"Miracles do not cluster. Hold on to the Constitution of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands -- what has happened once in six thousand years may never happen again. Hold on to your Constitution, for if the American Constitution shall fail there will be anarchy throughout the world."
--Daniel Webster
"Men must be governed by God,
or they will be ruled by tyrants."
- William Penn
The rEVOLUTION begins – emphasizing 90% of THE WORD:
These are the “geometrized”
components to the
capstone VISION of THE WORD
-- rEVOLUTIONARY ascent of sovereign
civilization – with this declaration of independence in an interdependent
“global village”.
It’s as simply yet profound as honoring the first principles of sovereignty by virtue of the enlightened self-interest that implements these first laws of INDEPENDENT conscience and INTERDEPENDENT community networks along more enlightened “lines” of “G.O.D.” (Geometrically Ordered Divinity) to frame a process for culturing “The Great Spirit” (God-Love) “between the lines”.
Divine RIGHTS-
in the Public SPHERE-
with Checks and BALANCE -
for an archetypal WHOLE-
that cultures greater “
at the interactive TeLeComm
heart of our “global village”
(Internet) civilization.
greater than
the sum of the “
and “
(The Spirit that Matters at the Heart of THE
WORD: “God is Love”)
”If a
man reaches the heart of his own religion,
he has reached the heart of all religions.”
- Mohandas
K. Gandhi
The “Next
Big Thing” (4th
Wave) in the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION.
(Interacting THE WORD
along more enlightened “lines” ()
“Honest people do better when they know better;
an individual or civilization can rise no higher
than their concept of divine laws of love”.
creative learning~healing process that cultures the rEVOLUTION.
(THE WORD-in-action via the
“co-creative” Spirit of -in-action)
“We are what we create, having become what we
the higher the concept of co-creation with a loving God,
the greater the results that are for~giving, not for~getting.”
Building local and global community networks cultured with .
(Fulfillment of THE WORD with a
global rEVOLUTION in holy, whol-E,
holisitic or otherwise “holographic”
consciousness of HOW we are conscious in a 3-D, 4-D and
5th Dimensional way.)
Defining (“”),
Refining (“
Combining (“
and Shining (“
the Vision (“”)
of Virtue (“
in the Vow (
for the Victory (“
in all archetypal “thoughtform” Dimensions of Self-creation.
“But if you have nothing at all
to create,
then perhaps you create yourself.”
- Carl Jung
Self-Creation as
“co-Creators” with a higher conscience of
the prime directive
of sovereignty at the heart of self-governance, self-education, self-healing and
the abundant life that naturally follows when the law of nature – natural law –
is followed. This universal law -- the Constitution of
corresponds to the “biological model” of the human brain as corresponds
“holographically” (holistically) to the archetypal thoughtform “codes” that
frame the infrastructure of collective consciousness (Jung) whereby the first
principles of sovereignty (Bill of Rights) are “upgraded” for our
instant-everywhere “global village”.
These natural “laws
of correspondence” (universal law language) are the framework of the
Constitution of :
~ Linear
in the Law
Self governance.
[We are what we BELIEVE,
having become what we BELIEVED;
Note: “Lock-step” (closed-minded) “BS” (Believe System) is tyranny over
the hearts and minds of man; it subverts U.S. Founder’s
intention to honor
ascent of
man kind as kind men in harmony with the laws of nature and
“Nature’s God”.
FREEDOM OF THE PRESS in this context – a free and open communication over the instant-everywhere Internet – recognizes the modern “printing page” today as desk-top publishing and desk-top video. Denial of this capability to freely publish is the denial of the business of evolution. By “default” (denial), it is subservience to the Machiavellian control matrix that would maintain tyranny over the hearts and minds of mankind. The free-exchange of information and knowledge-power is the foundational principle of INFORMED CHOICE with a free “PRESS” that provides a universal interface whereby we are ALL on the same “page” that removes the “walls in the mind” between the actual frequency of compassion and the mind of G.O.D. (Geometrically Ordered Divinity).
Non-linear Right-brain
Spirit of
Self education.
