Cosmic Love, Sat. July 2, pm PST (8pm EST)

Interview with Patty Greer, film maker of
movies on crop circles and what
they mean for humanity.

If you want a profound check up from the neck up, there’s nothing like Patty’s website and videos for an in-depth overview of the cosmic messages coded in crop circles as relates to the ET presence, Mayan calendar, Earth transformation, and conscious evolution.

Patty’s films have received 6 prestigious awards: 'Best Feature Film-UFO or Related' at the International UFO Congress Convention in both 2009 and 2010 for "Crop Circles 2010 Update - The Wake Up Call" and "2012 - We're Already In It." Other awards include: '2010 Best Musical Score Within A UFO Program EBE Award', '2010 GAIA Moondance Award' (Presented to the person who seeks to elucidate and improve the spiritual quality of all life on the planet, and contributes to the betterment of the world spirit), 'Audience Favorite Feature Documentary Award', 'Yosemite Silver Sierra Award'.

As we celebrate the July 4th holiday this weekend in the U.S., consider what the circle makers are saying with symbols, signs and archetypes (Jung) as portends a global revolution in conscientious common sense – a new “Unity Conscience” – as the veil thins between celestial and terrestrial realms.

The Mayan Prophecy of the final 9th wave is that the 'nine gods' (one God) will return at this end of time as we have known it. If you understand how each of these 'waves' of the Mayan calendar incorporates a synchronous synergy of all previous waves -- a holographic time/space “holy whole” (One God) -- then you will appreciate how the cosmic code in crop circles is like a great cosmic finger pointing with fractal geometry, holographic thoughtforms, sacred symbols and even digitized information revealing the nature of a higher intelligence being unveiled at this time.

Is Earth now ordained to declare independence from the same power elite abuses that led to the American Revolution?  Or as one digitally coded crop circle at Chilbolton UK was decoded to read:

"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts
Much PAIN but still time.
BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there.
Conduit CLOSING."

Alien face with digitally coded message

Is global humanity finally ready to embrace official disclosure of our galactic neighbors?  Are you aware that geneticists now agree that much of our DNA is of an ‘alien’ nature?  Would you agree that we are on the verge of a quantum leap in conscious evolution like awakening from a dark night?

As the rate of change accelerates, stressing our minds,
we are pushed to literally go out of our minds,
and that's when intuition must naturally
determine our actions, because
there no time otherwise to
figure things out.

 As our DNA and pituitary glands are activated,
and we become telepathic with numerous
'gifts of the holy Spirit', the integrity of
ethical Conscience is paramount
 as we broadcast how we are
Co-Creating our reality.

Welcome Patty Greer to Cosmic Love
with your Presence,

~ Christopher

PS: For your own rEVOLUTION celebrations,