Conscience Convergence Series 4-10-2010
The Mysteries
of God~Love
as the "Middle Way"
Christos Lightweaver
The ancient concept of components to the capstone for God-Love Vision
is a mystical metaphor for connecting with "Source" (capstone).
The capstone is pure intention of, by and for divine love.
The process of assembling the components is
a process of focusing (one's attention)
on the evolutionary ascension
prime directive as a
source code
framing the
"G.O.D. Codes",
(Geometric Ordered Divinity),
as pure geometry frames of reference
outlining the
of Conscience
with the
"Angles of G.O.D." wholly framing the "Angels of
In the beginning God geometrized the divine order of the universe.
In the end we become what we geometrize with G.O.D.~LOVE
KoF lesson #4
for “Keepers
the Frequency”
in the Spirit of
Uprising" without end.
key to integrity has always been integration of all the keys to
“source code”,
wrote about this in the article "Tibetan
Uprising", two years ago. The “Lost
Years of Jesus” builds on the evidence that Jesus was born into
the Gnostic Community of the Essenes which is more similar to
Buddhism than to contemporary Christian sects. Gnostics are
interested in a direct connection with “Source”, the “Gnosis”
(knowing) that is the same fully Present (Awake)
enlightenment that Buddhism
aspires to.
full spectrum of colors in white light is like the full spectrum
of an enlightened or fully awake nature. It’s like the car engine
that runs well on all cylinders without leaking pressure and loosing
power. Full spectrum
is the enlightened whole that is greater than the sum of ALL
spectral frequencies, as explained at “full
spectrum Conscience”. We all know stories of mad scientists who are all mental with no feelings for humanity. Likewise witness how mad-angry people will “see red”, losing the ability of rational reasoning. Both lack full-spectrum balance – the middle way.
The middle way
wise dominion
balances the extremes. After enlightenment, Buddha first taught the middle way and then went on to teach the 4-fold path. This has been represented in many ways but archetypally represents “source code” in the same symbolic way that Tibetan and Hopi sand painting have depicted... the four-sided mandala that Carl Jung explained as the archetypal foundation of modern psychology... or as Christians have referred to as the “Four-Square gospel”, the “City Foursquare” or the “New Jerusalem” as described in Revelation 21:10-11 as follows:
“Love with all your heart and all your mind, and all your strength,
course, in today world of instant-everywhere and interactive
InterNet reality, your “neighbor” is now all Netizens
in our global village. The whole world is already connected in a
way that must please all Christs and Buddhas; one in God who sees
Love in each one.
four sides of the pyramid represent the four archetypes of the
“circle of wholeness” called the “medicine wheel” by native
Americans. The “four winds” or “four directions”, referenced
by native cultures worldwide, are the archetypal
representation of this same “four-fold path” to the middle way
In this 3-D cube, the four “lower bodies” above and below the common capstone are the four sides of BEING, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. In civilization this represents core institutional processes for enlightenment, discernment, healing and the abundant life in general.
The key to integrity has always been integration of all the keys to “source code”, and this understanding has been largely lost by the left-brain dominated secular science emphasis of Western civilization. This has led to highly compartmentalized, overspecialized or otherwise fragmented consciousness of a spiritual-challenged nature. But as the veil thins at an accelerated rate on the 2010-2012 timeline, the Eastern concepts of all connected holism are nurturing civility by emphasizing win/win virtues of abundant Conscience rather than win/lose values of scarcity economics behind “scarcity consciousness” as the oxymoronic “value of scarcity” (paradigm paralysis) that has a habit of willful ignorance which willfully ignores the abundant virtues of enlightened spiritual Conscience.
code to the codes of, by and for whol
you go a little deeper into the “cosmic cube” with the Geometry
Of Divinity, you’ll discover a cube within the central
capstone of the cross-referenced cube. That cube is a fractal
microcosm of the larger cube. This cube within a cube is actually
the geometry of the gold element molecule. And this geometry of a
cube within a cube is also the thoughtform corresponding to the gold
standard for Conscience – the
you access the frequency of the gold standard for
Many are called to this enlightened intention
Obviously, if organized religions taught this core “source code” for
going direct or otherwise KNOWING – cultural DNA as
But this too shall pass – the DUH of “Dummies, Unconscious and Heartless" – as the veil of separation from Source thins at an accelerated rate. For some that will mean temporary insanity (DUH) as they lose their grip on “the way things were”. For others that will mean temporary supersanity (enlightenment) as they get a grip on “the way things can be”.
the global rEVOLUTION in higher
"It is at all times necessary, and until right ideas confirm themselves by habit,
that we frequently refresh our patriotism by reference to
~ Christos
PS: A true story that sums it up. Those who read of my experience
with Elizabeth Clare Prophet, at “Meetings
With Miraculous People”, can perhaps appreciate this following
experience I had the last day of a three month Summit University
with her in the autumn quarter of 1979. She was having a question
and answer session with about 200 students and I timidly asked the
question: |
The AAA Call to
"Don't believe anything that anyone says before checking it out for yourself.
Don't believe what any official says, merely out of respect for officialdom.
Don't believe what the nearest and dearest say, merely out of love for them.
Don't believe only what you want to believe, merely out of your own prejudice.
But rather, out of pure intention for the whole truth, no matter what the cost,
connect the dots to the whole picture as revealed in your heart of hearts,
and take that as your guide."
Quote from
Gautama Buddha, translated in contemporary words
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