[We are what we KNOW,
having become what we’ve KNOWN]
Note: “Organized religion” is an oxymoron; the letter of the law kills the
The Spirit that Matters is “between the lines” framed by
FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY in this context – the free association of ideas for our self-edification and “self- elevation” (salvation) – is represented through “electronic town hall meetings” (TeLeConferencing) that can provide “real time” (live) interaction for local and global Netizens in the “community networks” over the network of networks -- the mother of all networks – the Internet.
“Crelative” Left-Right brain “Synergy”;
the heart of
Self healing.
[We are what we THINK,
having become what we’ve THOUGHT]
Note: This “crelative” learning~healing PROCESS is
the heart of the
from lock-step “BS” to the Spirit that
Matters… the WORD made physical
CHECKS AND BALANCES that center “Higher
Power” (mind of
G.O.D.) with “Higher
Conscience” (holy compassion).
in this context – the interactive
capability of the Internet – will provide an interactive process for
“information’s ecology” – recycling knowledge power in the way that empowers
wisdom with greater .
This is the process that will synergize our
Divine RIGHTS (
to Free Speech and Assembly in the public SPHERE
The key to this “real time” (live) mass-to-mass communications
VISION -- for organizing all information IN FORMATION along more enlightened
“lines” – is the “E-valuation criteria” (HEARTware™)
that empowers wisdom through the holy Spirit of
at the heart of it.
“Integrated” WHOLE BRAIN “co-Ordination”; the
wholEness key to the Abundant Life.
[We are what we DO,
having become what we DID;
wholEness is what it DOES]
Note: There are universal law-language “frames of
reference” (
for “spiritual practicality” (the Spirit to matters) in all archetypal
4-quad dimensions (
Self and Civilization. To the extent that we are centered in -- and connected
to -- these natural laws of common-universal nature, we culture the common sense
of meaning, value and purpose in our rEVOLUTIONARY
ascent… creating a culture of sovereign Independence in our Interdependent
FREEDOM OF SPEECH in this context – the
sovereign principle of self-expression
as would represent the pure intent of U.S. Founders
today – would encourage and culture the
independent origination and E-valuation of programming over an open-free
and interdependent Internet. The New World of
“global village” reality today requires an electronic upgrade of anachronistic
horse-and-buggy representation systems that have been hijacked and corrupted by
monied powers that lack accountability to the highest good of, by and for ALL
create a holistic whole that is far greater than the sum of the parts. It is
the restoration of the first principles of the Constitution and the core Bill of
Rights as will define (),
refine (
combine (
and shine (
the God-given talents and gifts of people worldwide… as are most likely to
culture Freedom, Opportunity and our evolutionary ascent through our core
institutions of government (
education (
health care (
and the economy (
Holistic Integration of these whol-
to the
holographic universe will empower wisdom with greater
raising the standard of
cyberethics as will culture the Constitution of
the heart of sovereign independence in
an interdependent world.
This is the interaction of enlightened Netizens with the VISION of the 2-way interactive self-governing process of independent ORIGINATION and EVALUATION of communications that qualify, frame and otherwise “geometrize” divine ORDER in the interdependent public SPHERE.
May it begin with
U.S. –
in the United
of .
- CR
The place where "Government 101" meets "Health Care 101" is the understanding that the best government is self-government even as the best heal care is self-care. We all must "govern ourselves" with virtue even as we must all "care for health" or we get sick.
When we lose the ultimate virtue in survival -- the survival of ultimate virtue -- we lose "immunity" in both government and health care. Parasitic “cancer cells” proliferate that were once kept in check by virtue of our "immune system". A parasitic pursuit of provocateur terror and dis-ease devours the health of civilization like cancer devours its host -- a virtueless death wish.
Without virtue, our systems of self-governance lose immunity to evil. Selfishness devours public servants who become like fork-tongued, two-faced wolves in sheep’s clothing. The love of power of, by and for selfish perks of prestige, profit and power-to-control prevails at the expense of selfless civility – the power of love of, by and for ALL people.
In the same way, the governance of health care becomes sick without virtue. A pound of cure becomes 16 times more profitable than an ounce of prevention. Organized greed makes a killing on the creation and management of disease with covert reasons – NOT “of, by and for the people” – but for population reduction.
short, there is no security without virtue’s purity – the virtue in divine
reason, harmony and order. Free will -- without the Higher Power in God’s will
-- sabotages the first principles of sovereign self-governance. When such
self-sabotage is done the name of God and “Freedom for all”, cognitive
dissonance destroys sovereignty with a
Machiavellian “control matrix” that blocks the evolutionary ascent of
sentient life. Willful ignorance, cherished self-delusion, and self destruction
becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The "body politic" becomes cancerous,
devouring "the host" with disease and "warring in the members". "Politically
correct" becomes morally wrong. Profit for virtue-challenged power translates
to death for the populace. Self-preservation with self-care -- the natural
remedies for natural healing -- becomes illegal.
