to the Heavens
for Timely Signs of the Times
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People worldwide are now seeing 'two suns';
see the pictures and videos for yourself.
There's a message here that you won't get
anywhere else: THE REST OF THE STORY!
It’s ALL connected… as above ~ so below…
on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Timely TuneUp 2012 for May 25th
In yesterday's TuneUp, I discussed the ultimate choice every individual makes moment-to-moment… either devolution as disconnect from 'wholEness'... or service to others in the spirit of wholEness. This is the 2012 testing of all souls as the ‘veil’ thins with dimensional shift as discussed numerous times in archived articles. The spirit that matters for winning from the beginning in 2012 is… Service To Others
There is a story about an initiate of the mysteries of life who
wanted to see Heaven and Hell while he was still alive. He was at
the spiritual level where he could make such a request, so an angel
let him experience it in a dream.
dimensional shift and the
Got that?
as you
There is an interesting consensus among the “cosmic correspondence
crowd” (on Earth as in Heaven… as below, so above) that between the
May 20th Solar Eclipse and the June 5th Venus Transit, a 'critical
mass' (paradigm shift) is occurring in humanity’s collective
of, by and for wholEness.
Note the use of different color filters on this
also this recent video clip:
Two Suns sighted in the UK ...THE REST OF THE STORY.
Authentic experts on this subject, like Gordon Gianninoto, have been
reporting on this with numerous talk show appearances this last
year, including Coast-to-Coast AM. His source of information is the ZetaTalk website
that has 40,000 pages of Earth changes information that has proven
to be highly accurate over a decade
That's where
dimensional shift comes in... Obviously, Gordon is right if there is not a dramatic shift in the collective consciousness of global humanity. The depravity of terror, war, Fukushima radiation and disease profiteering is destroying life on Earth... and if we don't self-correct quickly, it is the mercy of the Great Law that Earth 'reboots' before a greater suffering comes upon all sentient life.
Humans are supposed to be stewards of the Earth, But the game is not over. People are waking up to 'eternal salvation' as well as 'eternal contempt' for those who have sold out to the self-serving wolves in sheep's clothing whose time is short and insanity is great.
‘mask’ is coming off all of us The 'game plan' for a global revolution in higher consciousness is understood by few. This 'game' is either for 'utopia' or 'dystopia'... for either a 'Great Purification' through conscious rEVOLUTION, or via cataclysmic reboot for a remnant who will survive and thrive.
Obviously, the Universe has it's own agenda with Galactic Alignment Personally I prefer the scenario whereby humanity unites with a dimensional shift in collective Conscience as naturally harmonizes the morphegenic energy grids of the quantum field... mitigating Earth changes as humanity 'husbands' a healing process on Earth.
each unique soul and for all collective humanity
Either way, the Aquarian Dispensation for the next 2000 years is
‘ordained’ to have a golden age that may not be what you expected,
but yet, far better than you may have ever hoped for.
new order of the ages is emerging that will The dimensional shift I'm talking about is a MOVEMENT from the highest pure intention of "3-D" (opening of the ‘3rd eye as explained HERE). This is one's initiation of a 4-D experience of "Social Conscience” (Service To Others).
As thus, it is the end of the world of ‘DUH’
"Truth is treason in the empire of lies".
The choice is not
between 'Left' or 'Right'.
Peace and Freedom WIN
when you A process of ‘mass awakening’ is now accelerating our fully present 4D real-time Social Conscience... the pure intention of focused attention with love’s retention for our conscious ascension. In good Conscience, we have the momentous opportunity to wise up and rise up into 5-D Unity Conscience in 2012. So Claim the Victory of the United Sovereigns of Earth.
Join the 'Alliance' - Please forward freely,
This is more about our conscious evolution than 'kicking at the
take careful
with your prayers.
"The massed
power of goodwill, the dynamic effect of intelligent and active understanding,
and the potency of a trained and alive public opinion, which desires the
greatest good of
the greatest number are beyond belief. This dynamic power has never been
It can today save the world."
~ Master
Djwhal Khul
Bottom Line:
For more on the Thrive Movement -
the opportunity now -
see: '2012 DECODED'