scalar wave experiments by Tesla, where massive blue-white streams
of arching electricity issued from the forest floor into the atmosphere,
creating an intense, violent, blue-white glow, emitting an electrical noise,
which was audible for miles and lasting several minutes. Flashes and beams were
detected off the east coast of USA before 1985 and according to Bearden they
were from one or more scalar howitzers in exothermic mode. Large booms appeared
over 3 space shuttle launches in Cape Canaveral in 1985. For this the Russian
Woodpecker over-the-horizon radar was used following the curvature of the earth
in the earth-ionospheric waveguide, timing, phasing and orientating to met the
rising shuttle. The shuttles weren’t destroyed according to Bearden just tested
against the actual shuttles. However the Fire from the Sky files say the
Russians did destroy the shuttles. Bearden says that on April 18, 1985 two Titan
missiles, the only viable launch option, along with the shuttles, to put up US
spy satellites blew up shortly after launch. Significent Woodpecker activity
occured before and on the same day. Nov 26 1985 saw a very loud "sonic boom" or
explosion 12 mins after liftoff, over the launch site of the NASA spaceshuttle.
Bearden claims that two previous spaceshuttes had been used as Soviet targets
with delayed booms over the launch site, but the shuttles weren’t destroyed.
The Soviets were extremely brutal to the
passengers of an American airforce DC-8 lifting off in Newfoundland, Canada. On
Dec 12 1985, they deliberately destroyed it and killed 258 on board. At
lift-off, the aircraft lost power and sank into the ground tail-low. No flame or
smoke issued from the plane before its descent and crash, yet it was seen
mysteriously glowing with a yellow or orange halo, which is a signature of the
use of a scalar EM howitzer in the ‘continuous EM emergence’ mode, similar to
the manner in which several F-111's were downed in Vietnam. The DC-8's
electrical systems were interfered with by EM energy and EM jamming noise
created throughout each increment of spacetime occupied by the aircraft. The
loss of the engines was probably due to a localized endothermic (energy
extraction) beam to the engines. Crossed, glowing beams were seen to form in the
clouds and a ball or beam of light then go from that glow and strike the
aircraft. Instant fire to the plastics inside the plane, gassed everyone with
cyanide inhalation, before it exploded. Its engines roaring in painful labor,
rather than with the full-throated roar of normal power. Bearden claims the
distant Russian operator/gunner apparently tracked the aircraft down the runway,
using two modes against it, energy interference, and energy extraction. An
anomalous hole, characteristic of a scalar strike was in the fuselage. Bob
Gladwin took a picture of the actual strike of one of those weapons, offset from
a shuttle launch in latter Nov. 1985 and about two weeks later on Dec. 12 the
same or a similar weapon hit the US Arrow DC-8 in Newfoundland. On April 1985, a
Titan 34-D missile, launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, blew up 5 seconds
after launch. Video cameras inadvertently caught the Soviet marker beacon used
with the scalar EM howitzer that destroyed the Titan, up and above the
explosion, moving independently. The hovering ball of light was completely
separate. This positive signature leaves no doubt that the Soviets destroyed
that missile also. The previous Titan 34-D missile launch there in August, 1985
also blew up just after lift-off. On May 3 1986, a NASA Delta rocket carrying a
satellite failed. It had a an anomalous ‘command-type’ shutdown of its main
engine during launch and began to veer off course. On film another anomalous
light moved up from beneath the rocket and struck it, seconds before the
destruction. Bearden says the light plus the ‘internal command surges’ are
strongly indicative of time-reversed EM pulses and interferometry from a pumped
phase conjugate mirror adjunct operating with an over-the-horizon tracking mode.
