Andrew Bartzis on Cosmic Love

Sat. March 9th: 5pm PST / 8pm EST
To listen to the archived show, CLICK HERE.

Andrew is host of two radio talk shows: rEVOLUTION Radio (YouTube) and Wolf Spirit Radio. He's on the air LIVE an average of two hours a day during the work week... and he has an extraordinary gift.

Just as a medical intuitive can tune into what's going on in your body, Andrew is a highly intuitive reader of the Akashic Records while in a conscious state... and he has a good explanation of how he does this and what that really means.

Ever wonder about the eternal progression of the soul?  Or how conscious evolution proceeds according to cosmic-universal laws?

Is it true that every soul is born at a specific time in a specific body, family and community  for the specific purpose ordained for soul experience and growth?

Would you agree that this is the purpose and plan that Masters, Avatars and Cosmic Hosts of Heaven serve?

Andrew Bartzis is a modern day 'dream-time seer' or 'intuitive' with the same message that gifted shaman have had in native cultures throughout history.


Andrew has 'remote viewed' the many unique dynamics governing
the conscious evolution of humanity at this extraordinary time
beyond time as we have known it. This is a good time to
'remember the path home'.

The whole point of conscious evolution is enlightenment
 whereby we KNOW better and DO better to
BE better.

Enjoy the Show!

~ Christopher Rudy, Host of Cosmic Love

To listen to the live show for free, go to BBS Radio's 'Station One' button HERE,
and then click on the audio player used by your computer. 

To listen to archived shows, CLICK HERE.

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