Witness CAFTA legislation that will make natural health supplements and self-care illegal under the tyranny of a corrupt medical-industrial complex. Witness the Patriot Act legislation that is creating a police state under the tyranny of a corrupt military-industrial complex.
And consider where it’s going if the Higher Power in virtue is not honored with a turn-around strategy that is most likely to heal civilization with a global MOVEMENT to resurrect the first principles of self-governing sovereignty.
We live in a dramatically different world today. Not just dramatically different from the New World of the 13 American colonies that declared their independence from mercenary codependence on the British Empire. That's old history but with core lessons of timely relevance -- the Spirit that Matters1-- in the New World of Internet-connected "global village" unity today.
The dehumanizing forces "making merchandise out of people" (materialism) have become just as insidious today, if not more. The creation and management of endless "dis-ease" (terror) and "WAR" -- prominently featured on the altar of the Skull & Bones Satanists -- has become the economic engine of big business collusion with big government. Not just a self-serving military-industrial-CIA complex whose intent was once understood as "fascism", but also, an equally pathological medical-industrial complex with vested interests in the creation and treatment of "disease".
Many people have gotten used to it - a "health care" system that is 97.5% disease care -- caring more for treatment with drugs than prevention with natural living. Foodless "food" that is nutrition-stripped and chemical-laced has bankrupted the bodies of Americans, adapting to lower levels of resistance to disease and war until they are so sick and tired of being terrorized and war-mongered that they are too sick and tired to resist any more. They just get along by going along, going through mindless routines and escaping to boob-tube propaganda that sells them endless war, junk food and drugs for the mind-body stupor afflicting them. Duh!
America needs a check-up from the head up.
Indeed, the common sense of an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure has become uncommon. War making -- called "Defense" -- and disease treatment -- called "Health Care" -- have become 16 times more profitable than the ounce of prevention. The virtue of natural laws of health and virtue that culture peace and prosperity have been inverted, subverted and outright perverted by the prostitute press that propagandizes profits before prevention. In this bizarro world of Wall Street worth-ship, the bottom line is shareholder profits of giant self-serving corporations in collusion with huge self-serving government bureaucracies that are cannibalizing health and well-being… like a cancer devouring the host.
What does it take for the American public and people worldwide to realize that the greatest threat to our safety and happiness -- ALL people in our global village of instant-everywhere connection -- is the same special interests of self-serving profit and power that US Founders constantly warned us would destroy the Republic if not kept in check by "public opinion" (free press / open Internet) and a legislature "of, by and for the people."
"Public opinion sets bounds to every government,
and is the real sovereign in every free one."
--James Madison, Chief Architect of the Constitution
and 4th U.S. President from 1809-1817
Every self-serving "solution" of, by and for this sick system will only compound the self-sabotaging "side-effects" of more drugs, more "dis-ease", more terror, more war, etc. Without reference to the holy whole in the public SPHERE – accountability to the Spirit that Matters – the common sense of virtue, wholeness and healing will suffer more of this plot out of hell propagated by provocateur prevaricators and outright Satanists who want everyone as miserable as they are with fork-tongued, two-faced evil.
It is well-established corporate law -- that whenever profits are at stake, the shareholders come before the public. Precedence was set by the courts back when Henry Ford was mass producing Model-T's and wanted to lower the price for the common man. The stockholders sued him and won. Think about that, applying this "profits before people" precedence in the "legal system" to the military and medical industrial complexes that "make a killing" on war and disease.
What was once called evil is now called "good business". U.S. Founders considered this to be the greatest threat to the Constitution of "God Government"… that special interests with a vested interest in the power to profit without principle would subvert the first principles of "best for all" under representative government "of, by and for the people".
The aristocracy of power and privilege dies hard.
