in the Unified
the Universal Standard for
the Power of Prayer and
Holistic Healing.
power of prayer is the unmitigated power of love.
Prayer is not limited by time and space, and pure intent
for divine intercession is often the prelude of 'miracles'.
To uncloak 'Spiritual
IS 'the unveiling'.
We all have the ability to connect with a 'Higher Power',
and great service to this often unused latent power is
naturally rewarded with opportunity for greater service.
makes unspiritual power obsolete.
Moment-to-moment, we each and all build momentum
as a prayer field of pure intention and focused attention
with full "retention" (power of love) for one's ascension.
Native wisdom of indigenous cultures understood this, that,
"What we do to the web of life, we do to ourselves."
~ Chief Seattle
This is the heart of the message in this 3 min. inspiration video:
Published August 16th, by Abbey Martin
Cosmic LOVE
show today, 8-24
5pm PDT (8pm EDT)
how global humanity is 'on fire with intent'
for better solutions that engage hearts and minds for
informed choice, to exercise our inherent Higher Power
along more enlightened 'lines' that frame our conscious
evolution, to 'co-Create' with universal 'Natural
the 'Law of the Angles of
(Geometry Of Divinity)
and 'Language of the Angels of
(heart coherence).
World Peace Meditation - Sunday 8/25
window of synchronicity, an opportunity for coherence
with the
feminine heart
of universe.
Is the Big Shift in Our Global
Navigate your worst fears with philosophic calm, ~ Christopher Rudy, Host of Cosmic Love
viewing the future is a subject that naturally intrigues
are some reader responses to this last week’s
Note: At 04:01 PM 8/22/2013, Ken wrote:
My spiritual teacher Lazaris has said almost
exactly this for nearly 4 decades. The future is no longer
predictable, due to the increased awakening of choice and free
will. This has been an ongoing process for a long time, but has
reached a turning point. The "doom and gloom" predictions of the
past were really about the increased unpredictability,
unpredictability that showed up to many prognosticators as a sort of
void, which was MISinterpreted by some as doom - the end. It's
not doom, it's unknown, due to increased conscious free will choice,
and less of the predictable unconscious types of responses.
[Emphasis added, CR] CR: Thanks Ken - good observation. The 'thinning veil' is an exquisite metaphor for this 'non-linear' evolution 'revolution' that extols victory virtues more than victim dictum. Often referenced as the 'O-point' phenomena, the emerging "unity consciousness" (the new 'common sense') is the fruit of 'up-wising' -- beyond divisive "BS" (Belief Systems) -- and is a natural function of galactic alignment’s surge of intelligent 'light' in the quantum field that governs DNA resonance in all sentient life... compelling increased conscious free will choice of, by and for heart coherence in global affairs.
--------- Hi Chris,
I love your emails but I'm wondering are you aware
of the man made (kill shot) November plan called GridEx 2013–
America’s “Power Grid” Scheduled for Nationwide “Drill” – NERC
will host GridEx 2013 on November 13-14, 2013?
My group has been making sure their plan will fail, please spread
the word and let me know what you think. Best, Cariel
CR: Hi Cariel. As you know, the powers that previously were the
‘Powers That Be’ have typically telegraphed their purpose as they
prepare ‘false-flag’ event scenarios. Since it takes a lot of
preparation for such an event, the dark-side 'Powers That Were'
continue to do what they've consistently done; their typical ‘cover
story’ is that they are preparing for such an event. Most sheeple
get along by going along with the crisis creation/management
two-step for population control. EXPOSURE of this fork-tongued,
two-faced hubris and deception has proven to be the best preventive
measure. So THANKS for your vision and valor that claims the victory
over such dark-side activities that can only survive in secret. With
'the unveiling', that game is over. This Internet chronicle site you refer re: Snowden kill shot, is nothing but a satire site, similar to the Onion site. They publish the most outlandish things they can make up to try to be funny. Have you actually looked at the site?
CR: Yes, I saw that site, and a spoof of a spoof can be the truth. My
intent was to use this article as a conversation piece. The
fact is that the remote viewers under Ed Dames supposedly 'foresaw'
a massive solar flare in late 2013 or 2014; September was NOT
mentioned. The future is 'fuzzy' - not foreordained. It may not
happen at all. My intent is enlighten rather
than to frighten… to bring light to dark places… to show both sides,
organizing information IN FORMATION for ‘informed choice’. Sure
beats lockstep Belief Systems doesn't it :) Not true, Christopher -- the report was invented by and published on a satirical website, and has been widely copied all over the internet. WIth best wishes - Bill Ryan, Project Camelot CR: Thanks Bill. See anything good in the article? Did it get your attention? Would you agree that the vision of quantum computing with heartware and universal self care could harmonize global conscious evolution revolution along more enlightened lines that culture unity Conscience? Who do you work for? Any good reason why you wouldn't use your Project Camelot venue to feature such a positive vision for the future? What kind of show would you do if I agreed? Just asking…:) SUMMARY COMMENTS: The future is a ‘fluid’ phenomenon. It’s not etched in stone. Change is the only permanent condition yet flexible. Yes immutable laws of nature govern the larger field of cosmos. We are in the universe and the universe is in us. What we do to the universal field – the web of light – the universe does to us. It’s ‘cosmic law’. Through alignment with this “Natural Law" (Geometric Ordered Divinity-LOVE), comic law naturally 'aligns' or otherwise manifests through “US” (United Sovereigns of Earth).
global Internet has removed time and space in principle, Many lightworkers are waking up to their soul contracts, their intent to serve the purpose and plan that our conscious evolution knows and serves. But relatively few are the chosen who CHOOSE to link the light of lightworkers with a vision of virtue and valor for the victory of the Family of Man’s accelerated evolutionary ascent in our new global village.
‘adept’ lightworkers, lightweavers and lovemakers
Heaven knows that the
power of love in the grand
finale 'Big Shift',
will 'bring up' all that is less than LOVE for transmutation, and as the Free Conscience Narrative quickens the process, those with great love in their hearts are awakening to the realization that little else matters now. The end of the world as we've known it is the beginning of a new world that promises a return to the full spectrum of universal LOVE.
Framing a Standard for Global Coherence ~~~~~~~~~ Bottom Line: Your Holistic Health
Update: Breakthrough Health Opportunity.
Support for the Worldwide
BE the healing change you want to see. Bring healing light to your body, mind and spirit with 'UltraFood'. It begins with YOUR life, light and loving kindness. ![]() The Heartcom Network: Linking the Light of Cosmic LOVE.
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