On Jan 1 1986, Frank Golden detected, physically
verifying with a special technique, that a metal softening scalar EM signal had
been added onto the Soviet Woodpecker signals, and this is what they later used
on the space shuttles. In the spring of 1986, abnormally strong Soviet weather
engineering occurred over the U.S., causing a drastic drought in the
southeastern U.S. This drought was broken by Bearden’s colleague, with his own
extremely powerful scalar EM device to redirect jetstreams. A unique signature
of this "blocking" resulted with two huge circulations developed in the
atmosphere, clearly showing as two adjacent giant "holes" in the swirling cloud
cover over the middle and eastern U.S. Bearden’s colleague became ill and had to
stop, and immediately the jet streams changed back and returning drought the
southeast. When the man recovered he resumed blocking and restored the rains
once again. In late 1986, significant giant radial cloud patterns, associated
with Soviet weather engineering were noted over California. On Nov 10 1986 an
anomalous, giant "fireball"/meteor was seen moving from west to east over four
states, and accompanied very sharp changes in the EM grid. Bearden says, the
so-called ‘meteor’ may have been a large scalar Tesla Globe from the Woodpecker
grid over U.S. performing a simulated test of the multiple-vehicle kill mode,
using a large ‘electromagnetic missile’ created and moved by the associated
scalar howitzers. A large, rapidly moving light was seen and noise was heard. An
anomalous winter storm breaking cold records, was happening southwards.
Concurrently, heat records were being broken in the southeast. Frank Golden
verified by direct measurement that the electrogravitational field of the earth
was agitated and most dynamic, with significant activity introduced by the
Soviet scalar EM grid. (The activity was about half what it is when the Soviets
are inducing an earthquake.) Bearden says also in Nov 1986, Huntsville, another
twin giant radial, moved from west to east, with another one observed there at
dusk. Also, air control radars along the corridor from Los Angeles to Arizona
suffered a "power outage" not long after the "meteor" (Tesla Globe) incident.
Montreal, Canada had anomalous TV interference about the same time the air
control radars experienced anomalous failure. This could mean that the agent
that caused the radar failures and TV interference extended across a wide area
of North America, which the Woodpecker grid does.
On the day the CHALLENGER spaceshuttle was
launched in Jan 28 1986, birds never flew as the sky was painful to them. The
metal in and around the booster flame slowly and steadily weakened due to the
metal softening pattern contributing to the disaster. Weather engineering
contributed substantial winds and air turbulance. Bearden thinks the Soviets may
have added a deliberate ‘intense hotspot’ and this subtle assault would cause
NASA scientists to think it was an accident. The Soviets also withdrew traulers
and ships in the area to suggest they weren’t near the scene. A few days later
sporadically intense ‘high frequency localization signal’ were still present on
the grid, causing dead birds to fall from the sky in substantial numbers in
Birmingham, Alabama on 1-4 Feb 1986. Bearden claims that just before the launch
of the spaceshuttle CHALLENGER, the Soviets did significent weather engineering
over US, bending the jetstream southward in the middle of US, and bending
rightward again across the Florida panhandle. Positive signatures of this were
photgraphed by several people. On the evening of CHALLENGER’S loss the KGB, (in
command of the scalar EM weapons) celebrated the loss. Bearden positively
identifies the Russians as those who shot it down by a host of indicators, which
include the weather engineering which showed specialized cloud patterns
associated with Soviet grid engineering. Not too many days after the shootdown
of the CHALLENGER, an anomalous ‘flat earthquake’ occurred in the U.S., near the
Great Lakes, involving ten states. This was probably the subsequent testing of
an additional weapons mode of the same Soviet scalar EM system that destroyed
the shuttle Bearden says. More proof can be found here:
The 12/11/86 Chicago Tribune reported: "Giant whirlpools, some nearly 60 miles
wide, have been detected moving along Norway's coasts at speeds of up to 4
knots, posing serious threats to mariners. These giant whirlpools have no
obvious center and are difficult to spot." The newspaper reported that the
mammoth whirlpools were unheard of before 1980 (a period after the US and the
USSR began generating ELF waves). Giant standing waves called "solitons," have
been spotted near the Strait of Gibralter. The 4/30/85 New York Times reported
the discovery of massive internal waves in the oceans that do not appear to any
large extent on the surface. "A dramatic series of internal waves has now been
traced through the Strait of Gibralter from photographs" taken from a space
shuttle in October, 1984. A map in that newspaper shows a giant standing wave
line on the western side of the Strait.