The young idealist who penned the Declaration of Independence believed in the "natural aristocracy of talent and virtue". Jefferson once said that America would need a Revolution every 20 years. He was referring to the purging of those self-serving parasitic forces that worm their way into the fabric of government… the "banksters" (money changers) and their corporate cronies who make organized greed their ticket to a monopoly on power and privilege.
"If the American
people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money,
[Federal Reserve Bank -CR]
by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property
until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers
-Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson understood how fast people forget the "first principles" on which self-government is founded. Most people just want to raise their families without worrying about intrusive government, leaving the running of government to those they elected. People want to believe the "system" is good and that it is working… even when it isn't. And intelligent people today know that system is broke. Not only were our last election "choices" between a Skull and Bones Kerry and an equally corrupt Skull and Bones Bush, the election was "hacked" from front end to back.
"80% of all votes in America
are counted by only two companies: Diebold and ES&S.
The vice-president of
Diebold and the president of ES&S are brothers.
The chairman and CEO of Diebold is a
major Bush campaign organizer and donor who
wrote in 2003 that he was 'committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes
to the president next year.'
Republican Senator Chuck Hagel used to be chairman of ES&S.
He became Senator based on votes counted by ES&S machines.
Hagel, long-connected with the Bush family, was
recently caught lying about
his ownership of ES&S by the Senate Ethics Committee."
- details at
Clearly, there is a disconnect between what many people want to believe -- the backwards "BS" (Belief System) in corrupt governance practices -- have been co-opted by mercenary codependence on a new empire madness that threatens the core virtue in Freedom and Opportunity for ALL people on Earth.
It's not so much that most people don't see
the whole solution,
even though it is "self-evident" - the core
requirements of sovereignty.
It's moreso that they don't see the big
-- the denial that the blind are leading the blind with
victim dictum of sovereignty-challenged "BS"
that erodes our freedoms in the name of security
until we have neither freedom nor security.
The place where "Government
101" meets "Health Care 101" is the understanding that the best government is
self-government even as the best heal care is self-care. We all must "govern
ourselves" with virtue even as we all must "care for health" or we get sick.
When we lose the ultimate virtue in survival -- the survival of ultimate virtue
-- we lose "immunity" in both government and health care. Cancer cells once kept
in check by our "immune system" proliferate.
Collectively -- when virtue's immunity is lacking -- the "body politic"
becomes cancerous, devouring "the host" with "warring in the members".
"Politically correct" becomes morally wrong. "Profit" for virtue-challenged
power translates to death for the populace. Self-preservation with self care --
the natural remedies for natural healing -- becomes illegal.
Witness CAFTA legislation that is being steam-rolled through Congress as will make natural health supplements and self-care illegal.
Ever so gradually, it has happened - this "cancer" has spread. The banksters infiltrated the infrastructure of monied power when the privately owned Federal Reserve took over the banking system of the US early in the 20th Century. This empowered the banks and corporations around them to bankroll and profit from every major war since then. And these same special interests are behind the drugging of America, making "walking pharmacies" out of many Americans, especially the burgeoning "market" of seniors as the baby boomers hit the wall of mortality as their immune system naturally weakens.
Is it just a matter of "good business" or is it a plot out of hell that betrays the soul of America for 20 pieces of silver?
There are good reasons why loving families and enlightened "Netizens" in our instant-everywhere InterNet-connected world see honor and virtue with "different eyes" than the corporate CEO whose job is to show a profit in the war industries, the media CEO who is largely owned and controlled by the arms merchants, and the food and drug CEO's who are likewise committed to "make a killing" on the indirect cause and direct treatment of disease.
Net worth has different E-valuation criteria in an ALL-connected world. Or as business guru. Tom Peters said, "If you want to own your own life, create your own network". And the ultimate product in the "global village" networks of instant-everywhere connection is the "business of evolution" itself.
That product is a process. It is THE MOVEMENT of, by and for our evolutionary ascent.
Something is terrible wrong
with a sick civilization whose business is primarily the business of profits
before people. It's just such a sick civilization that surrenders the
sovereignty of people and nations to the corrupt collusion of big business with
big government that creates Big Brother fascism under the cover of nationalist
Church-State sloganeering for "God and Country".
