BIG TEST: Full Moon Energies Now
Understanding… “The Kingdom of Heaven Within You”
Here’s a ‘Heads
Up’ for those who appreciate
your connection with “cosmos” (quantum
“On Earth as it
is in Heaven”.
Christos Lightweaver
Feb, 25, 2013
There’s a Full Moon today, and several other aspects are also challenging many of us. And in the larger-quantum scheme of things, the larger scale energetics of our solar system and galaxy have a lot to do with the energetics resonating in our DNA, consciousness and the world-at large.
It’s ALL resonant, connected and ‘alive’
Mercury just went retrograde a couple of days ago, and it has some
‘retro’ effects the next few weeks; a good time to reboot your
memory -- a recent life review – to learn the lessons needed for
moving on.
That’s the DNA in 90% of the brain
If you have the patience to watch this exceptional video, you'll have the science to understand the quantum field resonance of this Full Moon and the effect of all this soft feminine energy as softens the heart of humanity. The challenge is hardened hearts and the hard masculine energy which lacks the ‘spirit that matters’ at this time.
Real women ‘get it’:
"It is the ego that maintains the separation, Since the Moon resonates with unconscious emotions, and since it is now aligned with the galactic constellation energies of ‘Virgo’, this combined effect is challenging many of us with a delicate balancing act between being hyper-sensitive and obsessive-compulsive. In other words, it’s a good time to be centered and connected with heart-coherence and self control.
Be on guard. Half of any test is to know what the test will be, and tempers may flare as Mars aligns with retro-Mercury over the next few days. Some may ‘lose it’, and project anger your way. So keep your harmony with compassion-in-action.
This Full Moon also comes with a unique challenge because it is not only in opposition to the Sun – with Earth in the middle – but also because both the Moon and the Sun are square Jupiter, which greatly magnifies the other challenges mentioned.
This is the type of
combined challenge that compels one to either
Or as
my German Grandfather used to say when
It was Founding Father, Thomas Paine, who originated the saying. “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” His ‘COMMON SENSE’ sparked the American Revolution. That was just the beginning.
Connect the dots of the ‘Big Picture’: global evolution revolution now.
Realize that the ‘global brain’ -- our new ‘Net reality’ – has been raising consciousness, bringing us from the Internet to the ‘InnerNet’… from cyberspace to Inner Space. And now, both hemispheres on the inner and the outer are BALANCING in RESONANCE with quantum field heart coherence and mind congruence of a common-universal 'sense'... unity in diversity that HONORS differences with 'Unity Conscience'; authentic power with the wisdom to synergize right-brain heart coherence with left-brain mind congruence... TO GET OUR ACT TOGETHER:
The Family of Man in a Global village.
A new
‘Common Sense’ is emerging for the
of Earth.
‘There is a field… and I’ll meet you there.”
So be
on guard. Watch your temper. Keep your harmony. And claim the
Victory of Cosmic
BE-ATTITUDE for this Time:
to see the opportunity with any challenge
rather than the problem with any opportunity. |
All Ways
~ Christos
As a ‘reward’ for ‘Initiates’ who have read this far,
you can now read the 1st Chapter, ‘On
the Path…’
of ‘The
Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age’.
the Path…’ is 'test copy' before publishing on
Amazon Kindle, so let me know what your think.
Feedback from Initiates and
ADEPTS is welcome
for the purpose of a ‘Master
Mind Alliance’
serves our conscientious
evolutionary ascent.~ C.
"This is a test to see if your mission on Earth is over.
If you are still alive, it's not."
~ Sir
Francis Bacon
And as the Internet peaked
in it's growth rate back in 1997,
the final incarnation of
Sir Francis Bacon had this
to say:
"Let us
have one plan, and let us go with that plan, and let us go with it big time.
Let us do that. Let us not have little groups here and little groups there,
thinking they know what to do when you have to have
MasterMind consciousness
that you are going to transform not only a nation but a world.
This is a global situation and nothing less, so you must think globally
and you must realize... This is a pivotal moment...
There will never be a greater moment, a greater opportunity
to solve the problems of Earth..."
~ Saint Germain, Jan. 1, 1997, via E. C. Prophet