Bearden says that with 100% certainty certain rogue groups
including the Yakuza, Japanese mafia and Aum Shinriko Japanese cult have
possessed these scalar interferometers since the end of 1989 leasing them from
the Russians (from the KGB, who control and use these) and are manipulating US
weather, and perhaps other places, moving fronts around with their giant movable
areas of heat and cold. They are able to make earthquakes. He says they can add
a couple of recent volcano eruptions as possible candidates to their list. More can be found here: (
) Bearden says that they have to permit these groups to shoot down an aircraft
or something dramatic now and then, to continue leasing them at about nearly a
billion dollars rental. He says the Yakuza mafia has also carried the scalar
interferometry technology back to Japan clandestinely, and is apparently
producing smaller, more portable weapons now in its own highly hidden facilities
in Japan. The Yakuza are a major enemy of the U.S and they do intend to
participate directly in great strategic strikes for the eventual destruction of
the U.S., whenever that time comes. Bearden says they see this as extracting
vengeance against the U.S. for its defeat (and shame, in the Bushido concept) in
WW2, and for the U.S. dropping the atomic bombs on Japan. The Yakuza still
operates by a modified old Bushido code. Bearden also says that it is also
possible that a little burst of scalar energy deliberately placed on the
COLUMBIA shuttle, from a Yakuza scalar interferometer, could have initiated the
breakup and catastrophic failure of it on Feb 1st 2003.
12. THE 1990s
The Iran quake of 1997 was 7.4 on the Richter
scale and aftershocks of as high as 6.0 were expected but there were no
aftershocks. It was also at an anomalous depth. Bearden covered this here:
( During Desert Storm
1991, Rosalie Bertell wrote that according to Defense News, April, 1992, the US
deployed an electromagnetic pulse weapon (EMP) in Desert Storm, designed to
mimic the flash of electricity from a nuclear bomb. The Sandia National
Laboratory had built a 23,000 square meter laboratory on the Kirkland Air Force
Base, 1989, to house the Hermes II electron beam generator capable of producing
20 Trillion Watt pulses lasting 20 billionths to 25 billionths of a second. This
X-ray simulator is called a Particle Beam Fusion Accelerator. A stream of
electrons hitting a metal plate can produce a pulsed X-ray or gamma ray. Hermes
II had produced electron beams since 1974. These devices were apparently tested
during the Gulf War although detailed information on them is sparse. In 1993 US
started constructing what is called the High Frequency Active Auroral Reseach
Program. (HAARP) in Alaska designed by physicist named Bernard Eastlund, and
based on Tesla technology. The prime contractor was ARCO Power Technologies,
Inc. and they were to develop and test a low-power high-frequency (2.8-10.0 MHz)
prototype transmitter array. It is also called an ionospheric heater because it
can send a beam of energy up to the ionosphere and then bouncing back down to a
target. It was said to be for detecting cruise missiles and aircraft. The beam
would be several degrees wide, depending on frequency, and thus would influence
a region several miles in diameter in the lower ionosphere, expanding to several
tens of miles in the upper ionosphere. This can make a scalar wave grid, like
the Russian Woodpeck grid over USA to detect objects rising into space. The
airforce and navy owned it. No doubt, it was a measure to fight back against the
deadly Russian transmitters. The HAARP patent, says the work of Nikola Tesla in
the early 1900s formed the basis of the research. Eastlund’s patent says it can
disrupt sophisticated guidance systems and spray large areas of the planet with
electromagnetic waves of varying frequencies and to control changes in these
making it possible to knock out communications on land, sea and air. Twelve
patents form the basis of the HAARP project and are now buried among the
thousands of others held in the name of Raytheon. US Air Force documents
revealed that a system had been developed for manipulating and disrupting human
mental processes through pulsed radio-frequency radiation over large
geographical areas. Could this be HAARP or something more deadly? Dr Nick Begich
found 11 other APTI patents. They told how to make "Nuclear-sized Explosions
without Radiation" power-beaming systems, over-the-horizon radar, detection
systems for missiles carrying nuclear warheads, electromagnetic pulses
previously produced by thermonuclear weapons and other "Star Wars" tricks. This
cluster of patents underlay the HAARP weapon system.