People worldwide watched as the United States sold it's sovereignty to international treaties like NAFTA that began the great hemorrhaging of jobs and trade deficits to the cheapest labor markets on Earth. This was a mixed blessing that -- in a materialistic sense -- has raised the standard of living for 3rd world countries but lowered the standard of living for mainstream America. It has profited giant corporations like Walmart and sustained the Golden Calf of Wall Street…but at what price to freedom and opportunity for everyone?
Now we see the same lies being propagandized for another international trade agreement -- CAFTA -- that will further erode US Sovereignty with stealth legislation which will destroy the Health Right of Americans -- the ability to choose nutrition concentrates that build health -- surrendering that freedom to drug companies and their medical minions that push drugs for whatever ails you.
Behind the scenes you have the most powerful corporate and banking special interests in the world who have a vested interest in ownership and control of the physical and human resources of Earth. If you study the true history of these power elite potentates, you'll find that they set-up and took advantage of World Wars I, Pearl Harbor and World War II, plus 9-11 and the Iraq Attack… consolidating global power in the process.
Each time these power elite special interests profited hugely from the creation and management of giant government monopolies. The privately owned Federal Reserve Banking system made a killing on every war since WWI. The CIA was created out of the Pearl Harbor "inside job" just as Homeland Security was created out of the 9-11 "inside job". Big Brother government has become a massive growth industry, cannibalizing the security of Americans in the name of security. They profit from endless terror and war creation, destroying civilization while professing their intent to save it.
Ironically, since these same interlocked special interests own and control the mainstream media in the U.S., more people in the rest of the world know the truth of this betrayal of U.S. sovereignty than Americans themselves. It's just such complete inversion and subversion of the truth in the monopoly media that gets Americans believing that the invasion and destruction of sovereign nations like Iraq has no correlation to the inversion and destruction of sovereign freedoms in America.
v What does it take for people to realize that ALL this could be changed in the twinkling of an eye of instant-everywhere "Internet time"?
v How long will otherwise good people embrace the lies and corruption that enslaves them?
v Why do people suffer the insufferable "value of scarcity" in a system of scarcity economics that denies abundant LOVE and the abundant life for ALL people?
It's one thing to become aware of the core bankrupt values of institutionalized greed that is destroying civilization. It’s another thing to understand and apply the abundance of virtue in service to our most sacred beliefs -- the Spirit that Matters -- in the New World of Internet-connected "global village" unity today.
But I repeat myself -- for emphasis. What does it take for "enough is enough"?
What does it take for "We the People" in our global village to realize that "representative self-government" no longer serves the purpose for which it was created if the public is so spiritually and mentally SICK (bankrupt) that material security can be held hostage to endless war insanity for the profit of a war economy that is cannibalizing culture and civility in the name of saving it?
"Of all the
enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded
because it comprises and develops the germ of every other...
nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."
James Madison, Chief Architect of the Constitution, April 20, 1795
The are a zillion ways to address the "symptoms" of systemic disease in the body politic that is devouring civilization like a cancer devours the host. But revolving all the issues with attention to only "the symptoms" does little more than make the public feel like victims of a cancerous disease if we don't address the cause and core pathology - the root of the problem.
"There are a
thousand hacking at the branches of evil
to one who is striking at the root."
- Henry David Thoreau, Walden
Half of the core solution is coming out of denial of the root problem. The whole Truth of ways and means for resurrecting the core virtue of "Self Governance" has never been more "self-evident" to enlightened Netizens worldwide.
"It is only when the People become
ignorant and corrupt, when they degenerate into a populace, that they are
incapable of exercising their sovereignty. Let us, by all wise and
constitutional measures, promote intelligence and
virtues among the People,
as the best means of preserving our liberties."
--James Monroe, 5th U.S. President, 1817-1825
The huge drama of accelerating change in recent history -- just one generation since the '76 Bicentennial of the American Revolution -- has been so overwhelming that all of our institutions are extremely challenged by the instant-everywhere implications of our Internet "connection".
The Internet has eliminated time and space in principle -- the principle of "We are One". But unity in our diversity has been subverted -- divided and confounded --by a new empire madness that once again takes Freedom and Opportunity FROM the people even while pretending to represent the best interests "of, by and for the people."
The hypocrisy and outright betrayal is more than the "silent majority" can handle. Some "cope with it" through abject denial. Others deal with it though angry denunciation of those challenging their blind subservience to cherished illusions of political correctness that is morally wrong. And those who pass this "test that's best" are waking up -- beyond the problem -- to self-evident solutions.
