The Rise, Fall and Re-Ascent of America
by Christopher Rudy,
UltraMedics Services
Following are two powerful videos
to demonstrate what I mean.
The 1st video
represents 'the illusion' portrayed on TV
in a glamorous, romantic Hollywood-scripted 'drama'
- centered in a national TV corporate media newsroom -
that scratches the surface of
media matrix consolidation
as serves to program our minds and consumption habits.
This 1st
video is a Home Box Office TV clip going viral on the
Internet with a rare ‘truth moment’ in corporate media:
most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER"
This new HBO
series, The Newsroom, explains why America
is "Not
the Greatest Country Any Longer... But It Can Be".
If you don't have HBO but have a high speed Internet connection,
the entire one hour HBO premier of 'The Newsroom'
can be seen
This 1st video is a form of mainstream media 'make believe' that
puts an entertaining spin on the corporate mind control matrix
that is scripted by media minions of 'The
the collusion of Big Business with Big Government
which is responsible for both the rise and fall of America,
rising to a corrupt level of self-destructive incompetence
which has betrayed the pure intention of public consent.
The enlightened among us understand that the 'Family of Man'
in our 'Global Village' is now going through the same process
that gave birth to the United States of America in service to the
purpose of life and liberty by and for what is now ALL people.
Or as the voice of freedom wrote in the most successful
treatise in history that sparked the American Revolution...
"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.
We have it in our power to begin the world over again."
~ Thomas Paine, Common Sense
The 're-ascent' of America is ordained for this time, and
this process
will naturally define, refine, combine and shine our gifts and
with the global instant-everywhere and interactive communication
capabilities that represents what is best for all, not just the 1%.
America has changed dramatically from a nation where
95% of Americans were independent farmers, shopkeepers or
craftsman who were largely free from government restrictions,
but motivated by high individual moral standards of true honor.
Most Americans are now 'footsoldiers' in the new corporatocracy,
taking their orders from giant combinations of government and
corporate powers at home or abroad. Core social, political and
economic institutions are now "privatized" (virtually monopolized)
by giant concentrations of wealth and power
which have bought off
the legislative process, infiltrated
government regulatory agencies,
and influenced the Supreme Court to OK the buying of elections
with unlimited corporate funding for control over public policy.
The 2nd video addresses the coming end of
the 'illusory world' as we have known it.
"The most honest intro to what's coming
that lightworkers can grasp."
~ Christos Lightweaver
This is NOT a
slick production for the boob-tube masses.
This is
NOT for those who can't wrap their heads around
crop circles or the crop circle creators giving us 'hints'.
for those who want the Truth, the Whole Truth,
and nothing but the Truth, so help us Creator, Source,
Higher Power, I Am Presence, All That Is Real, or
however you know God.
Take Heart! Cosmic has been winning from the beginning with
pure intention, focused attention, love retention and conscious
in the soul's dimension of
eternal progression
with the 'Ascension Codes'.
the Vision, Embrace the Virtue, Commit with Valor and
You are among a select Group of souls
who won the lottery to be here, on this planet, at this time!
The prize not only ensures you a front row seat but also the
unique opportunity to co-create the future of the human race.
This is a time to remember.”
~ Dr. Christine Page, Author of ‘2012