Already the most powerful pre-HAARP ELF
ionospheric heating systems or Woodpeckers were constructed by the Soviet Union
at sites in Sura, Goriky, Monchegorsk and Dushanbe (Tadzhikistan). American pre-HAARP
ionospheric heating systems are located in Tromso, Norway; Arecibo, Puerto Rico;
near Fairbanks, Alaska; and at Platteville, Colorado. These systems together
with the Russian Woodpecker Tesla Magnifying Transmitters, have created a severe
alteration of global weather patterns, beginning in 1976, but intensifying
through the 1980's and 1990's, as more ELF transmitters were constructed. Tesla
devices such as the wire-less power technology, called the magnifying
transmitter are used by Russia and the US to create a weather war that has
continued from the mid-1970's to the present time. Strange skyglow anomalies and
wierd lightning and plasma-type effects have been seen all over the former USSR
near the Woodpecker transmitter sites. In 1977 the Washington Post reported that
"a strange, star-like ball of light was sighted over Petrozavodsk in Soviet
Karelia, spreading over it like a jellyfish and showering down shafts of light."
Similar plasma effects have been created by the US ionosphere- zapping ELF HAARP
transmitters. At the height of 1993's great midwest flood, the University of
Alaska's Geophysical Institute (which is involved in work on HAARP) discovered
"mysterious flashes of light that shoot from the tops of storm-clouds into the
upper atmosphere...over the midwest during summer floods." This occurred when
that area was being hit with giant standing-wave, long-lasting weather-blocking
systems that were generated by a combination of the Russian Woodpecker ELF waves
and US GWEN Tower VLF waves. A newspaper reported that these mysterious flashes
"resemble jellyfish. They are brightest where they top out -- typically about 40
miles high -- so you have the jellyfish body at the top with tentacles trailing
A short while after the start of US and Soviet
scalar through-the-earth transmissions, Earth’s internal dynamo was affected. In
1984 the earth was reported as having experienced a sudden unexpected slowdown
in rotation. It had been decreasing naturally, but Scientists at the US Naval
Observatory and at the Jet Propulsion Lab found that the "earth, like an
unbalanced washing machine," has developed "wobbles as it spins." (7/15/88 Wall
Street Journal). The 7/90 OMNI Magazine reported that between January 24 to
February 3, 1990, the earth's rotation suddenly and unexpectedly slowed down
AGAIN. US Naval Observatory scientists reported that the slowdown was more
abrupt than usual. The 8/9/91 New York Times described the causes of these
unexpected sudden disruptions: "Geophysicists suspect that perturbations in the
circulation of the hot fluid metallic core contributes to the rotational
changes...The irregular rotation variations are the result of fluctuating fluid
flow in the underlying metallic core and the overlying hydrosphere and
atmosphere, and...also convection forces within earth and the movement of
crustal plates near the surface." All of which are influenced by
through-the-earth ELF vibrations. Scientists measuring ocean waves reported that
"the Atlantic Ocean is getting rougher." Measurements taken since the 1960's
indicated that during the late 1970's , following the start of Soviet and US ELF
transmissions, "the waves did seem to get bigger." The 4/19/88 New York Times
reported that British scientists have discovered that waves in the northeast
Atlantic Ocean "have increased more than 20 percent since the 1960's." Ocean
researchers consider this to be a "significant climatic phenomenon."