Enlightened Netizens understand the prevailing paradigm paralysis and cognitive dissonance for what it is -- how a new adolescent culture growing up with global Internet civilization has hit the wall of resistance from old values of the old order.
The "wall" is ultimately "walls in the mind" that divide us. And like the Berlin Wall that came down when communications across the wall exposed and disposed the "walls in the mind" separating people… so it is that the Internet is bringing down the "walls in the mind" worldwide. That's a real challenge to otherwise intelligent people who haven't connected to core intent of U.S. Founders as would finish what they began… worldwide.
Call it "parental paralysis" -- as with the American colonists who were tied to the apron stinks of "Mother England". The true blue loyalists to the parental "Crown" of that day -- the Tories -- where just as staunch in their resistance to change from the mercenary values of powerful special interests who had a vested interest in owning and controlling the physical and human resources of the public. The "Tories" of today are just as resistant to change their allegiance from "parental figures" (authorities) who talk the talk of "Liberty for All" but walk the walk of encroaching Police State tyranny at home and abroad.
Growing up requires cutting those "apron-strings". The Internet is no longer a child, yet it is not fully adult. It has been 20 years now since the 3rd wave of the computer/Internet revolution reached critical mass worldwide as a new standard for "knowledge power" -- the Freedom to know better and the Opportunity to do better. But the full implications of global Freedom and Opportunity have been held back by "parents" (authority figures) who just don't "get it", committing virtually child abuse.
We all saw how "dot com" went "dot bomb" as the new kid with new ideas was "bought out" or otherwise coerced by "Mother England". The prime example is the AOL takeover by Time Warner. The "free and open" Internet was abused with invasive pop-ups, commercials and surveillance "bugs" that profile subscribers for target marketing… to make better merchandise of them.
Since 9-11, fear of government "parents" has further eroded faith in the Freedom and Opportunity the "kid" once championed. New "Patriot Act" laws were steam-rolled through Congress without legislators reading them or public comment. A huge new "Homeland Security" bureaucracy with uncanny parallels to Hitler's GESTAPO -- the German acronym from their words for "Homeland Security"
The independence of Netizens to know better and do better has been increasingly challenged by government surveillance (NSA and DARPA) as well as cyber-attacks on conspiracy websites -- traced back to government hackers.
Like the military-industrial complex and medical-industrial complex, the "intelligence-industrial" complex has been creating and managing propaganda with a sycophant media that is largely controlled if not owned by the military and medical special interests.
In short, the promise and virtues of an open Internet have been coerced and compromised by the values of a closed-minded mentality that puts profit and control by a power elite few above the Freedom and Opportunity of global Netizens. The "kid" hasn't been allowed to "grow up". The computer/Internet revolution has stalled. The politics and economics of the military-medical-intelligence complexes have become far more COMPLEX than the science that could bring peace, healing and real intelligence to our warring, sick and LOVE-challenged world.
Cutting the apron strings that bind the revolutionary internet media today is no less important than it was for the young idealists who authored the Declaration of Independence and "grew up" writing the Constitution.
If we don't use the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION in ways that are most likely to insure our safety and happiness, it will continue to be abused.
If we don't affirm the intent of U.S. Founders with a new Declaration of Independence from the power trips of the power elite, we betray the Spirit that Matters at the heart of "God Government".
And if we don't "grow up" or otherwise evolve with an electronic Space Age Internet upgrade of our core Bill of Rights at the heart of the Constitution, we surrender our sovereignty to sinister forces that have infiltrated the horse-and-buggy legislative process that was the Founder's only option.
The higher the appeal to conscientious COMMON SENSE in the intrinsic virtue of this "growing up" MOVEMENT [ ], the greater the results.
Higher Conscience in the Higher Power of greater
LOVE follows
naturally from the holistic integration of heart and mind in all archetypal
dimensions of Self and Civilization. The higher the understanding of these "first
principles" of, by and for SOVEREIGNTY
via the Constitution of at
the quintessential
FOUNDATION of self-governance -- the core
processes of consciousness whereby we govern ourselves
-- the greater the results for Self and Civilization.
