the beginning, God geometrized."
~ Ancient Hermetic Wisdom framing
"The Law of the Angles of G.O.D."
(Geometric Ordered Divinity)
"In the end, we
become what we geometrize."
~ Modern Heartware
culturing the
"Language of the Angels of Love".
(our better nature)
Introduction to the 1st principles of
"To understand the nature of God, it
is necessary only to know
the nature of love itself. To truly know love is to know and
understand God; and to know God is to understand love."
Dr. David R. Hawkins, "The
Eye of the I"
(pg. 88)
This Capstone Conscience
is dedicated to the
One Eye
Articles since 2000 on the "Emerging Blueprint"
can be read at:
Articles in 2011-2013 The Emerging Blueprint For A Golden Age is being "syndicated" -- person-to-person and network to network -- by those who care to do so. Please forward to your friends, e-mail list, blog or social networks for the purpose intended - the emerging blueprint for a golden age. (The name and "flame" are the same) Shift happens J
Net reality with our instant-everywhere and interactive Internet
connection Granted, most people have change blindness, a proven psychological phenomena which this short video link makes self-evident. In the larger scheme of conscious evolution, most people are blind to the big changes in our solar system and galaxy.They don’t realize how the shift in energies and our consciousness is accelerating with the surge in the Source Field now, the culmination of five 5,125-year cycles in the "Great Cycle" (precession of the equinoxes). Those dates, given to the Mayans almost 26 centuries ago, speak of this time when our solar system spirals into the Galactic Plane of the Milky Way, a unique alignment with billions of star systems centered by the Great Central Sun at the heart of our galaxy. This is not a 'battlefield' – it’s a unified field as a more enlightened Consciencethat has previously existed beyond our limited sense of prevailing awareness. The pure intention of this new currency of Conscience is to pay attention for evolutionary ascension -- conscious evolution of a more enlightened nature. Prepare the field
ready for love when it does come. there is a field, and l'll meet you there.” ~ Rumi, the poet of love This new dimensional shift will translate to different unified field experiences for different souls, but it has certain initiations or “testings” that will be common to all souls. The business of evolution is about to take a quantum leap with a new currency of Conscience at the heart of the Next Economy, the evolution of business as we have known it .
is getting charged with a “light” that is Mass awakening changes everything. There’s no going back to conscience-challenged support of institutionalized ignorance and the organized greed that profits from war and disease. That’s insanely retro. Who with a well-rounded conscience would want that! We have a choice now. That choice was gifted in 2011 if you were paying attention. If you haven’t unwrapped that gift yet, pay intention with pure intention. As the accelerated synchronicity time shift goes mainstream, there will be no security without purity, the pure intention of, by and for ALL of us – an unprecedented win/win that has one singular characteristic: Linking the light of global Netizens – world citizens -- in a new ALL-connected instant-everywhere and interactive "InnerNet" at the heart of cultural DNA, a wholly new web of light changing the holographic fabric of space-time and our consciousness. Those who don't connect the dots to the big picture of the Big Shift -- the majority with change blindness -- will not see the natural progression of the computer/Internet revolution to the InnerNet rEVOLUTION in higher Conscience until it goes mainstream in our social networks. For them, it will be like trying to understand someone's explanation of the Internet before the Internet.
In this case, the dynamics of conscious evolution are Enlightened souls understand that there is no good reason for self-destruction of global civility. A civilization that continues to create and manage war and disease for profit – while expecting different results -- is suffering from collective insanity. But that too shall pass... and SOON.
Collective sanity and mass healing is
our divine destiny. Those who are conscientious in their pure intention to pay attention to the future ordained for this unprecedented time will be empowered to make a difference with the power of choice... to help establish the emerging blueprint for a golden age.
The greatest power we have is in optimal free-will choice. The gifting of Christ-like mass awakening is for giving, not for getting.