The ability of the HAARP and the Woodpecker
transmitters to create a nuclear type energy explosion anywhere on earth via
laser and particle beams, is worrisome, not to mention what could be delivered
by satellite. Bearing in mind that scalar beams can pass right through the earth
and the oceans so anywhere can be targeted. The Soviets also have been able to
significantly engineer the weather over North America for more than a decade
without being found out. Until the HAARP transmitters werebuilt. Though the US
navy did have their Australian scalar weapons sites in the late 1960s. The Pine
Gap base is apparently five miles down and it uses Tesla technology as well, and
is linked to HAARP in Alaska and other similar American transmitters. It has
been said that U.S. and Israel have deployed an anti-missile defense using HAARP
or scalar weapon technology that destroys a missile seconds after launch. With
scalar waves passing beyond the speed of light, all which is needed first is a
crossed scalar beam grid to detect any missiles leaving the enemies territory.
HAARP can create nuclear-sized explosions without radiation says patent
4,873,928. This of course makes having nuclear missiles obsolete. However one
has to have more grids all over the enemies territory and spy satellites to know
when one is coming from them, and since scalar energy is undetectable, until the
beams cross the next war may erupt suddenly. The U.S. or Russia could deliver a
‘nuclear-sized explosion’ at the speed of light against soldiers, as well as all
the other countries, that have scalar weapons. One way to protect a military
force against a weapon capable of traveling at the speed of light is to maintain
a constant ‘Tesla Dome’ of protection above the fleet, that travels a the same
speed as the fleet, and is always hovering over them, but it is hoped that the
troops don’t suffer from ill effects from the scalar waves. HAARP transmitters
can make this source of Tesla dome protection.
In non linear mathematics, engineering and
science the Soviets have lead the way since the start and the West leads the way
in computers, software and miniaturization. Though at present the Japanese have
joined forces with the Russians to add computerized components to weaponry.
Bearden say that Soviet scalar weapons are capable of destroying the USA, its
armed forces or population quickly and efficiently.
These scalar transmitters can also become conventional radars, by
switching into EM mode. The
Russians present ‘old’ transmitters on their ‘old’aircraft, ‘old radar-directed’
gunsites and "obsolete" air defence missile sites. According to Bill Morgan: "If
you can cause an earthquake you can also set it to, say, bring down a single
buildings, of pair of buildings. It may be that the collapse of WTC twin towers
was actually the first major scalar attack in world history.
Because in a certain mode the waves at the interference zone can
cause metal to soften, even to melt.
If so, the planes crashing into them were merely a cover story to cloak the fact
that the Tesla Howitzer had been used. “A mishap with one of these devices could wipe out all life on earth.
They could disrupt the scalar wave balance between Earth and Sun in such a way
that would cause massive solar disturbances and storms, completely frying the
earth." ~ Bearden. Bearden
says that the Russians have been using the shuttles for target practice, but he
says the COLUMBIA attack, may be by an unknown party, and hints that the
Japanese Yakuza mafia, have been leasing scalar weapons from Russia since 1989
and have been targeting US since then. Did they or another party shoot down
COLUMBIA on 1 Feb 2003? More can be found here:
Bearden says that when the CHALLENGER was shot
down on Jan 28 1986, U.S. wasn’t familiar enough with scalar interferometry,
since scalar waves are not taught in physics,
but he claims there is 100% proof that the Russians shot it down in full view of
the world.
U.S. has decided to build all the HAARP transmitters also using Tesla
technology to get the Russians and other enemies once and for all.