This is the
MOVEMENT towards self-governing
SOVEREIGNTY in an interdependent global village
where an InnerNet
at the heart of the interdependent Internet will culture a more balanced
nature that empowers the living "Spirit of
the Law" with the Golden Rule/Law "Language
whereby divine RIGHTS (
in the public SPHERE (
are checked and BALANCED (
in all archetypal DIMENSIONS (
of personal and planetary SOVEREIGNTY.
The "turn-around" of disintegrating civilization will
integration with the first "golden rule" principles for civility.
An individual or civilization can rise no higher than
their concept of "GOD is LOVE"
and is "for~giving".
Or as the coach for one of the most remarkable
business turnarounds in history said,
"When you appeal to the highest level of
you get the highest level of performance."
- Jack Stack, CEO of Springfield ReManufacturing Co.
It's as simple yet profound as
"the business of evolution"
as the "Next
Big Thing" in the computer/Internet revolution cultures
"It's as if man had been suddenly appointed managing director of
biggest business of all, the
business of evolution…. He
can't refuse the job. Whether he wants it or not, whether he is conscious of
what he is doing or not,
he is in point of fact
determining the future direction of evolution on this earth.
"That is his inescapable destiny, and
the sooner he
realizes it and starts
believing in it, the better
for all concerned."
- Julian Huxley
(Anderson 1987, frontispiece)
Put another way (detailed at, it's all about centering and connecting the "well-ROUNDED"
of the Angels of Love) at the
heart of "Divine
Law of Angles of "G.O.D."
- Geometrically
Divinity) at
the interactive Internet "INTERFACE"
-Checks & Balance of
as will culture the SOVEREIGNTY
of global Netizens that is "for-giving"
-- the holy spirit of
The selfless
self-governing homeostasis and healing in the body politic "of, by and for ALL
people" is a higher good than the self-serving selfishness of corrupt special
interests making a killing on disease, terror, war and hell on Earth. And if
this higher good is not centered in the Higher Power of Higher Laws that frame
the Constitution of Greater
then, by default, we'll do what we've always done and get what we've always got
-- subservience to big business collusion with big government using terror and
tyranny tactics.
How else do you resurrect
God-Love Government without utilizing modern "representation systems"
(communications) that frame a higher standard of natural-universal law-language
principles at the heart of it? What better way to unify people worldwide than
provide common ground with the common sense of a simple yet profound
connects the heart, mind and soul of ALL global Netizens with universal
principles for co-OPERATIVE "commUNIcaTIon"
co-ORDINATION of, by and for greater
If the "2nd Coming" of
Christlike love in the hearts and minds of the mainstream masses means anything,
consider how "We the People" (worldwide) can "make it so" with recognition and
implementation of a -centric
system that honors the heart of each one's religion that is the heart of ALL
Any global movement at this
critical stage of global awakening must embrace the universality of spiritual
laws framing the representation process for self-governance. The more pure and
simple the "frame of reference" (Geometrically
Divinity) that
centers the process, the more likely it will succeed. And yet for the more
enlightened, it must provide a unified field theory for the universal laws of
the holographic
universe whereby each part holistically
represent the whole. That's "strong meat" for "children of God" but dietary
fare for mature Sons and Daughters of God who ready for their "inheritance"
(Kingdom Conscience). I like to think of the Constitution of
the "Operation Manual for the Holodeck
of Earth Reality".
With a holistic VISION, the
wholeness, healing and evolutionary ascent of civilization begins. The "3rd
wave" (Internet) will evolve through the full implications of the
4th Wave of an "instant-everywhere, ALL-connected world" to the "5th
wave" (5th Dimension) that integrates the 4 archetypal "sides" to the "capstone
vision" with understanding of these "keys to the "KINGdom"
whereby ALL (from the Latin "om")
may be sovereign "KING" ("Keys
to the INternalization
of God-Love
conscience). The "Mind of G.O.D."
will center and connect our individual and collective conscience in the
frequency of holy compassion.
It's that simply basically. Selfless service of the REAL "servant leaders" (representatives) serve or otherwise represent the highest virtues of a God of Love. Conversely, the self-serving selfishness -- that values things more than people and power more than principal -- forgets what for-giving means. The love of lesser power is for-getting. It "for~gets" (clueless) with materialistic values that subvert spiritual virtues.
love rules,
there is no will to power.
