As Mass Illusion Disintegrates
News Exposed)
And 5-D Conscience Integrates
(Whole Truth Disclosed)
Global July 4th 'Fireworks' is Imminent
Shift Update 6-28-17
Recent Cosmic
Show Podcast
Thanks to the instant-everywhere and interactive connection of billions
of global Netizens with our new Net reality, a general enlightenment is
occurring that is as profound as the 'Enlightenment Age' which followed
invention of the printing press.
The Family of Mankind in a Global Village
But Now It's a Global Issue
Social conscience in our ubiquitous social networks has matured to the
point where it is self-evident that our core social institutions have
not kept up with the capabilities of quantum field knowledge-power. From
that perspective of the unity-in-diversity principle governing the
Unified Field, our core institutions are disintegrating with
gross defects that obscure former gains.
From Disintegration to Integration
The 2017 Big Shift - Call it a global 'Revolution in
Unity Conscience' - is an uncanny parallel to the 1776 American
Revolution. Emerging worldwide is a 'United State' in the collective
conscience of global humanity. This is integration with the principle of
'US' as 'United Sovereign of Earth' - a process of
conscious EVOLUTION which is 90% of the word 'rEVOLUTION'.
From 'Divide-to-Conquer' to 'United We Win'
There are now about 4 billion global Netizens who are networking for the
Net worth of our new Net reality. The valuation of the Next Economy -
Global Economic Reset - will
naturally follow the Common Law principles of Common Sense for a
personal and public win/win as follows Natural-Universal-Cosmic Law
governing conscious evolution with intention for attention via
Inordinate Love of Power
Working principles of unity-in-diversity at the heart of global Net
reality will naturally neutralize the
deep state of 3-D self serving powers
which lack public-serving Constitutional principles as are updated with
Five Core Internet Freedoms that
will define, refine and 'shine'
5-D enlightenment
Imagine what a global
Five Dimensions of a Declaration of (Dense, Dimwit & Devolving)
1 - Declaration of Independence from
The 3-D
corporatocracy does not own
nature's power. Yes, the 3-D Cabal rose to power with the Big Oil
monopoly which has morphed into the Western petrodollar monopoly in
global currency exchanges, but that ship has sailed.
The 3-D Paradigm of POWER is Passing
2 - Declaration of
Independence from
The 3-D mass media matrix monopoly on 'what to think' - with one-way,
highly centralized programming of the mass mind - has been rejected by
the vast majority of Netizens worldwide. Given the choice, United
Sovereigns prefer the
5-D conscience culturing capabilities
highly decentralized-interactive social
networks where 'how to think' is free from
lockstep programming of 'fake news' and 'false flags' that deceive the
public for
3-D hegemony.
More that a year ago, this report found that:
The Big Lies of Big Media Now Exposed And the 5-D Paradigm of Global TeLeComm FROM THE BOTTOM-UP is Naturally Emerging as Global Netizens Wise Up and Rise Up in Conscience.
3 - Declaration of
Independence from
Common sense may be uncommon in this regard, but the sick 'Disease Care'
system called 'Health Care' has been privatized for profit with more
incentives for disease treatment than prevention. This inherent 3-D
paradigm paralysis finds a pound of cure worth 16x's more than an ounce
of prevention. And since
corporatocracy law values
stockholders before the public whenever profits are at stake, the
medical-industrial complex makes a killing, literally, with policies
that indirectly create public disease on purpose -
GMOs, fluoridated
water, vaccines,
chemtrails, etc. - to push drugs for
whatever ails you, providing drug side-effects for more drugs ad
Note: That was seven years ago! It's far worse now because the regimen
of recommended vaccines for children has gone to 69 before the age of
six, plus the effect of GMOs and glyphosate on auto-immune disease has
reached pandemic levels of sickness.
This rewards 3-D MEDICINE with obscene profits spent largely on
legislation for a protection racket. This pathological system of disease profiteering is now dying from it's 'success'; it's killing us. But fortunately, the Internet culture of well-informed choice has matured to provide free online tools and processes - a universal self care model for analysis, prevention and management of disease. This 5-D Model of Global Holistic TeLeCare will eventually make 3-D Medicine obsolete.
4 - Declaration of
Independence from
Netizens worldwide have watched the Mideast debacle with abhorrence as
3-D 'might is right' values
of Big Oil has seized the oil wealth of Iraq and Libya to leverage
petrodollar hegemony while killing and displacing millions of civilians.
US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in
5 - Declaration of
Independence from
This is the bottom line for underwriting the Next Economy with the
virtue of 5-D abundance
for an economics of abundance that makes the oxymoronic 'value of
scarcity' obsolete.
Government Monopoly Money vs.
This global transition from
3-D scarcity economics
5-D abundance economics
is a big challenge for the Deep 3-D State of special interests - the
corporatocracy - that has a vested interest in power without core
Constitutional principles in the Bill of Rights as can now be upgraded
Five Core Global Netizen Freedoms.
"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility
against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
~ Thomas Jefferson, engraved in stone
on the Jefferson Memorial
3-D tyranny holding us back.
5-D freedom & opportunity
moving us forward.
And NOW,
puts new emphasis on
a conscientious common sense EVOLUTION of
social conscience in our global social networks
via the Mother of all networks - the 'InnerNet'.
This is the
Rise of Divine Feminine Energies
hold the balance for 3-D patriarchy, and
raise the
standard of
for 5-D.
This is the rEVOLUTION that all 'US'
United Sovereigns of Earth
- are
celebrating in our hearts with
the July 4th freedom flame.
Enjoy the Fireworks!
The Mother of global Net reality
as nurtures the
power of love
at the heart of 5-D fireworks
This Conscience Currency
is dedicated to the
One Eye...
"To understand the nature of God, it
is necessary only to know
the nature of love itself. To truly know love is to know and
understand God; and to know God is to understand love."
~ Dr.
David R. Hawkins, "The
Eye of the I"
(pg. 88)
individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of
pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance
the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at
the lower weakening levels."
~ from the decade-long research with millions of tests
utilizing behavioral
kinesiology, documented in
- The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior
by Dr. David R. Hawkins , M.D., PhD in Psychology