Global Powershift from Outer to Inner Power as the
Foundation for Worldwide Love is Established
Christopher Rudy / HEARTcom Network / Oct. 18, 2011
Previous article at:
InnerNet and the Source Field'
PREFACE: On October 15th, Occupy Wall Street demonstrated in over 951 cities in 82 countries, and counting, as people around the globe protest in solidarity against the greed and corruption of the 1%. For some insight into this radically decentralized grass-roots (Net-roots) movement, read: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations [pdf file]. In good Conscience, I've tried to provide a 'heads up' with this article. You may not agree that this Movement is "Too Big to Fail"... or that your soul's future is determined by your choices in the 'cosmic present' (quantum shift portents). But in the continuum of soul evolution, the next 100 years is just a blip on the larger screen of life. Mother Earth has an agenda to establish a better platform for the evolution of souls.
--------- Article follows: For example, CLICK HERE to watch a 3 minute YouTube Video of a BBC news clip in which a stock trader shamelessly takes delight in the global collapse of the economy, saying that, "Government doesn't own the economy; Goldman-Sachs owns the economy", and that it has nothing to do with right or wrong, but is simply an opportunity for profit, 'hedging' (betting on) collapse to strip 'equity' (profit) out of the economy on the way down. The BBC News interviewer seems shocked by this in-your-face arrogant-greedy hubris that sees a "dream come true" for this stock-trader but naturally a nightmare for the public. The fact is that Goldman-Sachs is one of the major owners of the privately owned central bank called the 'Fed', which has blatantly resisted any public audit of the way they've cooked the books. A long history of economic manipulation has shown these moneychangers and their Fed-Gov sycophants to be wolves in sheep's clothing with an agenda for population reduction and totalitarian control that they intend to build out of chaos.
"We have
the greatest opportunity the world has ever seen, as long as we
remain honest which will be as long as we can keep the attention of
our people alive. If they once become inattentive to public
affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, judges and
governors would all become wolves."
Birth of the United States of America followed
Thomas Paine's ground-breaking 'Common Sense', saying that the aristocracy of moneyed power must be checked and
balanced by public opinion and public policy that represents public
opinion. But now we see an out-of-control corporate aristocracy has
turned common sense on its head, rewriting the Constitutional laws
of the land for the profit and power of
corporatocracy on demand.
records that the money changers have used every form of abuse,
intrigue, deceit, This loss of the 99 percent's common wealth has been largely orchestrated by giant interlocked corporate conglomerates in collusion with Big Government regulatory agencies that enforce this trend for their own growth, power and profit.
deeply entrenched monopolies Obama campaigned for President by criticizing 'fat cats' on Wall Street', and then surrounded his cabinet with them, bailed them out with 700 billion dollars, and we now find that a large part of that money went to lobbyists to insure that the same corrupt insider-trading that caused the economic meltdown would continue. How's that for hypocrisy and in-your-face conflict of interests? Decentralized Common Sense vs. Centralized Fed-Corp Power The most powerful self-serving corporate special interests in the world have a vested interest in keeping common sense uncommon, but the unintended consequence of corporate media cover-ups is Internet media exposure. The truth simply wants to be free and open, tyranny be damned.
“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of
Health is wealth, and this priceless asset has also been monetized
to invert, subvert and pervert common sense; a pound of cure is now
worth 16 times an ounce of
prevention. The medical-corporate complex is well aware that there
is no profit when people are healthy, just as the
military-industrial complex sees no profit in peace.
The result is serial
plunder with one
orchestrated economic bubble after another, stripping equity out of
the markets with any move of the markets. Wall Street thrives while
Main Street worldwide naturally suffers. The depraved souls
behind this want to make all souls as miserable as they are.
It's good to be wise to this two-faced, fork-tongued
While the economy has been deregulated to profit
the central banking cartel and militarized corporate government, health care in America is now the most regulated and
most expensive with the least cost-effective public coverage in the industrialized
world. About
50% of personal bankruptcies are due to health care costs. The
reason for this is the same highly organized and unconscionable
selfishness of the few who care little for the 99%.
Foreign war is a racket for the
military-industrial complex that is Government regulation protects the domestic disease-care racket we call 'health care', making it more profitable by running interference for giant corporations that make the public sick with nutrition-stripped, chemical-laced and/or GMO 'food'. And now we see the FDA regulators trying to legislate farmers markets and nutrition supplement companies out of business.
"If people let the government decide what foods
they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny." ~ Thomas Jefferson
The unintended consequence of this trend may 'make a killing' for
certain food and drug companies, but it has outraged the public.
It's killing us, literally, and the corporate model of
profits-before-people is rigged to make it worse.
"The massed power of goodwill, the dynamic effect of intelligent and
active In his article, 'A Movement Too Big to Fail', Chris Hedges writes: "The Occupy Wall Street movement, like all radical movements, has obliterated the narrow political parameters. It proposes something new. It will not make concessions with corrupt systems of corporate power. It holds fast to moral imperatives regardless of the cost. It confronts authority out of a sense of responsibility. It is not interested in formal positions of power. It is not seeking office. It is not trying to get people to vote. It has no resources. It can't carry suitcases of money to congressional offices or run millions of dollars of advertisements. All it can do is ask us to use our bodies and voices, often at personal risk, to fight back. It has no other way of defying the corporate state. This rebellion creates a real community instead of a managed or virtual one. It affirms our dignity. It permits us to become free and independent human beings." READ MORE
"I am Gaia, the soul of the planet you call Earth... You were
chosen from a great number of souls, triple the number that could
incarnate and participate. This level of light service never before
has been undertaken. We are playing a part in the grandest show ever
performed in this universe. I feel the humility that mingles with
sublime satisfaction for a job well done; in the continuum, our job
is completed... All beings in this universe are watching this
unfold, did you know? ... All the souls of light are cheering for
us, so we shall continue giving them a good show, an experience
worthy of even God's applause. ~~~~~~~~~
article is the intellectual property of, and copy-righted to,
The Worldwide
LOVE Foundation.