As our Solar
System moves into this new Field of the Galactic Plane, a
cosmic intelligence of a Higher Power is matriculating the matrix of energies
for conscious awakening to the full portents of Cosmic
In the Unified Source Field of Creation, fractal nature of our DNA with the 'G.O.D.' code – the Source code to “Geometrically Ordered Divinity” (fractal laws framing Nature)
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
holographic universe is all-connected with
the mind of Source - the Source Field - and the power of Love, the force field that creates divine order in the universe. The better one understands 'Source Code' framing the holographic blueprint for 2012, the greater the results. Science has revealed that 90% of what was once called “junk DNA” is actually like tuning fork transceivers that receive subtle energies from cosmos which resonate into the DNA blueprint of the whole body.
The DNA is the blueprint for every cell of the body, The evolution of life and consciousness on Earth has naturally evolved with the resonant frequencies of cosmic intelligence as can be well understood in the series of short YouTube videos -- a profound lecture --beginning with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEyZFbkvJjw . God has methods:)
As the Source Field surges divine light in 2012, A global powershift is in process - see Powershift Chart. From moment-to-moment, what goes around, comes around in the "Circle of Wholeness", and a new momentum of power is shifting from the outer sense we see corrupted (guilty as hell) to an inner sense that is innocent. A spiral of upward-mobile Conscience is consequently putting a clockwise spin on things, neutralizing the bad spin that betrays our best interests. "Conceive it and believe it
to achieve it." The Big Shift movement can be seen
in thousands of social networks expressing a love of
core Constitutional
freedoms. Love of the Constitution is, at heart, 'The
Constitution of Conscience', i.e., the constitution
of universal There is no stopping
the inexorable
side-effects of a new Net reality,
"This we know. The earth does not
belong to man; man belongs to the earth ...
Like it or not, an accelerated rate
of change is the natural consequence of the instant-everywhere and interactive
Internet. Quantum reality is rebooting mechanistic physics. Energy healing of a
subtle nature is replacing mechanistic medicine of a brutal nature. Cosmic
energies are morphing Earth's grids. Our DNA and collective consciousness is shifting
along with tectonic plates. Knowledge power has gone exponential, far exceeding
institutional catch-up. Indeed, a new COMMON SENSE is matriculating the matrix of
Net reality for global Netizens. This rEVOLUTION -- emphasizing 90% of the
word -- is defining, refining and shining a New Enlightenment in our
BEING and world. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." ~ Chief Seattle The Family of Man has the potential to reboot our humanity as a global village. This is a huge challenge to entrenched dogma and hardwired corruption in status quo institutions. But with personal survival now inextricably connected to planetary issues, global enlightenment is no longer an option; it's an obligation. With our new interactive Net reality, we're all connected and response able as never before in modern history. The native wisdom of Chief Seattle was never more prescient for mind men among mankind: "Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
genesis of web 3.0
is the genesis of worldwide love
higher the concept of |
Continued at:
Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age
Background Bio:
Personal Initiation of the Blueprint:
It began with
a compelling mystical vision
that led me on a path which unveiled
a Higher Power behind miracles:
Speaking Truth to Power on Capitol Hill:
When I
addressed ten agencies of
federal government on Capitol Hill,
the response was enlightening,
at least for me:
as the cyberEthics blueprint for the
"United Sovereigns" (U.S.) of Earth:
۞ www.heartcom.org/Heartware.htm
'Future Vision'
۞ Claiming the Victory of All Time 'In Time':
۞ The Worldwide Foundation
۞ The Legacy Project
CopyRound ©
Worldwide Foundation
All “Rights” ()
Well “Rounded” (
& “Synergized” (
with the healthy, holistic and otherwise holy “whole”
in all five
archetypal dimensions of
"In the beginning, God geometrized."
~ Ancient Hermetic Wisdom
"In the end, we become what we geometrize."
To love with all your mind ~ ,
of a
and all your
heart ~ , right-brain
intuition of a nonlinear nature,
and all your strength ~ , balanced
brain of a synergy nature,
and your Netizen neighbor ~