However nowdays America’s enemies have multiplied and at least fifteen countries
have scalar weapons, so America and everyone else not only has to watch their
backs but underneath and above. Instantaneous scalar attacks could come from
anywhere and right through the Earth. and there are theories that the FBI
building bombed in Oklahoma on 17 April 1995, had multiple evidence of a scalar
attack by an unknown party. However Harry Mason wonders if it may be a revenge
attack by the Japanese for the Kobe earthquake in January 1995, which has
suspicious scalar weapons signatures. Others say the WTC towers also had
evidence of a scalar attack during 9/11. Christopher Bollyn of American Free
press claims that he interviewed a former East German physicist who believes a
laser weapon, employing infrared technology, originally developed in the Soviet
Union, may have caused the WTC towers collapse. He believes that the planes may
have had infrared plasmoid in front of them, which is like ball lightning. The
Soviets already used the infrared beam weapon to destroy a wall at the Ussuri
River, which separates Manchuria from the far east, during a dispute with China
in 1968 according to the physicist. Many experts say a laser beam was used to
bring down the WTC towers. Since 1995, the U.S. and Israel have actively
developed an advanced infrared beam weapon under a joint "anti-missile" program.
Israel and the U.S. have developed all kinds of advanced lasers since the early
1970’s so perhaps they will get the Nazis in Antartica eventually? While it’s
easy to blame the Russians now for every attack, things could get infinitely
worse with Russians giving scalar technology to others and leasing scalar
interferometers. But is Russia safe either? US has particle beam accelerators
and very deadly weapons now, that they have got from the aliens.
But probably the
worst kind of weapon is the one called a quantum potential weapon.
According to Bearden, Russia, US,
Israel, Brazil, and probably China have these, which can imprint any disease
right into the cells of the body, by reproducing its disease ‘signature’. He
says that Israel is a force to be reckoned with now too, and when CHALLENGER was
shot down in 1986, Israelis retaliated and destroyed several very large Russian
missile storage faculties and strategic targets. One shot knocked out third of
the missiles in one of the large Russian fleets. It apparently stopped the
Russians finishing off America. Israel already had at least working prototype
quantum potential weapons and could have devastated Russia and she having the
same weapons knows how deadly they are. Bearden didn’t say what type of weapons
the Israelis used for the attack on Russia but they have at least scalar weapons
and particle beam weapons.
According to Bearden: "in the late 1960's
Lisitsyn reported that the Soviets had broken the ‘genetic code’ of the human
brain. It had 44 digits or less, and the brain employed 22 frequency bands
across nearly the whole EM spectrum. But, only 11 of the frequency bands were
independent. This work implies that, if 11 or more correct frequency channels
can be ‘phase-locked’ into the human brain, then it should be possible to
drastically influence the thoughts, vision, physical functioning, emotions, and
conscious state of the individual, even from a great distance. Up to 16 of the
giant Soviet woodpecker carriers have been observed to carry a common,
phase-locked 10-Hz modulation, and this has been demonstrated by Beck, Rauscher,
Bise, and others to be able to physically entrain or "phase-lock" the human
brain, if stronger than the Schumann resonance of the Earth's magnetic field. A
human brain entrained by a common, phase-locked 10-Hz modulation on 16 carrier
frequencies would effectively have 16 frequency channels phase-locked into it.
The potential for using the Woodpecker transmitters to phase-lock an appreciable
percentage of human brains in a targeted area, and then induce effects in the
populace similar to and even more drastic than-the effects induced in U.S.
Embassy personnel in Moscow, should be strongly pointed out. Coupled with the
Kaznacheyev work on EM transmission of cellular death and disease, using the
Woodpecker signals to induce death and disease in the targeted populace may also
be a distinct possibility. Modification of DNA/RNA-and viruses themselves-is
also a possibility."
On the site this was
found: "In the 1950s, ITT developed sensor technology that could literally
display what a person was thinking. It was essentially a mind-reading machine.
It operated on a principle of picking up the electromagnetic functions of human
beings and translating those in an understandable form. It consisted of a chair
in which a person could sit. Coils, which served as sensors, were placed around
the chair. There were also three receivers, six channels and a Cray 1 computer
which would display what was on a person’s mind-digitally or on a screen."
