Thanks for your interest in

 Here's your free report on 9 megatrends shaping
global freedom and opportunity in 2012:

#1 – The Thrive Movement Has Reached Global Momentum Stage
         - People worldwide ‘take heart’ as they ‘Occupy Thrive’.

 #2 –
Interest in Personal Growth; Conscious Evolution on the Rise
         - The Currency of Conscience is culturing the Next Economy.

#3 – Instant-Everywhere-Interactive Internet Ordains TLC Liberation
        - Social Conscience, social networks and upgrade of core freedoms.

#4 Cosmic Events Are Triggering Accelerated Evolution on Earth
        - 2012 surge in the ‘Source Field’:  the ‘Force’ (Source) is with us.
#5 --
Breakthrough Internet Capability for Free Universal Self Care
        - This is how well-informed choice empowers ‘Own Your Own Health’.
#6 – The More That Freedom is Denied, the More It Is Demanded
        - Decentralized Conscience neutralizes centralized corruption.

#7 – The United Sovereigns of Earth forge the ALLIANCE of ‘US’
        - Keepers of the Frequency of love-in-action claim sovereignty.

#8 – The Movement towards WholEness Is Our Divine Destiny
        - Fearless FAITH in Higher Power is now a definitive CHOICE.

#9 – The Aquarian Dispensation Is Initiated by 2012 Revelations
        - Establishing a worldwide FOUNDATION for universal


Catch the Wave - the 'Big Shift'
and ride it 'HOME'.

"Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides,
 but when he can harness the
 power of love,
 then for the second time in the history of the world,
 man will have discovered fire."
~ Teihard de Chardin