And where power
predominates, there love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."
- Carl Gustav Jung, Father of Modern
All the assaults on the U.S.
Constitution we see today are symptoms of this same cause and core problem.
Common Sense today -- as sparked the American Revolution and Declaration of
Independence -- would address this global issue… that the resurrection of the
Constitution of Freedom and Opportunity follows -- at heart -- the resurrection
of the power in greater that
is for-giving
…the holy Spirit of
defines, refines, combines and shines
our individual and collective attention
with pure intention for greater
at the heart of the interactive
as could culture civility and civilization
with Higher Conscience and Real Community.
can't legislate morality or otherwise enforce love with the letter of the human
law that kills the spirit of divine Rights. As long as 90% of man's law --
represented through scarcity economics -- emphasizes ownership and control of
things and people, the Living Spirit of God's Law of LOVE-in-action
will be inadvertently compromised, denied and outright betrayed. The best we can
do is to create an environment in which the holy Spirit of greater
will survive and thrive… the InnerNet
at the heart of the global Internet.
This is the CHOICE that enlightened Netizens worldwide take seriously. This is the INTENT for personal/collective SOVEREIGNTY that inspired Founders of the United States took seriously. This is the MOVEMENT to finish worldwide (globally) what US Founders began in America (locally).
It's time to think globally while acting locally - resurrecting those first principles of personal, national and planetary sovereignty that "make it so".
The Constitution of
global Netizens -- an idea that has found it's time.
"More powerful than standing armies
is an idea that has found its time."
- Victor Hugo
May it begin with US
– United
Sovereigns in
the United
State of
PS - There
will always be those who love things more than people, privilege more than "1st
principles", personal profit more than what is truly best for ALL. There
will always be those who confuse the love of power with the power of love,
lacking the DISCERNMENT or intent to transcend lesser loves that are
self-serving, egocentric and self-sabotaging in an ALL-connected world.
In other words. the poor in Spirit will always be with us. It is the
response ability
of those who "get it" -- the business of
evolution -- who are ultimately
response able
(responsible) for upholding the
Spirit that Matters in the matter spheres of influence shaping our personal
and planetary sovereignty.
The bottom line is thus the "top line" that began this "overview". As above, so
below. Greater is
what greater
A Living God of
the Common Sense of Spirituality at the heart of ALL Religions -- is alive and
well in the hearts and minds of those who "make it so". So do what the poor in
Spirit are not able or willing to do. Become a priceless asset to the "A-Team"
-- self-Actualized
Activists for
the Accelerated
Ascent of
Claim the Victory of
Sovereign Freedom.
Care enough to share with those you Love. Network
freely for the
holistic health of Self and Civilization. What goes around, comes around for
spiritual health (greater Love), mental health (higher conscience), holistic
"physical" health (that follows from spiritual and mental health) and financial
health -- The Abundant Life -- that is naturally grounded with spiritual, mental
and physical
On Earth as in Heaven.
All Ways Victory When We
- CR
“Work is love made visible.”- Kahlil Gibran
"When I
despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and
love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time
they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS."
-- Mahatma Gandhi
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for Accelerated
locally-independently. Act globally-interdependently)
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“The cause of America is in
a great measure the cause of all mankind.
…We have it in our power to begin the world over again."
- Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776
All Rights Well-Rounded
the heart
& mind
High Touch
of High Tech
With a Higher Understanding of
Defining, Refining, Combining and Shining
Our God-given Gifts and Talents via
Net Standards
For a New Economy based on
LOVE-centric Net Worth.
the "Law of the Angles of G.O.D." (Geometry Of Divinity)
That frames the "Language of the Angels of LOVE" (Spirit of the Law)
- Positioning
E-Valuation Criteria --
HEARTware -- along more Enlightened Lines
- Networking
Vision of Spiritual
Virtues for the
Victory of Global and Local Civility
- Framing Personalized
Gateways from Cyberspace to Innerspace with HEARTware
- Centering & Connecting a Higher Standard of
at the Heart of Net Worth
- Involving & Evolving
Spherical~Spiritual "high
touch" TeLeComputing with a Heart
Seize the Vision (L),
Embrace the Virtue (O),
Make the Vow (V)
and Claim the Victory (E)
love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul,
and your Netizen neighbor in our Global Village as thyself.