Bearden says that scalar beams can also be used
to induce diseases by mimicking disease patterns or ‘signatures’ by recreating
them on the scalar carriers. These are called ‘quantum potential weapons’.
Especially designed biological effects can be used for attacking any population
with various diseases, even multiple diseases together. He lists effects to
induce instantaneous death, heart seizure, severe emotional disruption, loss of
control of internal functions, diseases, disabling of the immune system and even
the implantation of thoughts, emotions or ideas interpreted as a targeted
subject as their own. There is also a suicide vibration which has been used to
get rid of people, with no evidence. 10 Hz is the wavelength used by
intelligence agencies to hypnotize, so mass hypnosis can be induced in a whole
population with subliminal words added into their own language. This can be used
for voting. Bearden says that almost any kind of cellular death and disease can
be electromagnetically transmitted by scalar beams using ultraviolet to infrared
frequencies. He writes that photons themselves can carry death and disease
between cells. Scalar EM technology allows the synthesis of the actual potential
pattern of the biochemistry cells. This can be made to produce a particular
cellular disease or death mechanism and even activate genetically latent
diseases. Evidence has been found of manufactured symptoms and resultant
cellular death, from nuclear radiation, chemical poisoning, bacterial infection,
as well as symptoms of drug induced hallucinations. Even the voice of ‘God’ has
been produced. To quote Bearden: "Dr Popp of West Germany has analyzed the
virtual photon master control system of the cells. Scalar EM represents the
deliberate ordering of virtual particle flux into deterministic patterns, so the
master control system can be readily entered with scalar techniques to induce
disease and disorder at will".
On the site
there is more data: "Scalar interference grid weapons can be used to
biologically attack entire populations in a targeted area. Suffice it to say
that phase locked ELF modulation signals of 10 Hz and less are often detected on
multiple Woodpecker frequencies simultaneously. In a target area, this
modulation -- is sufficiently stronger than the Schumann resonance of the
earth's magnetic field -- will entrain a percentage of the brains into ‘forced
entrainment’. In that case, these human brains are ‘synchronized’ to the
Woodpecker signals so that multiple coherent frequencies are phase-locked into
them. That is, multiple coherent EM channels directly into these entrained
brains now exist. At that point, Fourier expansions may now be used to attack
specific portions of the brain geometrically." The site says that scalar EM
disease patterns can be modulated upon the carriers, again with Fourier
expansions and specific biological effects can be induced in the entrained
populations at will, by Russian technology. However HAARP can do the same.
Effects are instantaneous death, heart seizure, severe emotional disruption,
loss of control of internal functions, diseases, disabling of the immune system,
and even implantation of thoughts, emotions, and ideas which are interpreted by
the subjects as their own. Freedom Domain also said that Woodpecker transmitters
in thousands of experiments, a man called Kaznacheyev demonstrated that almost
any kind of cellular death and disease pattern could be electromagnetically
transmitted. Kaznacheyev reported the effect in the near ultraviolet.
Experimenters at the University of Marburg in West Germany duplicated the
experiments in the infrared.
Photons themselves can carry death and disease
patterns between cells. [or life and healing patterns between
cells ~CR]
Scalar EM technology allows synthesis of the actual "potential" pattern, which
represents total control of charge and charge distribution, of biochemistry in
the cell, of a particular disease or death mechanism. Symptoms including
cellular death from nuclear radiation, chemical poisoning, bacterial infection,
and other mechanisms were induced by the Kaznacheyev quantum potential
experiments. Dr. Popp of West Germany has analysed the virtual photon master
control system of the cells. As scalar EM represents the deliberate ordering of
virtual particle flux into deterministic patterns, the master control system can
easily be entered with scalar techniques to induce disease and disorder at will.
Scalar weapons: Page 2
Scalar weapons: Page 3
Other copyright work in print.
12 Things you should know about scalar weapons