Quantum Shift
Heartcom Network
April 2014
'Cardinal Grand Cross' is blazing, and
"The Force" (quantum
is with 'US'.
world is a struggle for souls of Conscience
and this
struggle is reaching an April climax that
has major repercussions for 2014 and beyond.
by Christopher Rudy, Host of Cosmic Love 3-30-2014 / New Moon
Quantum science regarding the 'quantum
field' |
is standing precariously on the edge of its destiny.
It will either rise to a paradigm change or experience decline
and possible destruction. This is an unavoidable confrontation.
The options will be presented and the choices will be made.
- from Jesus Speaks - Love Without End by Glenda Green
Something big
is happening now, through April 23/24,
and with a major impact the rest of this year of 2014.
explain how this is happening in the 'quantum field'
of a space-time continuum that we each call 'reality',
but first, consider how the creation of our Net reality
represents the future of our personal and planetary
conscious evolution.
Net reality is what we make it; "The
Web We All Want".
"Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does
to the web, he does to himself."
Chief Seattle, Native American
“quantum physicist”
(nature's 'web' as ‘The
Quantum Field’)
The understanding of quantum reality as a
'web of energy'
may be an abstract concept for many of us, but what we
see on the world stage now is a clear 3-D representation
of 4-D reality (real-time) with a surge in 5-D
that is peaking, as I'll explain, in April, throughout 2014.
As you read this surge explanation
(below) keep in mind
the portents for major social, political and economic shift,
and consider the potential for the 'Next Economy' in this
following 15 minute video, published on March 13, 2014.
This video explains the desperate measures of the 'banksters' and
their collusion with big business and big government in an attempt
to plunder Ukraine, threatening war, as explained
As you
will note from this video, the U.S. economy may
soon be 'reset', like the Net, for a wholly new worldwide
evolution in business - the business of evolution -
defining, refining and 'shining' the Next Economy for our
new 'global village' of 'US',
Sovereigns of Earth.
Understanding the April 23/24 'Quantum Field'
the quantum field, we are in the universe and the universe is in us.
The astrology,
psychology and spirituality coordinates that frame
The 'kingdom of
heaven' is indeed 'within us',
Over the decades, I've taught dozens of basic
and advanced astrology workshops, and personally consulted hundreds
of clients
There are no secular solutions to human
Spiritually, we
may know that universal-cosmic
As for the April astrology in the chart above...
For those who
sincerely want to understand the 'cosmic portents' catalyzing global
and personal conscious evolution in 2014, I highly recommend the
following video, made this week, by the best astrologer I've
found for a simple explanation of what it means:
This video by Tom Kaypacha Lescher is an excellent explanation of the "deep space energies" (12 constellation 'signs') and resonance, the blending of energies with planets in these signs. This is a good orientation to basic astrology and with specific reference to the Cardinal Grand Cross 'testing' at this time. "This is a test to see if your mission on Earth is over.
Intensity is building, as
Kaypacha explains, at "warp speed" though April
20-24 when the Grand Cross is strongest... intensifying a global
process of waking up with consciousness of HOW we are conscious,
individually and collectively... "faster and faster,
peddle to the metal", etc. Kaypacha will be my guest on Cosmic Love April 5th. If interested, I'll provide a one hour consultation of your personal astrology, your chart and 2014 transits, as relates to the Grand Cross 'testing' that Kaypacha explains in the video above. Consider this your own personal 'quantum window' into Cosmic Love.
E-mail to
CosmicLove@mcn.net for
can ignore reality but you cannot ignore |
"We must give up the life we planned in
order to
have the life that is waiting for us."
~ Joseph Campbell
Note: This is an intense stressful time for everyone's immune system.
The 'Super-Immunity
Combo' is on sale for a limited time.
If you haven't tried it, now would be a good time! ~ CR