All social problems are at heart communication
problems - how we come into unity with REAL community that truly
represents what is best for all.
There's no healing the Global Crisis without
heroic efforts of enough good people to champion the Ascent Process
- sufficient social conscience to compel an
upgrade of core Constitutional
freedoms in our social networks.
It's not the will of God that mankind suffers
for the greed, selfishness and insufferable tyranny caused by a relative
The Global Crisis in Conscience
Is Reaching a Crescendo.
You might say
that the cause behind 'the cause' of the Global Crisis is
willful ignorance of the
Prime Directive.
The first step in problem solving is a
clear definition of the problem that is typically a blockage of the
flow of resonance with the Prime Directive - to DO NO HARM.
There's no healing of sick social
institutions without realization of WHY they are sick. That
awareness naturally compels interest in HOW the holistic healing of
core social institutions can quickly empower wisdom with
conscience in our global social networks.
Ask yourself WHY
medical students are saying goodbye to the Hippocratic Oath to
'Do No Harm'... and WHY monopoly medicine
as we have known it is doomed. Article
Video HERE.
It's the SAME REASON why Google no longer
claims its motto as 'Do No Evil'... and
WHY heartless technocracy is the
tool of evil that prefers the love of power
to the
power of love
- the TLC
The Internet,
controlled and manipulated by Technocrats, is in jeopardy of
meltdown to the same degree that democracies are being rapidly
eroded around the world.
Programs and web sites could be reinvented to serve
humanity instead of enslave it.
However, the goal of Technocracy is 'Social Engineering' - an
oxymoron - aka Scientific Dictatorship.
Those who control what we see will
also control what we believe and think.
~ TN Editor
Sweden Is
‘In The Process Of Dismantling
Democracy’, Headed Toward Technocracy
on Oct 17, 2017 / By The Local, Sweden
Excerpt: A socialist
in Sweden says democracy is being dismantled and warns that it could
be on
the slippery slope towards
technocracy or a dictatorship. This
politician gets it, but
Americans do
not. I have warned for years that
the clear and present danger to America is Technocracy, and NOT
socialism, communism or fascism.
~ Patrick Wood, Editor of
Big Data Meets Big Brother as China
Moves to Rate Its Citizens
Nov 9, 2017 /
Excerpt: Chinese Technocrats have mastered
surveillance and control methodologies throughout China. Social
scoring of all citizens for the sake of control is evil, dangerous
and destructive.
“In Technocratic Scoring We Trust”
(State of Coercion in China)

We Trust”
(State of
of ‘US’
of Earth.
Or as "Mahatma" (Great Soul) Gandhi said,
“Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear
of punishment and the other by acts of love.
Power based on love is a thousand times more
effective and permanent than power derived
from fear of punishment.”
The next wave
of the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION was ordained for this
time to define, refine and 'shine' MORE LIGHT as

for integration of 5D Conscience
while mass illusion
See the Good,
Share the Vision and
Make it So!