Race Two: Networks that Culture Social Conscience

Demonstrating the Benefits of Web 3.0 CyberEthics
for Culturing Social Conscience in Social Networks


 Race teams to be selected by application.  Selection process to include at least three competing teams
that will be held confidential until the cyberethics race commences.  Each social network team
must provide a "transparent" (open-interactive) interface for navigating cyberspace with real-time mass-to-mass
interaction capabilities that culture public consensus.  This must include e-valuation criteria that is centered and
connected through a "universal interface" that frames an interactive cyberethics standard for culturing the
language of consciousness at the heart of social networks... for higher mental "heart wise" CONSCIENCE.

Determination of the winners will be self-evident from investor interest in the
50/50 partnership model
for profit sharing between private interests and the public's interest -- a big Win/Win that also
considers each team's business model for (1) interface upgrade system for existing computers,
(2) interface upgrade of web 2.0 network platforms, (3) licensing rights to existing social networks.

Web 3.0 cyberEthics will culture social conscience to balance what war profiteering has done for social pathology.
Let the public decide which team's solution is most practical; may the best team win in the spirit of
conscientious common sense for liberating humanity's social conscience in our social networks.


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